56 Feeling Guilty

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 56

Days passed and everybody seemed to get comfortable with Mei around. It has been concluded that she's really a mushroom popping wherever they are.

Mei also has refrain being clingy with Erika all of a sudden and became closer to Andy instead.

Well, everyone seemed not to notice it or gave mind about it except Donna.

Nothing really seemed to pass unnoticed with Donna through her knowing eyes. Hahaha


Erika's Apartment

"What now?" Erika asked Mei with helpless expression.

"I think the plan isn't effective." She added.

Mei didn't react. She just stood by the balcony with arms crossed watching the night sky.

"Should I do it? Confessing?" Erika asked again while rolling on her bed.

"Isn't your exam approaching?" Mei finally spoke.

"How about studying first then worry about confessing after?"

"Ugh, right."

Erika dragged herself to her study table and started to scan her notes.

Mei turned and watched her cousin with guilty eyes and burdened expression.

"I still have things to do. I'm off." She bid, hailed a taxi and found herself entering a disco bar.

The place was noisy as it should be. She sat in the counter and settled for hard liquor. She started to laugh by herself as the alcohol kicked in and not long she started to get dizzy too.

Who knows how many shots she had; maybe the bartender knows but that was what she wanted all along; to get drunk.

She wanted to drown herself to alcohol and temporarily forget her worries. She even stumbled as she made her way to the dance floor. She danced like crazy and… seductively.

She's damned sexy anyways.

She can also feel those lustful eyes around her and even the crowd of men starting to surround her and even the occasional groping of her ass.


But even so, she didn't care she even teased them and lead them on.

After awhile, she went back to the counter for another shots. Her vision started to get blurry by then and men started to hit on her.

She just laughed at her state and scanned her phone then called someone.


Andy was panting as she entered the disco bar. She searched her gaze around and found Mei by the counter being held by a man.

She rashly approached them.

"Mei," she called.

Mei turned and her face lit up. She brushed off the man holding her and threw herself to Andy.

Looking at the onlookers, Andy hardened her expression.

"She's with me," then got out of establishment.


Mei woke up in an unfamiliar surroundings. Her head throbbed and found herself wearing an oversized tee and with her lingeries still hers.

She got out of the room cautiously and found Andy by the kitchen. Right, she now remember calling the girl last night.

"Good morning?" She greeted.

"Good morning." Andy greeted back while stirring whatever she's cooking.

"Thanks." Mei shyly said as she helped herself to get some water.

Andy just smiled and nodded.

Mei moved closer to Andy and took a peek at what she's cooking.

"It smells good." She complimented.

Andy plated a portion for her to taste.

"How was it?" Andy asked as Mei tasted it.

"It's good."

"I think you would make a really good wife."

Andy paused for a second as she remembered something.

That was exactly the words Erika said last time to her that made her teased the girl.

'I think you would make a really good wife.'

'Would you take me then?'

A smile curved in her mouth as she reminisce it.

Glancing at Mei in her side, "Thanks," then she smiled.

Her smile never faded the entire time then. It's like Erika filled her thoughts. Like she's the first and last thought of her every day and every moment in between.