Chapter 198 - Recipe One: 1

"Dear viewers, because the blueberry season is in full swing, today I will give you a recipe for a delicious blueberry cake that my grandma used to make. The recipe is from my family, so although I studied at a cooking school, the amount of ingredients will not be given precisely. But you already know that cooking and baking is not an exact science, but a kind of art and, above all, having fun! In my kitchen I always say 'no' to all scales. So let's get started! "

Andrzej Nowicki could not take his eyes off of Dominik Śliwiński standing behind the kitchen counter in the recording studio. They did not see each other for a week, when Andrzej was in Rome in his photos and a small promotional event, but Nowicki already missed his sweet man so much that he had the impression that his heart would pop out of his chest, and something else out of his pants.

Andrzej wanted to worship God and curse what the world stands on, he wanted so much to embrace Dominik at that moment, cuddle him in his arms, kiss him warmly, and then ... The young actor, however, was at work and Nowicki had to calm down and look at this little perfection like Dominik Śliwiński, from a distance.

Because, in fact, Śliwiński was perfectly beautiful. He was short and slender, but not skinny, and his muscle knots showed beneath the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt. Dominik always took care of his physical condition, and although he had serious health problems almost a year ago, now he was teeming with life and energy again. His positive, warm and joyful attitude was reflected in his absolutely most beautiful smile in the world and in his eyes that shone like two aquamarine jewels.

When Andrzej met Dominik for the first time, the actor's hazel hair was a bit too long, but it gave him an unusual, elven charm. Now, for his role in a Hollywood production, the actor has cut his hair significantly, but the bangs still fell unruly over his eyes, giving him an absolutely charming boyish charm. Although Śliwiński was already twenty-five, some could easily mistake him for a teenager.

Dominik was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful men in the world and the most charming. The best proof of this were the views of the team gathered on the set. Andrzej is used to all women sighing at Dominik, but he bit his lower lip with dissatisfaction when he realized that even men are not looking at Śliwiński in the way a guy should look at a guy. Most of them probably didn't have any dirty thoughts, yet Nowicki felt unpleasant. Dominik Śliwiński could not cheat on him with any woman, but who knows if he will not succumb to a man's spell one day?

It's not that Andrzej did not trust his faithfulness. He knew that Dominik loved him with all his heart, but he also knew that there are different people in the world and there are different situations, and one day it may happen that a beautiful actor will meet someone new, more interesting than Andrzej and will succumb to the temptation of a new adventure, or even new love. It would be simply unbearable for Nowicki.

Andrzej was not gay. Even now, he didn't think of himself as gay. He had many experiences with women and was never interested in men until Dominik Śliwiński appeared in his life. Or maybe it was he who appeared in Dominik's life? Even before they met face to face, Nowicki, as paparazzi, discovered that a handsome actor of the young generation had an affair with a man - his manager in particular. The discovery shocked the photographer, and he was even more shocked by the expression on his face that Śliwiński had while having sex. Andrzej was never able to forget that wonderfully ecstatic, even inspired face. It was engraved in his heart and memory so deeply that no winds and sands of time would wipe it out.

How Dominik and Andrzej met and how their relationship developed has already become a legend among people who knew about their relationship. There weren't many of them, but they all supported them, saying they were a wonderfully matched couple.

Despite the fact that Nowicki had been sleeping with a man for many months and even proposed to him and made an oath, he still did not consider himself gay. Rather bi. Andrzej had seen a lot of men in his life and had the opportunity to have sexual intercourse with them, but he had never felt any sexual attraction to any of them. Only to Dominik. Meanwhile, he was still excited at the sight of women. They were still a temptation for him, though only temporary. Always Dominik appeared almost immediately before his eyes, and the temptation faded right away.

Dominik, on the contrary, was never interested in women and was associated only with men. His partners weren't numerous, but they always had penises. Whether Śliwiński was born like this, or was he shaped by his manager, who seduced a very young actor and kept him under his constant supervision for seven years, they will probably never know. Nobody really cared about it either. Dominik preferred men, it was a fact and no one could change it. The actor himself did not even want it. He has always accepted his sexuality, and when he fell in love with a new man, he boldly reached for him and completely seduced him.

The seduced man now watched as his beloved Dominic, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up and a pale blue apron, lifted up a transparent bowl containing blueberries.

"Look how beautiful blueberries are this year!" the actor said enthusiastically and the camera zoomed in on a rather large, for this species, navy blue fruit. "Unfortunately, I wasn't collecting them myself. We will need a liter of blueberries, also known as forest berries. For those who are watching us abroad, I am giving the botanical name Vaccinium myrtillus. See if you also have these fruits. Perhaps you know them under a different name. They are very similar to the highbush blueberry, otherwise American blueberry or Vaccinium corymbosum, but I must admit that I have never tried baking this blueberry cake with them, so I do not know if they will be a good substitute. American blueberry is larger and has a harder skin, so the effect will definitely be slightly different. If you decide to do this experiment, be sure to let us know in the comments what the effect was."

Andrzej, in admiration and disbelief, almost gave him a kiss. What the young actor said was not very interesting, but the way he said it! His voice was natural and warm, full of serenity and joy, but hearing him made it hard to control a stronger heartbeat. Dominik was seducing so much that all the assistants had difficulty controlling their squeaks. Nowicki already knew that after the broadcast of the program in every other house where there was a woman, the madness of baking a blueberry pie would begin.

"The berries, of course, have already been washed," Dominik continued, and now his tone had become a little informative, drawing all the attention to him. "Whether it's fruit from the forest or from the garden, we never know what animals have come into contact with them and what bacteria have left on them. Better not to risk and wash the berries. Do it well in advance to let it dry. Thank you very much to my assistant for taking care of it for me."

A young girl almost started to dance with joy and her friends also had difficulty controlling themselves. Andrzej decided that she was the one, who had the honor of preparing fruit for the Śliwiński program.

The effect Dominik had was amazing. His beauty and warmth emanated directly on every person in the studio and in front of the TV set, and Andrzej had to say to himself for the ten thousandth time that he was extremely lucky to have met this guy.

"Okay, now that we've got the dry fruit ready, let's take care of the dough itself. You can see the list of ingredients on the screen. You will also be able to download it from our social account. Don't forget to like our post if you like it of course."

Will he like it? What a question?! The first episode sold so well that it broke the viewership record!