Chapter 197 - The Last

Marek Marczak closed his burning eyes and rubbed his eyelids with his fingers. He hasn't been sleeping very well lately. Dominik's loss was quite a blow to his agency, definitely not fatal, but serious enough to hurt. Kwieciński was right to say that he could use someone to replace Śliwiński. The void that had arisen had to be filled, unfortunately there was no one. Neither from the street nor from any film school any talent came in to dazzle him and make him look forward to the future. If it will continue, there will be trouble.

Marczak knew that he was not the only one to have such problems. The market was dominated by the old guard, not even giving the young people a chance to show themselves. Marek was sure viewers would love to see someone fresh, but the writers didn't try hard to create scripts that would open the way for them. Even this youth series in which Iwo was supposed to play, was suspended for some reason. Apparently, there was an argument over money.

In fact, the fate of his agency was not so important to Marek that they would keep him awake at night. Rather, they were a distraction from the real problem. For some inexplicable reason, he felt lonely for the first time in his life.

Dominik has been with him for the past seven years. Not only him. At every call, Marczak could have - and had - anyone whenever he wanted to. He was not refused by anyone he invited. Andrzej Nowicki was the first. Unable to have either of these two, Marek found Iwo for himself. His tragic fate shocked him more than he would like to admit, and since his death, he did not want any casual acquaintances, and he ended the pursuit of Dominik and Andrzej himself. Somehow the desire for chasing these bunnies left him.

He hoped that something would change when he found Mężyński's murderer and punish him as he saw fit. Maybe something has changed, but not for the better. He felt no satisfaction. His disgust and anger even increased. He wondered if the punishment he had applied was too small? Maybe he should train it well and sell it to Asia as a sex toy? Or maybe, after training, he should hand it over to the police so that it turns into a toy behind the bars of the cell? The idea was worth considering.

"Mr. Chairman, you have a visitor," Miss Shmidt looked into his office. "Mr. Bruno Kwieciński."

He had to admit to himself that he felt surprised. Kwieciński? What is this for? He absolutely did not expect to see this actor in his office again one day - not after what he had told him recently, but here you are, what a surprise. What could he want from him? To grumble again?

Whatever it was, it was some kind of entertainment for Marczak. Perhaps he could have a relatively lively conversation again, though he shouldn't be getting too much hope. Kwieciński did not seem brilliant.

"Let him in," he ordered.

Kwieciński entered with a shy boyish smile on his face. It suited him. It was different from the one on the screen. He showed Marczak a face that he did not know. Marek narrowed his eyes slightly. From poverty he could be.

As his lover? His actor? Both? None?

"I wanted to thank you, Mr. Marczak" Kwieciński said at the beginning. He seemed pleased.

"Me? For what?" The manager was genuinely surprised and did not try to hide it.

"For your advice. It turned out to be… very effective."

Marek smiled crookedly. So that was it?

"Yes of course. After all, I know this business not from today" he said arrogantly.

"Until now, I also thought I knew him. However, it turned out to be more complicated. Nevertheless, thanks to you, I managed to get through a very unpleasant situation. I am very grateful to you. After all, you didn't have to help me."

"Somehow it turned out. I like showing off my skills."

"Yes, I noticed," Kwieciński laughed. "I have to admit, they are not overrated by even a millimeter."

"Oh, words of appreciation?"

"I thought a lot about our last conversation. It didn't go as planned. You dominated her completely and I made a fool of myself in her. I would like to prove to you that I have something interesting to say after all. So I wonder if you would accept an invitation to dinner. As a thank you for your help, of course."

The boy surprised him once again. Okay, not a boy, a man. An invitation to dinner? As a thank you? Either he is extremely grateful, or he has some additional motive. Hmm, Kwieciński last time has felt like a fool, so he wanted to prove to him that he is not. He may try, but whether it will work out is another matter entirely. Anyway, the proposal sounded interesting.

Marczak looked at his face, trying to read something from it and had to admit that it was attractive. Not as pretty as Dominika, more masculine, rather similar to Andrzej, but not entirely either. It definitely had its own quality. Pleasant, full lips, a sharp nose and eyes that looked at him aggressively as if they wanted to provoke him to something naughty. Very interesting eyes...

That look, that smile, and the invitation to dinner itself were quite a challenge. Kwieciński wanted to face him, thinking that he would win this time.

Of course he was wrong, and proving it to him could be quite fun.

"All right, dinner," he agreed. "Let me just warn you that I will be one hundred percent myself on it, which means that you have no idea what you are writing for."

"I don't know, the rumors about you are quite intriguing."

"These rumors do not even half reflect my character."

"If I had to be scared of this, could I be called a man?"

"What if, at dinner, I think it's worth getting you to my bed?"

"I would take that as a compliment, but I would took your own advice. It has already proven itself once."

"The French had a lot of millions to lose, I didn't."

"A missed chance for profit is a loss. Risking potential millions for one dubious pleasure is not like Marek Marczak."

"Oh, potentially millions, huh?"

"Śliwiński can play in Hollywood, Cannes and Berlin will be mine."

He was confident, arrogant, swashbuckling. This was not what Marek had expected, but that was what was interesting. Bruno Kwieciński approached him knowing his reputation, knowing about his past with Dominik and at the same time trying to play a virtue.

Marczak smiled. The challenge has been thrown. He was looking forward to the course and outcome of the upcoming duel.