Outside kresenberg, a hill depression.

"Brother love, shall we go now and stop waiting for them?"

A waiter asked lov quietly, looking at the direction of the shack area. There was no reluctance and nostalgia in his eyes, only the hope of life in Tami village.

"Don't wait. Every time we stay a little longer, we will be more dangerous. Let's go now. I believe Lord Nord is waiting for our news."

Lov looked at more than 100 people gathered in the hill depression and waved to them to start. Most of these people were relatives and friends of their guys. As for the guys' families, they had been sent to Tami village long ago.

After a winter's torture, the rest of these people have decided to follow them. After all, they can't see the future if they continue to stay in christenberg. It's better to take advantage of this last opportunity to fight for a future.

As for the rest who are still waiting, LOV is not sensitive to thanks. Some things are missed. It's useless to regret in the future.

At the same time, viscount oli, who had just returned to christenburg, had not yet sat hot, so he hurriedly asked steward Barry to report this year's income. Although there were not many commercial taxes in previous winter, the income from the grain store in a few months was also a lot of income. After all, the consumption in TEWIN city was not low.

Another reason is that he comes from a small viscount in a remote area. He doesn't have much industry in twain city. He basically depends on the tax revenue of kresenberg. Due to the reduction of tax revenue of kresenberg in recent years, viscount oli's wool picking behavior is more intense, and there is no bottom line for noble greed.

Barry's housekeeper had a sad face. Obviously, he knew that as long as he took out the winter financial report, viscount oli would be furious when he saw it, because the income of the grain store this winter was at least half less than that in previous years.

Even knowing this, Barry housekeeper dared not hide and obediently dealt the account book with Viscount oli.

Viscount oli's fat body was hard to put into the chair in front of the desk. His short fingers turned over the account book bound by animal skin paper, and his face became more and more ugly.

The anger in his eyes became difficult to suppress, and the housekeeper Barry who stood aside dared not even speak out, for fear that he accidentally lit the huge powder keg.

But obviously, Barry housekeeper was not spared. Viscount Olli threw the ledger on Barry housekeeper's face. The sound of heavy leather paper beating Barry housekeeper's face was very loud, and Barry's right cheek gradually became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The gray haired Butler Barry lowered his head and dared not speak. He had served Viscount oli for most of his life. He understood that any action of his own at this time could stimulate Viscount oli in a state of rage, and silence was his greatest protective color.

"Is the grain store earning so much this year? Are you old-fashioned and wrong, or are those damn Dalits starving to death? Don't they eat grain this year?"

Barry's housekeeper heard Viscount oli's question and knelt down directly. His body shook uncontrollably and replied carefully.

"Give me another courage, I dare not make a mistake. The income of the grain store this year is really only so much. I have carefully checked the account books several times these days, and I haven't sold much grain in the granary. Are some unscrupulous businessmen secretly transporting grain to christenberg for sale? After all, the grain price in christenberg is very high, maybe they will take it in a desperate way Risk. "

Hearing Barry housekeeper's explanation, viscount oli narrowed his eyes. He believed that Barry housekeeper would never dare to deceive himself even if he gave Barry housekeeper a few more courage.

Moreover, there is no shortage of grain in the warehouse, which shows that it is not his internal problem. For his own interests, viscount oli has always been very smart and can calculate the account book clearly.

Is it really that group of bold rats who dare to steal grain on their own territory? I really don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has (I can describe it like this, although it feels strange). Are there too few businessmen hanging at the gate of the market recently? Let them think that master oli has become kind. At the thought of this, there is a fierce light in oli's small eyes.

"Then go and check it for me. I want to know who has the courage to rob meat from my mouth."

Hearing this, Butler Barry breathed a sigh of relief. He was through the difficulties. Now he was eager to know who had poked such a big basket for him. Butler Barry stood up, saluted Viscount oli, covered his face and was ready to find someone to settle accounts.

Lov could not imagine that Viscount Ollie did not find the root of the problem. They thought it was the interests of the kressen family violated by businessmen. They didn't think it was the people who needed to buy food who had left kressenberg.

It's no wonder that if they want to break their scalp, they can't think of it. Unexpectedly, someone will think of those civilians. In the eyes of aristocrats in this era, more civilians will only waste their own food. They naively think that if there are no farmers, all the food growing in the field can be collected.

This is the reason why taxes are so high in this era. 80% of the crops in the field should be used as taxes. They don't care whether the remaining 20% can let the farmers live, or the nobles don't care about their life or death. The lives of the Dalits are no different from the weeds on the roadside.

On the other side, lov, who had set out, returned to Tami village. More than 100 people looked at the new Tami village and couldn't speak. Tami village was very different from what they imagined. They thought Tami village was a dilapidated small mountain village, but fortunately, a kind aristocrat came inexplicably.

Perhaps these attractive treatments are only supported by the noble's wealth. Maybe one day when the noble has no money, Tami village will change back to its original appearance. In fact, these immigrants behind are still a little proud. After all, they live in christenberg, and Tami village is just a remote mountain village.

However, they didn't feel this at all after staying in Tami village for some time. Compared with the dead shack area of kresenberg, Tami village is now a paradise. A little pride in their hearts has long disappeared.

Just like this group of people now, they stood outside Tami village, looked at the neat brick road of Tami village, and then looked at the muddy and dirty shoes under their feet. For a time, they didn't walk on the road of Tami village and didn't know what everyone thought.

Anyway, lov was only amazed. He didn't expect that Tami village had become like this after a winter. The road in Tami village had just been built when he came last time. At that time, he and the guys were still watching, but the road built now is much more spectacular than the mess at that time.

The neat and straight brick road gave him a different shock. He could only see such a scene on the Central Avenue of Twain city. Tami village could also be built, which brought a great sense of subversion and unparalleled impact to lov's heart.