Now Nord has done everything he should do. The soldiers of Nanshan stronghold are adapting to the Bauhinia bow. Tami village is stepping up the training of crossbow soldiers. Nord's troops are ready. As long as Nord gives an order, they can go to war at any time. Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

The east wind of Nord is now preparing for the final evacuation. After returning to the shack area from the market in front of kresenberg, loff immediately informed him that the guys should evacuate immediately today without delay. Since this is the last evacuation, loff has to make some preparations.

First of all, there are businessmen or civilians who have a good relationship with them. Lov doesn't want to involve them because of himself. The city gate fire will affect the fish in the pond. If Viscount oli knew what lov did and when lov has evacuated, the angry Viscount oli will certainly not let go of the people related to lov.

Even lov's guys have some friends who still stay in christenburg and don't go to Tami village, because their living standard is still good compared with those before. At least they have their own industries, at least they don't have to worry about dying in the cold winter.

Although they also heard some gossip about lov, lov did not take the initiative to mention it to them before, because lov knew that they would certainly not give up their career in christenberg and go to the unknown Tami village to fight and wander, so lov focused on the poor who lived in difficulties.

But before leaving this time, Lovey wanted to fight again. This time, he could make it clear to the point. There was no need to hide it. I believe many people will be attracted by the solicitation from a viscount.

Lov risked early exposure and had to fight for them, not only because they had a close relationship with lov, lov could not bear to see them punished by Viscount oli, but also because they were all talents. After all, they could get along well in places like kresenberg, which indirectly explained their own ability.

However, on the premise that lov ensured his own safety, although lov was more righteous, he was not a fool. At noon, after the guys had gathered in the hill outside kresenberg, lov informed his friends to come to the shack area to discuss things.

Because they had just passed the winter, everyone was very busy. When they heard Rove's invitation, they soon came over, mainly because they were very curious about what rove did this time.

In the cottage in lov's shack area, people came one after another. During this period, some people wanted to know in advance why lov came to them, but lov calmed them down and told them to talk to them slowly after waiting for them.

Lov looked around and saw that people had almost arrived. He stopped wasting time and confessed his time directly to them.

"You may have heard of what I've done during this time, but I can tell you clearly now that I'm really working for a viscount. Most of the news you heard before is true. The conditions there are countless times better than those in christenberg. Finally, I want to invite you to go with me. Viscount Nord is a generous nobleman, as long as you have He will not be stingy with a little reward for his ability. "

Lov carefully observed the people's expressions and found that some of them had some thoughts in their hearts. Lov felt that he should make persistent efforts and add a heart shot to their wavering hearts.

"You must also know that there are half of the people in the shack area now. Now Viscount Ollie will certainly not let me go when he comes back. It's hard to say no at that time. If it involves you, I'll give you at most one day to consider. If you want to understand, go to the northernmost Tami village immediately and don't stop. I think you all know the location of Tami village."

Hearing this, some people's faces began to become cloudy and sunny. Obviously, they knew Viscount duooli's angry character. When they couldn't find lov and vent their anger on them, viscount oli couldn't do it.

A small businessman in the kresenberg market asked lov suspiciously, with cunning in his eyes. The question sounded like he had ulterior motives.

"I'm going with you, but I have to prepare for some time. When are you going to leave?"

Lov took a meaningful look at the businessman who asked the question. His heart was separated from his belly. He didn't know what such a businessman thought, but one thing is certain that lov wouldn't be foolish enough to disclose his whereabouts to him. Therefore, he answered the question instead of the answer.

"The pace of war has come and winter is coming (just kidding)"

Some smart people quickly reacted, and their faces suddenly changed. After lov's hint, they also saw the situation. However, a small number of them were still confused and wanted to ask questions, but lov waved to them, took a few guys behind him and quickly walked out of the room.

Out of the door, lov sighed. As a friend, he had done his best, and the rest depended on their lives. Lov turned and looked at the castle in the distance, then turned and disappeared between the shacks crisscrossed by the roads.

After lov left, the house was silent for a long time. No one broke the embarrassing situation, as if everyone were digesting the information just got.

"What are you going to do?"

Finally, a strong middle-aged man broke the silence in the room. He was the captain of a caravan guard, and there were many guards under him. He usually went between castles.

He is different from those mercenaries. The guards eat by word of mouth. He is different from the good and bad people in the mercenaries. Most of his men are honest and honest people.

"I'm going to follow brother rove to have a look. It's inevitable that I won't be involved in staying here anyway. Everyone knows the virtues of viscount Ollie's fat pig. Even if you don't want to follow rove, you can go to other places to avoid the wind first, so as not to be affected by the next war, but if any of you want to report, I can't spare him!"

The captain of the guard looked at the people in the room with a fierce look in his eyes. After all, he was a man who licked blood with a knife. He was still different from these businessmen.

"How can we go to snitch? Brother rove helped us a lot before. How can someone be ungrateful? If I know, I'll be the first to have a hard time with him. Alas, I'd better hide in other castles for a while. Now I don't have the idea of taking risks anymore."

For a time, the crowd in the room was excited, and no one was willing to admit that he was an ungrateful villain. Even with this idea, he was deeply hidden in his heart.

The captain of the guard looked at them with a cold smile, then turned and left the house without paying attention to their guarantee. Now he plans to immediately summon his guards to take a look at Tami village mentioned by lov.

Before, he only knew that Tami village was a remote mountain village in the northernmost mountain area. He didn't know whether it was so good described by lov, but with his understanding of lov, lov wouldn't be aimless.