Wu Chen chuckled and said nothing.

To tell you the truth, I often come to the realm of God now, not only for the sake of cultivation, but also for the sake of learning a lot from such a powerful person as emperor Qianyuan.

Is it not too outrageous to put such a good teacher away from study?

"Since you are in the realm of God, isn't it to help me?"

With a smile, Wu Chen bowed to Emperor Qianyuan: "teacher, please accept apprentice Wu Chen to worship."

However, at the moment when he just knelt down, Emperor Qianyuan cleverly dodged and quietly appeared behind Wu Chen, staring at him with unpredictable eyes.

"Master? I don't have the ability yet. "

Wu Chen was slightly stunned, and immediately saw that the expression of emperor Qianyuan had become a little strange. Is it difficult... This strong man doesn't want to accept himself as an apprentice?

However, he didn't look scornful or perfunctory, but he refused very seriously.

As if seeing Wu Chen's doubts, Emperor Qianyuan explained: "I think heaven and earth are our best teachers. It's the best way to feel the true truth from nature... How can there be any invincible martial arts in this world? If so, how can we die? "

According to the meaning of emperor Qianyuan, it seems that something extraordinary happened in those years, which made them all lose their lives - even emperor yaozun. All the great powers disappeared in a short time. If there was nothing, no one would believe it.

But since he didn't want to say it, Wu Chen was embarrassed to continue to ask.

"Look at your distress, I'll give you a chance."

Then, in the moment when Wu Chen didn't respond, Emperor Qianyuan once again sent him to a strange place.

Wu Chen looked at the scene around him and found that he was standing on a long road surrounded by fire. There was nothing behind him and he couldn't see anything clearly - but the flame in front of him was so exuberant that there was no way to cross the flame and move forward.

However, the voice of emperor Qianyuan echoed in Wu Chen's ear: "this road, known as the road of fire, is a scene of the legendary hell. Of course, there is no difference between here and the real hell. "

"Is this a special training for me?"

Wu Chen nodded clearly in his heart. Looking at the surging fire in front of him, he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Now he is just a soul body. Do you really want to bear this kind of pain?

Thinking of this, he jumped up abruptly, and wanted to cross the path of the fire directly. According to his own jumping ability, he could bear several times of burning in the fire, and probably reach the other side.

However, he didn't think that the reason why emperor Qianyuan let him walk in the path of fire was to improve his strength. How could he be lazy?

As soon as he was ready to lift his breath and jump up, Wu Chen felt an unprecedented pressure coming down from the sky and hitting Wu Chen heavily.

Wu Chen had just jumped a few meters when he was hit by such a heavy blow. Suddenly, he fell into the fire. Basically, the fire on the road of huozhao is really harmful to the soul. Once the soul is not pure enough, it will be burned by this kind of fire.

For Wu Chen, his soul is not so strong, there is no way to bear the flame. In fact, for any person, the soul is their most vulnerable thing.

If it's a collision between souls, it's OK to say, but fire is part of nature. When heaven and earth begin to open, fire comes from heaven. This fire belongs to the force, and it is very powerful to hurt the soul!

"Shit! It's killing me! "

That kind of deep pain, let Wu Chen no way to resist - this kind of soul torture, and the body is completely different.

I don't know where the pain comes from, let alone how to describe it. Wu Chen knows only one thing, that is, the flame really makes him feel very painful, very painful!

"Get up, or you'll die!"

The voice of emperor Qianyuan rang again, which made Wu Chen come out of some confusion.

He looked at the flames around him, gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

After all, they still have to find a way to get out of here. Whether they walk in the fire or forge their souls in the fire, they have to endure this kind of pain.

It's better to leave as soon as possible.

Wu Chen hobbled forward. Just imagine how difficult it is to bear the pain and keep moving forward!

But in order to become more powerful, he only needs to bear these things alone - after all, his great revenge has not been avenged. If he doesn't improve his strength, he will not be able to beat the sacrifice of the Ouyang family, not to mention the elders who can't leave the world?

The wicked in this world wantonly display their atrocities, while the good are constantly suffering. How could the pain in their hearts not be what they are enduring now?

Gradually, however, Wu Chen found that the path of the fire was not as simple as he had imagined - because the color of the fire was constantly changing. Every time he went further, he found that the color of the fire was getting darker and more powerful.

Now Wu Chen, every step forward, is a deep pain, let him suffer!

"This is forging your soul. Although the strength of your soul is very strong, it is not solid. Do you know what I mean?"

Emperor Qianyuan continued: "you have absorbed a lot of strange power, so now you have created your superficial prosperity. At the root, the soul is not solid, and there is no way to make you stronger. Fire can increase the strength of the soul, so don't resist, use your will to overcome it

After listening to each other's explanation, Wu Chen realized the true meaning of emperor Qianyuan.

Indeed, it is impossible for him to let himself die here. The only possibility is to train himself.

As long as the strength of his soul is higher and higher, his future cultivation will be more and more smooth.

The road of fire is not soul, but faith!

Just like a person in the process of long-distance running, some people will be optimistic that there is only so much road left, and pessimistic people will feel that... There are so many ways!

These two completely different mindsets lead to the same ending, just like Wu Chen now.

He has to stick to it!