After settling down the staff, Liu Huimin followed Xiaoya to the conference room.

Several management personnel of the pharmaceutical factory were informed in advance. When they arrived, they were basically here.

For the management, they are basically the most trusted people in Wu Chen's daily life, including Dr. Zhang and others. For them, Wanbao group, a pharmaceutical factory, is also a part of their career, which cannot be abandoned.

Therefore, for things that are conducive to the development of pharmaceutical factories, everyone will basically obey unconditionally, or even seriously implement them.

Sitting in Wu Chen's original position, Liu Huimin's heart was somewhat uneasy. After all, I'm not good at dealing with people on weekdays. My style and even hegemony are all imperceptibly learned from Wu Chen.

Although she was ordered in the face of danger, there must be a person to stand up and command everything with the attitude of the superior. Wu Chen chose herself, so she must finish it seriously.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll make a long story short."

Liu Huimin tapping on the table with her fingers seems to be a subconscious behavior, but it has caused some psychological pressure to people. In addition, she had a serious and cold expression on her pretty face, which made all people dare not take the initiative to look at her.

"We all know the current state of our pharmaceutical factory." Liu Huimin raised her mouth slightly and said with a sneer: "now, everyone is watching our jokes, even waiting for the end of our pharmaceutical factory of Wanbao group. But have you ever thought about why Mr. Wu, who is so serious and responsible, still doesn't show up in this situation? "

All the people present knew a little bit about it. They just heard that Wu Chen had gone to the seaside to recuperate. They didn't know anything else.

"Because he wants those people to look down on us." According to Wu Chen's original words, Liu Huimin said: "the stock market is already in turmoil, but the relevant departments have not come forward to deal with it. Why? Because they dare not! The cause of the matter is up there. "

With that, she pointed to the ceiling and blinked at the crowd: "we are bound to be affected by the chaos in the capital - in particular, we are developing too fast and there are too many people who want to see us decline."

Liu Huimin took out a small stack of reports from her portfolio and sent them to everyone: "look at this. This is the report of our cooperation with the M consortium. We now have two billion yuan, that is to say..."

"As long as we use the money to produce a batch of products, we can let others see that the future of our company is still prosperous! This is our capital and an important prerequisite for us to remain invincible. "

After listening to what Liu Huimin said, people have completely understood what Wu Chen thought.

Before that, they even doubted whether this turmoil could put pharmaceutical companies in jail. But now with the appearance of Liu Huimin, they see hope again

Wu Chen can do so much in just a few months. How can he only have the simple strength in front of him? There must be a backer behind it!

After seeing the money, and it's two billion, everyone is excited.

They are old employees and have the deepest feelings for the pharmaceutical factory; Moreover, when did Wu Chen's products disappoint them?

After putting everything into practice, Liu Huimin went to find Wang alone.

Even though he had a prescription, he had no help from Mr. Wang. You know, Mr. Wang is Wu Chen's teacher. At the beginning, he was able to teach Wu Chen to use medicine puppets, which means that in addition to Wu Chen, only he can solve the problem.

What's more, after a period of time together, Liu Huimin knows the old man's skills well - he is definitely a very powerful pharmacist, not even inferior to Wu Chen.

Mr. Wang is now in the city to teach Wu Ling to cultivate the spirit of heaven. As for Fang Ruoxue, he has already left here, leaving Chunling and Abel Khan in the town.

But to be honest, Cuihua has become the most luxurious and popular restaurant in the city because of its high quality, low price and beautiful environment.

When Wang knew Liu Huimin's intention, he immediately agreed to her request and arranged the production of drugs with her.

After everything is ready, they put Wu Chen's prescription into production. As long as the products are stocked up, they can go directly to the market.

At that time, pharmaceutical companies will be able to ride out the storm.

Besides, because Wu Chen has a ghost in his heart, Wu Chen refuses to go back to the villa with Kai to see some girls.

The Dugu sisters and Qiao Yulan also know Wu Chen's way of doing things, so they simply regard this recuperation which originally belonged to Wu Chen as their trip.

A few people swim at home every day, do beauty, life is quite comfortable.

Because they know that as long as they don't have anything to do with themselves, they can make Wu Chen feel relieved.

At night, Wu Chen meditated in the residence arranged by Yuan Cheng and entered the realm of God again.

However, when he saw the emperor Qianyuan, he found that this Da Neng was sitting by the pond fishing - not so much fishing as drinking wine and looking at the scenery.

Wu Chen is also a person who has read books. Naturally, he knows the story of Jiang Taigong's "those who are willing to take the bait.". But he didn't expect that emperor Qianyuan was fishing here with a fishing rod without bait or hook!

It seems to be a very strange thing.


Emperor Qianyuan didn't look back at him. He just drank wine quietly and smelled the fragrance of flowers in the wind. He seemed relaxed and indifferent.


Wu Chen stood behind the Holy One and saluted respectfully. He was also a powerful man who deserved his respect and admiration.

"You want to be strong." The Holy One brushed the dew on his shoulder and said, "I can feel the burning desire in your heart. You are looking for the way to become a strong man. In other words, as far as you are concerned, I'm the old man. That's all I can do. "

Emperor Qianyuan stood up on his own initiative and looked back at Wu Chen with a smile in his eyes.

"I dare not."

Wu Chen quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at the emperor Qianyuan - even if the strong man was just a ghost, he could realize how powerful he was and how worthy of his respect.

"I'd like to hear your straightforward and ambitious answer, and I don't want to hear that kind of hypocritical kindness. I'm an old man. What else can I do after that? "