Pain and threat of life, so that many people do not hesitate to put down their weapons, kneel on the ground to pray to William, pray that Strauss can let himself go.

As soon as these people kneel down, some of them turn around and try to escape.

Can not run a few steps, you feel the pain of burning, instant doubled.

Even the holy light penetrated through the gap between clothes and armor, and blistered all over.

For a moment, the scene was full of weapons such as swords, spears and shields, which were thrown to the ground.

After all the people gave up their resistance and knelt down to beg for mercy, it was soon found that as long as they knelt down and sincerely repent,

the holy light is no longer the strong light that can burn their bodies, but it can repair their burns a little bit.

This discovery makes some soldiers who beg for mercy but don't care about William in their heart begin to try to pray like William.

On Mount Olympus, Alice, the light elf standing on William's shoulder, listened to Strauss's prayer. After knowing the scene, she turned her mouth up and showed a big smile, flying around in front of William as if asking for credit.

"Alice likes it here. She prefers to be with her host.".

William smiles and shakes his head. "We'll talk about it later.".

Once Alice is brought to the realm of God, the ascetic paladins who stay on earth will feel abandoned if they don't get Alice's response for a long time when praying.

With Alice coming, unicorns, Pegasus and Thunderbirds in the forest near Oxford Castle also have to come to protect her.

William calmed down, thinking like a child. Alice passed the word to hell mountain.

After listening to William's words, Strauss put away the holy light with a smile and said to more than 30 soldiers who were not able to see any injuries all over their bodies,

there were more than a dozen people who cried bitterly and repented, but didn't believe William in their hearts,

"thunder and holy light belong to the power under the crown of Devonshire, which is different from Zeus I want to teach the power of God to us mortals and sinners.

Anyone who believes in him has a chance to learn the magic of the light.

So, take this opportunity, and some of you may become a member of the order of the light.

Thirty or so soldiers who were cured by the Holy Light trembled in surprise, while those who were still burned were numb to the pain.

Zeus ruled Olympus for countless years, but he never thought of spreading magic or other supernatural power to mortals.

Because he and other deities know that, let alone magicians, who can challenge their profession,

human warriors with natural divine power and outstanding combat skills may hurt them, or even besiege and kill them. These gods, in fact, are Titans.

Although William spread the holy light, he was not much different from Zeus.

It not only seriously weakens the power limit of the Holy Light magic, but also only teaches three attack types of light magic at most.

The only difference with Zeus is that if the power of Zeus is 10000 and that of lightning fire is 20000, William's power is 10000 and that of all kinds of treasures, magic and six infinite gems is 1 million.

then, if Zeus is pressing hard to make human beings stronger, and the combat power is always 1, then William has the confidence to make human beings stronger to 2 or even 5 That's the number, and you don't have to worry about threatening yourself.

For the mortals who know the existence of the gods all the time in the Olympian realm, this is to change their fate, and the greatest gift of God's residence to them.

Zeus took ordinary people as lambs, and William regarded them as poor tenants with low wages, let alone tenants who could get paid.

Although they are still exploited, we can at least see that the hope of getting paid is not.

Soon, 46 soldiers knelt down to pray devoutly, and even Palau, the wounded Lord of hell City, put down his desire for money and power, and instantly became William's most loyal group.

After a while, sitting on the throne, William, who had a clear understanding of the power of faith, soon felt that someone had become his own fanatical believer.

After thinking for a few seconds, an idea passed, and a holy light appeared on the man's head out of thin air, which turned into a book composed of holy light and shining.

Then it opens automatically, and the primary knowledge of holy light cultivation is poured into each other's mind like a holy water composed of light.

At the same time, it also left a seed of holy light cultivation in each other's spirit.

No matter whether he is suitable for cultivation or not, forcibly enhance the magic perception ability of that person.

Before long, the lucky man, with a peaceful expression on his face, unconsciously began to automatically absorb the holy light elements floating between the heaven and the earth.

It's easy for people to see the light elements that shine around him.

This time, people who are influenced by the outside world and see this scene are envious to death. At the same time, they are busy gathering up their little thoughts and continuing to pray.And those who didn't pay attention to this scene, under the influence of the holy light coming down from William, have a more peaceful attitude to produce the power of fanatical faith.

Among the 11 people in the second group, William only infused primary cultivation methods and holy light energy into their minds, which also improved their physique, but did not force them to improve their cultivation qualification.

However, he can be sure that these people, no matter how low their aptitude, can at least practice the most basic magic of healing by the holy light.

With this magic, these people can easily become the extraordinary in the eyes of others.

Just like healing and fireball, although it is a level of magic, for ordinary people, people who can save people are always more popular than people who can only destroy.

After waiting for a minute or so, 12 fanatical believers had a preliminary understanding of the primary knowledge of Holy Light magic. They opened their eyes one after another and looked at the Holy Scripture of light suspended in the air with full feeling and worship,

then they followed Strauss kneeling on the ground and read praise to William with ten paladins, silently waiting for the other 35 and praying for the taxi Soldiers.

After waiting for about five minutes, William could feel that the remaining 35 people had become his followers, but they were far from fanatics.

At the same time, I am sure that if I want to get believers, I just need to show the holy light once in a while.

After thinking about it, the Holy Scripture gives out a soft light, and infuses the light energy composed of the holy light into the top of the 35 people's heads to heal their wounds. At the same time, it only improves their physique, which can be regarded as a response and comfort to the first group of believers.

After the light system Scripture was dispelled by William, all the people opened their eyes.

I knew that William's eyes had been withdrawn, and then I felt that his power was stronger.

Of course, not everyone thinks that physical strength is a great gift. At least Palau, the city leader, thinks that it is a shame for him that he can't compare with 12 soldiers who have become apprentice paladins.

However, when Strauss gave them the status of reserve Knights of the order, Palau did not dare to refute it. He even had the idea that he would definitely become a trainee Paladin and a formal Paladin.

Unfortunately, Palau didn't know that, not to mention William and Alice, Strauss, who has lived for more than 80 years, could easily see through his reluctance.

Not to mention William, who has a phobia of trust, has long established a rule in the order of paladins that he has to return to Alice's temple every year to receive the light test.

There is no temple specially built for Alice in this world, but there are more temples for the king of gods.

And William is more interested in his temple than the one he built for Alice.

Who dares to get his advantage, but betrays him in the end, that is not just going to hell, but William is used to destroying the soul of the enemy.