For Strauss, who is over 80 years old, has experienced aging, and then returns to his 50 year old body, as long as he serves William wholeheartedly, he can live longer,

not to mention guarding the temple of the king of gods and spreading faith,

when necessary, he will not hesitate to fight God.

If he can enter Olympus as a follower, he is William's most loyal sword and guardian.

The only thing that bothers Strauss is that Angela, the deputy head of the order appointed by William himself,

or the acting head and actual commander, will fight secretly with Athena and Artemis in the future.

At that time, I will be on Angela's side, who has proved that I am also a princess of the divine realm, and also led the paladins to fight a brilliant battle in Warner Heim?

Or are you on the side of Athena sisters, who seem to have the advantage of number, identity and power?

"The father is up." when he thinks about it, Strauss finds it extremely troublesome.

Holding the saddle of a steed horse led by a paladin, Strauss got rid of his worries and grasped the reins.

looking out more than ten kilometers, he observed the huge wall built between two high mountains at least 20 meters high, nodded back to ten mounted knights, knocked his heel on the stomach of the steed horse, and ran slowly to hell mountain.

With the friendly ability of animals blessed by Artemis, knights with good equestrian skills easily fit in with the horses on Mount Olympus.

More than ten kilometers away, the horses just warm up. They arrive only four meters wide and three meters high, which are specially used to defend the city gate.

The city-state soldiers guarding the city gate didn't take much precautions against Strauss. Just looking at the clothes and horses, they knew that they were elite, even aristocratic.

After all, in the eyes of normal people, no matter how elite 11 people are, it is impossible for them to capture the Chengmen cave, which is defended by 800 people and is tens of meters long inside.

When Strauss was more than ten meters away, they pulled the reins of the horse and stopped. Soon, a leader in iron armor pushed away the civilians waiting to enter the city gate, quickly walked up to Strauss, bowed and asked,

"Dear Sir, do you have any news about Barbarians?"

Strauss shook his head, but soon thought of William's words that they paladins had three days to go.

"Although there is no specific information, the barbarians estimate that it will be three days before they arrive here.".

With these words, Strauss continued, "in addition to bringing this information, our purpose here is to help you resist the barbarians.".

The captain of the guard just laughed, carefully identified for a moment, and saw that these people were absolutely human in appearance,

and just looking at their faces, they knew that these people seldom saw the sun.

By the standards of Olympian soldiers, the eleven paladins, though elite, were all respectable.

He shook his head at ease and said, "thank you for your kindness, but when it comes to war with barbarians, we will not accept people of unknown origin to approach the city gate hole in wartime.".

Strauss nodded clearly in his heart. He would say a word of help to the little captain in front of him who had no decision-making power. He just wanted to send the news to the guard troops first.

there was a buffer for one or two days, so when he formally helped, he would not be too abrupt.

But Strauss did not expect that when he took the Knights and followed the captain of the guard to see the owner of the city,

what he heard was the power of the city, most of which was in the hands of the parliament.

Moreover, members of parliament have decided to rely on the wall of hell to keep the barbarians out for a few days, and then start negotiations to find conditions acceptable to all, so as to avoid a large number of casualties.

It's nice to say that, but Strauss, who has lived for more than 80 years, only thinks about the large group of camel teams loaded with goods on his way here. He doesn't understand that the reason for avoiding war has something to do with trade and money.

In the view of these councillors, once the war starts, although it has the advantage of the wall of hell, it is no problem to hold on to it. However, with the long siege, we will not be able to do business in the next few years.

Strauss finally asked tentatively, "do you believe in God, the Lord of Palau?"

"No," Palau said, shaking his head and laughing, "if it were the God of trade, most members and I would believe in him.

If there is a god of justice and contract, we will also believe in that God's residence.

As for the gods on Zeus and Olympus who only know how to exploit human beings but never give them, forget it. ".

No, you should believe it.

With a sigh in his heart, Strauss knew that he could not persuade a group of rulers who were engulfed by money.

A few words of praise for Alice, the light spirit, appeared on his hands out of thin air,

made Strauss, who still had many wrinkles on his face, look solemn and holy.

In the puzzled and frightened eyes of Palau city master and more than a dozen guards, the Holy Light swept over them, and everyone felt tired and swept away.Strauss said solemnly, "by the oracle of Olympus, the new king of the gods, William Devonshire, I come to hell to spread the holy light and help you stray lambs to resist the barbarian invasion.".

"The new king?"

Palau saw two teams of nearly 30 guards coming, and his heart soon calmed down.

"The gods have no right to interfere in human affairs, and hell mountain is not controlled by Olympus, let alone by the new God King.".

"Wanton", ten Knights of the holy light pull out their swords without thinking.

As long as Strauss orders, he will directly kill the criminals who dare to disrespect William.

Strauss, who was also very angry, wanted to burn the arrogant City Lord in front of him with the holy light,

but he also knew that killing people was not a good idea at this time.

If you do, let alone spread the light, it's a question whether you can stay in the city.

However, the death penalty can be postponed, but if you do not punish those who disrespect William, you are not qualified to be the bishop of the knight order.

Hands raised, palms to their own, silent to be confirmed by William, the Knights of the source of light Alice prayed.

Soon Alice's little figure appeared beside William, and a more dazzling holy light appeared in Strauss's palm out of thin air.

then dozens of people around him found that they could feel a very strong burning sensation wherever they were illuminated by the holy light.

"Kneel down and repent, sinners who blaspheme the king of the gods.".

Strauss said, while slowly approaching a few steps, suddenly let already feel the skin tingling guards, feel more intense burning.