John wicker? Fast pursuit of feiji?

Hearing the name, William was stunned. He should have had no contact with John for more than two years.

Seven years ago, John, who was still a killer of mainland hotels, retired to live with a virgin.

Now to call, let William have a bad feeling.

As soon as he got through, John wick said in a suppressed voice, "I'm sorry to disturb you so late, Mr. Devonshire.".

"It's OK, John. Come on. If you can help me, I won't refuse.".

Thank you. I, I, and.

John wick, on the other end of the phone, covered his mouth with his fist to stop himself crying.

After a while, he calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, sir. I'm calling you to come to my wife Helen's funeral. Helen, she, she,....".

I'm sorry, John. I'll be at the funeral on time, and thank you for inviting me.

Hang up the phone, William sat at the dinner table thinking silently.

To be invited to his wife's wedding, in John Wick's mind, William is at least a relative and friend.

This makes William rise to use John Wick's mind, and after a while, he begins to hesitate again.

Then he saw Lena with a caring face, and William made a decision soon.

She smiles at her mother Lina, and then puts the gourd on the table. "Sorry, mom, there's something to deal with.

There are three drops of flower dew in this gourd. You, Abigail and Serena will take them first. Nisa, Jesse and Laura will take them next month.

"No use?" Lena asked pleasantly and casually, then waved to William to deal with her own affairs.

Looking at a table full of women's eyes on the gourd, William shook his head, wiped his mouth, got up and left, a transmission came to Mephisto's side.

"How about taking you to see someone?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of William, Mephisto, with a thump in his heart, heard this and asked unexpectedly, "who is worthy of us to put down the negotiation and have to meet at this time?"

William said with a smile, "a hand when cold-blooded, merciless, but the heart is full of love soul, interested?"

"Of course, of course," Mephisto was like a hyena smelling blood, showing his mouth full of fangs.

Then he reacted and said with a gloomy smile, "do you want to bet with me?"

"That's right," William did not hide, "since you said that trading your soul with me directly would affect your reputation in hell,

then if you lose the bet, the other demons will only laugh at you instead of peeping at you because you are weak, right?"

"It's true, Huhe, Huhe," Mephisto said with a sly smile, taking out a magic contract, "you write what you bet.".

"Hum", William's eyes flashed the Holy Light rune, and immediately illuminated Mephisto's blank contract clearly.

Looking at the various dark lines hidden in the blank, and even the invisible words hidden in the paper lines, William turned his mouth and his eyes, and the contract was reduced to ashes under the action of a holy light.

Sorry, I can sign a contract with anyone, but I won't.

William confined the projection of Mephisto in a space and warned,

"if you play this little trick with me again, I promise to do nothing in the future and stare at your projection and believers all over the world.

Kill one when you see one. When you get less and less soul and faith, the throne of Satan will be farther and farther away from you.

Mephisto's face immediately changed when he heard this. If William did this, William, who has the advantage of home court and strength, would be able to slaughter his followers wantonly.

"One day, I'll give you double the humiliation.".

William chuckled, "whatever, there are limitations of dimensional space. Even if you are stronger than me, on earth, you have to give me some peace.".

Looking at the sky, William said, "tomorrow at 2 p.m., long island cemetery, New York, do you like to come or not? Finally, tell Seth, I'll go to him and screw off his head.".

With that, William stepped back and disappeared into the night.

After the projection of Mephisto regained his freedom, he held the skeleton walking stick and silently stood in the same place thinking about the fact that he had just been incarcerated by William.

"How did a 26 year old human understand the mystery of space gems in just two years?"

After thinking for a long time, Mephisto, who had no clue, scolded angrily, "why can there always be such a genius that people can't start with.".

It's not over.

When Mephisto disappears, William, who is hiding in the mirror space, flies out of the different space instantly, and then feels the trace of Mephisto projection silently.

He let him clap Mephisto on the shoulder, not because he had the leisure to humiliate Mephisto, but to try to clap the space mark on Mephisto.I didn't expect that after shooting more times, Mephisto didn't care about it, so it was easy for William to cheat on the projection.

However, when William thought about it, he thought it was better to be cautious.

This kind of demon king, who has lived for many years, is not so easy to deal with. Don't let Mephisto deliberately let William think he can succeed, just wait for him.

Separate out a magic body to follow the projection of Mephisto, William himself is sent to the magic temple in New York, looking for Gu Yi.

As soon as he walked out of the portal, he saw Wang Pang with a magic wand and several other magicians watching William on guard.

When he saw that it was William, the fat man made a sign that he was OK. However, at this time, he and other masters of Kamata Taj, looking at William's eyes, had a look of fear and worship.

William understood it on second thought, frowned and asked, "do you know about hell so soon?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Devonshire," Wang explained hastily, "most of the dark forces that our arcane masters guard against are related to hell, so from a very early age, kamataji always paid attention to what happened in hell,

and what you did in the dungeon was too big and amazing, so we didn't have to take the initiative to look for information, and a lot of demons died It's impossible to spread the news all over the world without knowing.

William was very surprised. "So kamataji is not only on earth, passively defending. You have information channels in other dimensions, and even established contact with some people?"

"This one?"

Hearing this question, Wang pangzi immediately shut up and said with a smile, "the Supreme Master is waiting for you, Mr. Devonshire. As for your question, you can directly ask Mr. Guyi.".

William sneered at the king fat man, just want to find Gu Yi, suddenly came up with the idea of the skeleton staff in his hand.

"Watom staff?"

As soon as William waved, the staff appeared in his hand.