William's setting off fireworks in hell and detonating more than a dozen red mercury nuclear eggs without radiation will soon spread to the demon circle on earth.

The demons who sneak in and are not strong will stay away when they hear William's name in the future.

some demons who hide in London, after getting the news, directly pack and pack up, either run to the United States, or cross the Strait and enter the European continent.

These demons who steal into the earth are very clear that it is not difficult for some human beings who master special skills to enter the hell,

but after they enter the hell, they are all terrified and take every step carefully for fear of meeting a stronger demon than them.

No one like William has ever detonated more than a dozen nuclear eggs in front of the demon king after he went to Mephisto. How can these demons who are inferior to the demon king by several levels not be frightened.

Mephisto, who was put a nuclear egg in his own house, would give up so easily that other projections on the Earth found William.

However, the state of this projection looks very bad, and the appearance is obviously much older than before.

"You dare to release nuclear eggs in my territory. This is an act of war.".

"OK, OK, Lao Mo".

William went to Mephisto by magic, and his real body went straight back to his home in London.

Just detonated a dozen nuclear eggs with magic identity, William is not sure if Mephisto will play the same way.

Besides, his mother must be the target of all demons at this time. He doesn't want to have problems at this time.

So, while William was having dinner with Lina, the magic branch hugged Mephisto's projection and said, "say something useful, old Mo, since I dare to lay nuclear eggs, I'm not afraid of you, Lord of hell.

To put it bluntly, you don't have Odin's deterrent power to me. Odin has the ability to enter the earth directly with a large army. Even if necessary, he dares to kill all human beings, but do you demons dare? "

As Asgard, who has the same dimension of the universe as the earth, with rainbow bridge, it is much more convenient and simple to invade the earth than hell.

But with William, I believe that Odin, who has continued his life and can't die, will never be against William even if he wants to expand again.

There are many planets in the universe waiting for Asgard to conquer. There's no need to antagonize William who has a good relationship with him.

Besides, there is a man on earth who is not afraid of Odin, Guyi.

And if you can't kill William all of a sudden, you'll have to wait for endless revenge. Just like this encounter in hell, everyone can predict in what world a nuclear egg will suddenly cross space and explode on their territory.

This is also one of the reasons why Mephisto, as a demon king, was humiliated by William, but did not want to open directly.

Of course, I don't want to, not dare.

Now, as soon as William saw him, he left his magic separation, and his behavior of avoiding made Mephisto's mood gloomy.

I don't understand that people like William can understand the meaning of the law of space and travel freely through space and dimensions.

What's more, once he and William really go to war, even if Mephisto can win in the end, his territory will surely be ploughed by William with all kinds of powerful weapons.

He is really a loner. Those evil kings who are not happy with him and even have hatred will not let him go.

At this time, the demon God Seth always reminds him that the time is not right.

"Odin dares to kill all human beings. Why don't I? The more I die, the more souls I can harvest. Why don't I dare.

"Puff," William said, covering his face, "come on, people are dead. How can you live with the mythical forces in heaven and Olympus who live by faith, fear, greed and other human emotions.

If you do that, the other demons in hell will tear you up first, because you want to smash their jobs. Am I right, old Mo.

"So, it's useful to say something." looking at Mephisto with a gloomy face and no words, William also put away his smile. He knew that no matter how well he said it, he could not eliminate the evil's greed in essence.

"A thousand souls, how about you surrender Seth, or leave him alone?"

"How dare you collect souls?"

Also considering the gain and loss, Mephisto looked at William incredulously, "are you the devil, or am I the devil?

In order to destroy their enemies, even dare to open mouth is a thousand souls.

Is it that I'm making a counter-offer, and you won't care about ten thousand? "

William shrugged indifferently. Anyway, all the people who died were aliens, and they were not the aliens who died in the war he launched.

Those strange looking aliens, not to mention William, will not care about anyone on earth.

As for people like Notre Dame, William doesn't care what they think and doesn't deal with them.Strange to say, these mythical forces such as hell and heaven, which are widely spread in the human world, seem to have little interest in the souls of aliens and rarely take the initiative to collect them.

Perhaps, as some people say, although heaven and hell have existed for a long time, they have grown up by absorbing human beliefs and emotions.

People yearn for heaven and fear hell, but the division of labor between heaven and hell is different. On the contrary, heaven and hell are inseparable from us.

Thinking of this, William felt even less awed of heaven and hell. He put his arms around Mephisto with a smile and said, "do you want these 1000 souls? Anyway, I will kill the evil god Seth who provoked me."

"by the way, it's the vampire named Viktor." William sneered, "since you can kill him once, you can kill the second time Times.

"Ten thousand can be considered." he felt the change of William's mentality. While Mephisto was worried, he was moved by William's intention of reconciliation.

He wants to get the space bridge for transformers to resist natural enemies. Isn't it just for the convenience of entering the earth to get more souls?

What's more, for Mephisto, what he is better at and more willing to do is trade.

"I like trading, but if it's so easy to promise you, I'll have no prestige in hell, and you think ordinary souls can attract people of my status?".

When William thought about it for a moment, he thought that Mephisto preferred the good, holy and degenerated souls, as if they were as important to him as thousands of ordinary people.

But this kind of soul does not say that William can't find it for a moment. Even if he finds it, he will never give it to Mephisto. He is not so stupid to help the enemy strengthen his strength.

Ding Ling, Ding Ling.

When the atmosphere was a little stiff, William, who was far away from London, suddenly heard the ringing of his mobile phone, and then came the voice of Sunday,

"Sir, it's John Witkey's phone".