The motorcade stopped outside the building of the secret service academy. As soon as Ross and bronsky got out of the car, they heard the roar of the sports car engine.

Looking back, we can see that this period of time has been hyped by the media of super run, appear in the line of sight.

I don't know if it's admiration or I can't stand it. Ross scolded him with a straight face, and then walked to William who got off the bus.

"God, what are you doing?" without saying hello, when he saw the appearance of Browns base, William said with surprise,

"the Americans haven't developed the right serum for you yet?"

"I", "I" and "bronsky's eyes were red as soon as he heard this.

This kind of feeling of watching oneself turn from Superman to waste is really beyond ordinary people's ability to bear.

"It doesn't matter. I'll help you later. It should improve your current situation.".

"Thank you, thank you," bronsky nodded excitedly.

William put on his smart eyes and pretended to look around bronsky. In the worried eyes of Ross and bronsky, he frowned and said, "the spine is seriously deformed and enlarged, and the body has shrunk by at least 20%. It's difficult to return to normal at one time.".

This made bronsky see the dawn immediately. He stammered excitedly, "no, no, it's OK, Mr. Devonshire. As long as we can maintain the status quo and keep it from getting worse, we will have more time to study.".

"That's much easier," William said with a smile and a shake of his head. "But it's not that simple. I've been thinking about this problem these days, and I even think of some ways to improve it.

it's a problem.

Rose asked hastily, "what's the problem?"

Harry Hart, on one side, immediately winked at William.

But he frowned as if he didn't see it. "According to my estimation, once the strength rises rapidly, the body will inevitably become a giant,

so I've always wanted to find a way to become a normal person like hawk, but,,".

This time Harry Hart did not care so much, directly interrupted William's words, "boss".

Hearing Harry's voice, William asked, "what?" just like seeing him with a nervous face

Harry reminded, "boss, this is not a place to talk. Let's go to the laboratory first and see if the equipment meets your requirements.".

"Well? Oh, you're right.

Pretending to react, William smiles awkwardly, touches his chin, thinks for a while, and then says, "let's go, I'll solve the problem of bransky's persistent weakness first, and then see if the blood orchid is real,

other problems will be discussed later.".

I just want to tear Harry's bronsky. I'm very happy to hear that. Without saying a word, I handed William the code box on my hand.

After receiving the password box, William covered his ear and knocked on it deliberately. Then he said to Sunday, "help me to send the No. 21 experimental object in the laboratory.".

After waiting for a few minutes, they saw a briefcase sized drone hanging a metal cylinder the size of a thermos cup, hovering in front of William.

After taking the serum tube, William quietly praised Sunday. He really understood that he was just pretending.

He deliberately opened the serum canister and exposed the blue serum inside. He heard from Sunday that the serum inside was made of ordinary blood and was the food that Serena and nissa usually drank.

he brought the group to Harry's laboratory with a smile.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, more than a dozen researchers in white coats applauded William with excitement on their faces.

After being polite, William put the code box on the table and pushed it in front of rose.

Can wait for dozens of seconds, rose or facial expression standing still, William said impatiently, "code ah, what do you think?

I've got everything. Do you think it's hard for an alloy box to hold me

Hearing this, Harry and the researchers around him began to laugh in a low voice, while rose was reluctant to enter the password and his fingerprints on the box.

When he opened it, there was a glass bottle containing more than ten seeds. Then William knew why the old man hesitated.

Said sarcastically, "ha, you are really calculating.".

He took out the glass bottle, pointed to bronsky, and said to the assistants in several laboratories around him, "take him to the medical room. I'll come later.".

Take the serum cartridge, drill into an independent laboratory, turn off the monitoring on Sunday, and try to inject natural energy into the normal blood serum on your hand.

Probably because the blood itself has the characteristics of fusion magic, it has been injected with about three magic powers of healing magic, and the serum is saturated.

Looking at the blue serum tube wrapped by the strong green light, William nodded with satisfaction.

The appearance alone is very bluffing, let alone equal to three healing magic energy in, I don't believe it has no effect on bronsky.After deliberately delaying for nearly two hours in the laboratory, listening to Sunday's report that Richard's first project was coming with more than a dozen top-level personnel from England,

William threw some experimental materials and raw materials into the portal and walked out of the laboratory in the eyes of people's worry and expectation.

"How's it going?" As soon as he saw William, rose, with white hair, stepped forward quickly and fixed his eyes firmly on the serum tube. "This, this, this is the serum before?"

Of course.

The serum that emits green light, not to mention rose, has never been seen by more than a dozen professional researchers in the laboratory.

When William went to the medical room, he laughed and said to bronsky in his hospital uniform, "man, you're really lucky.".

Revealing the serum tube in my hand, he said nonsense, "I have done 16 extraction experiments in total, and only succeeded five times, less than the success rate of three layers.

I didn't expect to succeed in one time today. It seems that God doesn't want you to see Satan.".

Bronsky laughed a little, and his eyes were shining with green serum, which made him feel at ease when he heard that he had only done 16 experiments.

What's more, William himself said that he didn't have to go to see Satan, which made bronsky have no doubt, "thank you, thank you, me, me.".

"OK, I really want to thank you. I'll wait until you're ready.".

Richard and his party, who had been staring at by mental force, entered the laboratory. William handed the serum canister on his hand to the research assistant and said, "get ready.".

"Yes, sir.".

In only ten seconds, everything was ready. William nodded to his assistant and said, "let's go.".

"Wait a minute.".

I was about to press the assistant of the syringe. I looked up and saw a circle of people standing outside the medical room. The most prominent one was Richard, the first athlete in England.

William, who had known this for a long time, just left Richard and his party. As soon as he closed his fingers, a loud finger came into his assistant's ear.

Then he said, "I say start, don't let me say it a third time.".