Listening to Benner looking for some kind of plant, William asked Sunday curiously, "do you know what kind of plant it is?"

On the windshield of the sports car, many kinds of plants were immediately displayed, "Sir, these are the pictures I copied from Mr. Benner's computer. At present,,".

"Wait a minute." when he saw a flower that he could feel familiar with, William immediately said "autopilot",

and then put out his hand and pointed on the picture of an orchid, "what's this thing called?"

On Sunday, I enlarged the picture and stopped for ten seconds. The reply was, "I need authorization, sir. The information of this flower is kept by general Ross in a level 5 database.".

"Continue to check," said William's mind also recalled some pictures, "this thing how so like blood orchid?"

"Sir, as you said, it's really called blood orchid, and its origin is in Borneo.

according to the data, seven years ago, a group of seven people expedition, led by a guide named bill, went deep into the rainforest of Borneo to search for blood orchid. At last, only four people came out alive,

among them, the guide named Bill left the rain forest of Borneo Lin Hou did not return to the United States or stay in Borneo. Instead, he flew into Rio and disappeared.

After returning to the United States, the three surviving members of the expedition were taken away by general Ross, who is responsible for studying super soldiers. Their whereabouts are still unknown.

Needless to think, William guessed that this guy named bill would probably get the blood orchid, and then hide in the Amazon rainforest, which has a climate very similar to Borneo, and cultivate it by himself.

"Does Rose have blood orchid in his hand?"

"Sorry sir, the data should have been transferred. Only one number, d0698, with Borneo's file number, was found.".

William helplessly frowned, needless to say, rose must have let people save only paper documents.

The database without Internet connection is a forbidden area for Sunday.

This file number of d0698 can be seen from June 1998. Rose may have sent someone to Borneo to search for Blood Orchid seven years ago.

"Send out the probe and search deep in the rainforest of Borneo to see if you can find the blood orchid, and then find me the guide named bill.".

Yes sir.

Sitting in the car, William thought about it and thought that it was better to drive the Benner out of the rainforest.

Otherwise, I don't know if he will be lucky enough to meet the guide who hides and cultivates Blood Orchid.

"Tell bronsky to let rose meet me.".

Yes sir.

The United States, who is waiting for a reply, as soon as he receives a call from Sunday, he quickly walks to Rose's office.

"Percussion, percussion, percussion".

"Come in.".

As soon as bronsky opened the door and saw rose, he said, "Sir, Mr. Devonshire just replied that he wanted to see you.".

"You're looking for that Wilhelm Devonshire bastard?"

Ross, who is looking at the information about the launch of the space shuttle, frowns, and then sees the thin looking bronsky with a helpless sigh.

He knew that if he didn't talk to William, he would try his best to escape to London to meet William,

"the newly developed super nutrient solution has no effect on you?"

"Sir, if it's useful, my weight will not be only 80% of what it was a month ago." bronsky lifted his sleeve to expose his shrunken arm,

and his back, which is a full circle larger than the normal spine. "According to the base doctor, super soldier serum has transformed my injured spine,

what can I do for this The super spine provides plenty of nutrition, and half of my calories and other nutrients are absorbed by it.

Sir, if there is no solution, I will be eaten by my spine in a few months.

Looking at the thick, deformed bones on bronsky's back, Ross silently takes out the mobile phone William gave him from the drawer and presses the dial key.

As soon as the phone got through, rose said with a smile, "Hi, William, I heard that you and count Folger are going fishing for blue flag tuna on their yacht. What's the harvest like?"

"If you don't fish in the sea, you can believe that," said William, who drove into his manor, parked his car in the garden and got off with his mobile phone.

"if you want to know where Bruce Benner is, you can trade your blood orchid for it"

"how do you know blood orchid?" Rose snapped

William laughed, "then you have to ask Bruce Benner why he has the data of blood orchid.".

Remembering that he once asked his daughter Betty to study blood orchid, rose clenched his fist and wanted to kill his daughter Benner immediately.

"are you sure you have the trace of Benner?".Stunned by Rose's simple exchange, he responded, "you haven't made any achievements in your research for so many years?

Tut Tut, I have to say, Ross, except for Banna, your guys are all rubbish. ".

"Asshole, if you keep talking, you can go to Borneo to find Xuelan by yourself.".

"Ha ha, all right, all right, I'll wait for you in London", choked Ross a few words, William took it as soon as he was ready, lest the old stubborn really changed his mind,

"I'll send you some new photos of Benner, see you tomorrow".

As soon as the call ended, Rose's mobile phone received several photos. When he opened it, the person on the screen was Bruce Banner, whom he and bronsky had been longing for.

Pick up the phone, call your assistant, and take bronsky and a couple of soldiers to the airport.

As soon as he got on the plane, his assistant gave rose an alloy password box.

Let bronsky take over the password box, rose said to his assistant, "tell NASA that when I come back the day after tomorrow, I will see that the space shuttle is ready,

otherwise, the report of reducing the funding by 15% every year will appear on the committee's desk.".

"Yes, sir.".

After a seven or eight hour flight, the business plane landed at a private airport in London.

Before they got off the plane, Ross and bronsky looked through the window and saw a lengthened phantom and six Land Rovers parked on the runway.

After getting off the plane, a middle-aged man in a decent suit came forward and offered his hand,

"Hello, general Ross, I'm Harry Hart, the manager of Kingsman. Shall we go to the hotel for a night, or go directly to the laboratory?"

When he heard that the other side was Kingsman's second in command, Rose's face softened. "Where's William Devonshire?"

"Sorry, I'm not supposed to ask where the boss is," Harry said with a helpless expression. "If you're in a hurry, I'll tell the boss to go to the lab and meet us.".

Then go to the lab.

Ross, who is still waiting to return to the United States to host the launch of the space shuttle, thought it was just an ordinary biological laboratory.

But when he arrived, he found that the area of the destination was so large that it was frightening.