Drinking wine, talking about nice's experience and knowledge, time unknowingly past more than an hour, wait for the bottle empty, William to Kyle - granmo beckon.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Devonshire?" Kyle grimmer went up to William and asked in a low voice.

"Sunday, transfer.".

"OK, sir.".

A minute later, the waiter at the restaurant counter walked up to Kyle grimmer and reported to him that he had received the transfer.

This let some worried Kyle - granmo big breath, he was still caught, Jesse busy while William bent down to pick up the ring, turned and ran.

After a few steps, I heard William yell, "I don't want to go to the hospital like your idiot companion. I advise you to be honest.".

As soon as his voice fell, Jesse immediately stopped, raised her hand and looked around nervously, for fear that William would tell a lie to scare her, and the fabricated bodyguard would shoot electric shocks at her.

Looking at Jesse, who was afraid to move his hands in the air, William put on the ring, picked up his wallet and walked up to Jesse. "Do you want to surrender to me, or do you want to kneel down to me, the Great Duke of England?"

"Please," Jesse looked at William pitifully with a sad face. "The ring is back in your hand. Let me go.".

"Do you know why no one dares to take this ring?" Ignoring Jesse's plea for mercy, William stretched out his hand and showed Jesse the ring on his hand.

"it's called iris golden ring. It's the keepsake of an organization that has existed for more than a thousand years. The good credit points you go to today are all inherited gangs. They know very well that once you take this ring, it means to have a feud with us or even start a war.".

Jesse was immediately annoyed by this and asked, "so if I go to Brooklyn, I can do it.".

"My God, what's going on in your head?" William covered his face. "Didn't you hear me say that this organization has existed for thousands of years?"

"But if I don't sell this ring, I don't know how to spend the night there tonight." just as snow began to float in the sky, Jay lamented pitifully, "how can I be so unlucky? Should I sleep in the park or under the bridge on a snowy day?".

"OK, OK, don't pretend," patted Jesse's shoulder with his right hand. Jesse's body sank with fright. Just as he wanted to say something, he saw William's left hand spread out and a handful of change came into her eyes.

"10 yuan, 20 yuan", looking at the positive number of money William, Jesse more and more feel that the change is his own, busy put down his hands, check up in his bag.

"Hell, when did you go," Jesse said as she snatched back the change. Her eyes were shining at William. "Why don't I feel anything?"

William shrugged. "It's very simple. I only learned it in a few minutes.".

Jesse Lengleng looked at a disdainful William, head down, whispered, "bastard, I hate to learn anything fast people.".

While he was muttering, he saw a huge sapphire ring. But before he got excited, Jesse looked at it again and found that it was her own glass sapphire ring.

"God, you are so amazing." shocked, Jesse looked at the smiling William and felt the cold snowflakes floating on his face. Suddenly, he felt a kind of heart beating feeling. He involuntarily stretched out his left hand and asked William to put it on her. Then he worshipped and asked, "how did you do it?".

Looking at Jesse contemptuously, William said, "it's so simple that I don't know how to describe it.".

Angry Jesse wants to bite William hard, but she thinks she's an old hand, but now she's walking in front of her face without any response. She wants to know how William does it, "teach me, how about it?"

"Hey hey, why should I teach you?" before he finished, the rest of the words were blocked in Jesse's mouth,

he looked at the pretty face close at hand with wide eyes. Before William felt it well, he felt Jesse's hand was reaching into the pocket where he put the mobile phone. Hell, is this chick an occupational disease? I don't forget to take something from myself at this time.

One hand in his chest pocket, the other hand around Jesse's waist, the two stood on the street, drenching the snow, quietly together.

For a long time, when Jesse couldn't breathe, William let go.