Nice gave Jesse a funny look and asked William, "can I speak directly? Mr. Devonshire.

"Whatever," said William.

Nice then explained with a smile, "Abram Tarasov is the younger brother of Mr. Vigo Tarasov,

the Tarasov family controls 40% of the underground business in New York and the whole East Coast, so as long as Mr. Abram Tarasov says, we pickpockets can't live on the east coast.".

Grey society? Jesse looked at William in surprise and asked incredulously, "can you call Abram Tarasov on one phone?"

"Who knows?" William raised his eyebrows. "I'm a serious businessman.".

Looking at William's handsome face, Jesse thinks that it's impossible for a person of William's identity to have anything to do with the people in the grey society. However, after seeing nice's gesture, Yu Guang immediately realizes that he has been cheated and slaps him on William's arm, "you asshole.".

Hell, nice was startled by Jesse. Looking at William frowning, he thought of some rumors about the underground world. In a few seconds, nice was scared out in cold sweat.

And Jesse looked at the frowning William, also scared, fortunately not long, heard William said, "I'll return it, chick.".

"Oh, my God, you frowned and scared my heart to stop." holding her heart pounding, Jesse felt very exciting and excited when she was scared. But she remembered the identity gap between herself and William,

took her glass and drank it, and said bitterly, "I have to go home. If I stay, I will live a few years less ”。

Encounter oneself like, William can let go just strange, "don't want to invite me and coffee?"

Jesse, who was holding her bag, said, "are you sure?" Put the bag on his lap and asked seriously, "if you just play, I don't have the capital to waste time.".

Ha ha, if you don't mind if I have two more women, we can probably get along for a long time.

"Fku, asshole", pick up the bag, Jesse gas of a pat on William's arm, "you go to die", after scolding, stepping on high heels, "click, click" quickly leave.

Looking at Jesse running away like a fugitive, William puts away the wallet and social security card that Jesse forgot to take, raises his left hand, and the gold ring engraved with iris is gone. He shakes his head and turns to nice,

"has no one ever told her that if the people who sell the stolen goods take the gold ring of the ancient forces, it means offending people, and even deepening misunderstanding And then there may be dead people? "

"Mr. Devonshire, you have to understand that novices without any inheritance don't care about these. If the antiques can't be sold, they may melt the gold ring directly.".

"Then I don't have a good reason to go to Jesse?"

"Of course, even if you sink her into the Hudson River, no one will object," nice replied with a smile, and then said with a smile, "have a good time, sir.".

"Thank you." William picked up his glass, touched nice, and then asked directly, "I'm a little curious about your technology. Can you tell me something about it?"

Nice was shocked by this request, but remembering William's identity, he knew that even if William was taught, he would not be able to rob himself. If he could get involved with William, he might be able to save his life at any time.

so nice hesitated for a moment and nodded, "let's put it bluntly, that's to turn the attention of the target Go to the things or topics you want to talk about, and then it depends on how fast you move.

"Diversion?" William smiles and shakes his head, "come on, it's easy to say, but hard to do"

with that, he gives Kyle grimmer, the restaurant manager beside nice, a ring finger, and nice's eyes quickly turn to Kyle grimmer who is approaching,

"what can I do for you, Mr. Devonshire?".

"Do you have mccallen's annual whisky?" Asked William, who had won.

"This, this," Kyle grimmer hesitated for a few seconds, saw William frown and explained hastily, "Sir, I have a situation to tell you first.".

William nodded, and Kyle grimmer continued, "we do have a precious year of McCarran whisky in our restaurant, but the boss didn't put it on sale and deliberately marked the 1962 bottle of whisky for 31000 pounds.".

"Hell, it's nearly three times more expensive than the normal price," said nice. Although Kyle grimmer had explained the reason just now, nice complained, "in the end, you don't want to see if there's any injustice.".

"Shut up, nice." William, who was about to be the big wrongdoer, couldn't help but stare at nice, because ten thousand pounds or thirty thousand pounds is really no difference to William, "open the wine.".

"Haha, haha", hearing the wine, nice laughed awkwardly, put up his hands and apologized repeatedly, "sorry, it seems that the rumor that you are a super fan of McAllen is true, maybe I will call you later.".Waving to Kyle grimmer to open the wine, thinking about nice's career, William didn't care and wrote an email to nice, "if you have McCullen's rare year or limited edition, call me immediately. The price is double the normal price. No problem.".

"No problem, sir. I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I meet you," nice said with a crooked smile when he heard that William had bid twice as much. "Or you can call me when you need my help when you have news about the wine. My phone number is,,.".

"No," said William, taking out a wallet from his pocket, took out nice's social security card, credit card and business card, took a look, then left the business card, and threw the rest on the table in front of him.

"God", looking at the familiar wallet, nice reaches out his hand and touches it in his chest pocket. It's no surprise that the pocket is empty,

after just a few seconds, he knows that it must be when Kyle granmo comes over, he turns his attention to Kyle granmo who is close to him, and William walks along.

Shaking his head, nice said helplessly, "fortunately, you can't compete for food with people like us.".

"Ha ha, I'm sure about that," William nodded with a smile. "No, I should say I'm the one who will provide food for you.".

"Yes, boss", nice no shame to follow William's words to recognize the boss.

It's only natural for the boss to pay, but William still reminds us, "if you want to accept my entrustment, the reward will be very high, but the risk will also be very high. You have to understand this.".

Seeing Kyle grimmer coming over with a bottle, nice took the whisky, watched Kyle grimmer step back a few meters, and then poured the wine for William himself, saying, "in order to do a single job, you can rest for a few years, or even a lifetime. What can I do if I don't fight for my life?".

"What you can fight for is your life, what I can offer is a high price. It's very good," said William. He picked up his glass and touched nice. The aftertaste will be the aftertaste. "It seems that we have reached an agreement.".

"Yes, boss," nice nodded.