"I heard that," Clyde said, looking up at Nick with his hands behind his head. "This lesson tells us to be punctual, so you are the murderer of bill Renault's death.".

"It's ok if you want to be a life tutor, but you don't think it's too cruel to use the means," Nick said with a cracked face.

"Hey, Nick, from my ten years of experience, it's useless to preach without blood," Clyde said, lying on his back and cocking his legs. "You see, I'm sure you'll be a very punctual person in the days to come.".

"FK," Nick swore, "then why do you want to kill your cellmate? Don't tell me that shit, because the inmates are scum.

"Why?" Clyde has the final say, "because some people think they are superior, what is the most cruel way to make him understand that he is nothing.

, you didn't see Mr. prison's expression just now. It's really wonderful. After that, he must understand that even if he has the final say, he will not want to do whatever he wants."

Clyde sat up, went to the cell, looked at Nick with a blue face outside the door, and said, "this lesson also tells us that everyone has to be responsible for their own behavior, so, you see, if the warden wants to play with me, I will play with him. It's a wonderful game with ups and downs.".

But Nick didn't believe it at all, but it's good that Clyde was put in the cell, so that the madman wouldn't attack other prisoners again, and it's better to keep it until after the trial.

After that, no matter how Nick started the conversation, Clyde just lay in bed and didn't talk.

Unable to say anything, Nick had to leave the cell, call his boss, make an appointment to see judge Roberts tomorrow, and apply to keep Clyde until the end of the trial.

As soon as Nick left, Clyde was lying in bed with his head covered. In the middle of the night, Clyde woke up and listened quietly for half an hour,

to make sure that the two guards guarding him outside the confinement room did leave, he quietly pressed a switch under the washstand of the confinement room, climbed into the tunnel he had dug, and came to a basement of dozens of square meters.

Go to the ready monitoring equipment, press a few times on the keyboard, and the picture of a big house appears in the monitor. Click with the mouse, and the picture turns to a bedroom. Clyde laughs and mutters, "wait for me, judge Roberts.".

Taking off his prison uniform and putting on a make-up with his tools, Clyde drove to judge Roberts' house with the equipment he had prepared.

His revenge plan has been in preparation for ten years, so Clyde knows all the people involved in his wife and daughter's case. He even has the key to judge Roberts' house.

It took an hour to get to the destination and use the key to open the door, so Clyde swaggered into judge Roberts' house and used tools to put the eavesdropper and a miniature bomb into Roberts' mobile phone.

Then he went back to the cell and lay on the bed thinking silently that if Roberts died tomorrow, he would stay in the cell all the time and never go anywhere.

And that's what he expected.

The next morning, as soon as he got to work, Nick and his boss, Bruce Mack, came to judge Roberts' office.

After receiving their application, Roberts threw it on the table. "You came to see me early in the morning to extend Clyde's confinement?"

Bruce Mack nodded. "You should have read yesterday's report. The madman not only killed bill Reynolds, but also twisted his cellmate's neck like a psycho. So, we're worried about what to do if the madman comes out of the cell and kills again?"

"But the outside world is staring at us now. In this sensitive period, the risk of signing this kind of document is too high," Roberts hesitated, pointing to the document on the desk, "unless you give me a reasonable and legal reason.".

Seeing that Roberts actually agreed, Bruce Mack laughingly took out a document and handed it to her, "this document should be able to solve your problem.".

Roberts took the document, looked at it, leaned back in his chair and thought for a few seconds. He took up his pen and signed the name on the document. "I signed the document, but you can't expect me to always," he said.

"Button, button, button", a knock came.

Bruce Mack busily put the document that Roberts had just signed into his briefcase, while Roberts sat up straight again and said, "please come in.".

When the door opened with a click, I saw my secretary Jennie and a middle-aged man in a colonel's uniform, as well as a middle-aged man in a big casual suit.

"What's the matter, Jane?" Roberts asked his secretary curiously.

"A document has just arrived. It says you should deal with it immediately." Jennie quickly walks up to Roberts and hands her a note instead of a document.

Roberts took it suspiciously, only to see that the note said, "C1a, in case of emergency, don't make a sound and follow our instructions.".

After reading the note, Roberts just wanted to ask. Before he opened his mouth, he was immediately covered by his secretary. Before she got angry, he heard Jennie whispering in her ear,Boss, I have verified their identity. They said that something would endanger your personal safety.

Roberts looked at Jennie in panic. Seeing that Jennie nodded, she nodded. Then Jennie released her hand covering her mouth.

"Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling", a mobile phone suddenly rings from Roberts' mobile phone on his desk.

Without waiting for her to pick up the mobile phone, the middle-aged man in casual clothes came quickly, picked up the mobile phone with his gloved hand, and then raised his finger to signal everyone not to speak.

Without waiting for the public to ask, the casual male walked to the corner of the office carefully, turned on his mobile phone, and then the mobile phone exploded immediately.

Clyde, who is in the prison cell, hangs up with satisfaction, opens the secret door, throws his cell phone into the basement, closes the door, lies on the bed, waiting for someone to bring him to trial.

On the other side of Roberts' office, he almost fell on the ground scared by the bomb and screamed to the men in uniform and casual clothes, "hell, what's this, what's this, why does my mobile phone explode?"

The man in plain clothes shook his numb hands, took off his gloves, looked at them, and made sure that his hands were numb. After no other problems, he said to the air with a smile, "it's solved, Mr. Devonshire.".

It wasn't long before William opened Roberts' office door and came in. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is William Devonshire.".

Seeing William come in, the people who were shocked were all stunned, or nick reacted quickly, stood up and looked at William, and said, "what's the matter?"

Instead of answering Nick's words, William said to the middle-aged man in uniform with a smile, "Benny, you're the landlord. Come on!"