He suspects that Clyde wants to deal with the whole new york judicial system, but Nick can't figure out how to deal with the New York judicial system after he has pleaded guilty.

But at the thought of contact with Clyde, Clyde either pretended to be afraid and confused, or he had a confident expression that he was in control of everything.

This made Nick a little trance all morning, full of what Clyde would do.

At 12:30 at noon, the field restaurant delivered the food Clyde wanted on time, but Clyde's words in the court yesterday made the whole new york judiciary feel depressed.

And bilton prison, where Clyde was detained, was taken care of by the superior again and again, and the warden's heart was filled with this nameless anger. He asked the food that had passed the security check again to let it cool completely.

"Come on, guys, the appointed time is one o'clock," Nick, who hadn't thought about it for a whole morning, could not help but remind everyone that they were so perfunctory. "That bastard Clyde must have something in mind when he said one o'clock at noon.".

The warden said with a black face, "the prisoner doesn't know the time, and I'm in charge here. I don't care about anything. That bastard is in my hand, so I don't want to eat hot food happily.".

Then the opponent went to prison and the police said, "check carefully, so as not to trouble us again.".

"God, if this time is related to bill Renault's life, who is responsible for the accident," Nick argued. "Think about it, guys. Clyde will never get out of here in his life. We have plenty of time and opportunities in the future.".

"FK, I don't care about the future. I want to deal with him now because he's upset," complained a bailiff. "My bonus this month is ruined because of Clyde.".

As soon as the words came out, the warden again said with empathy, "check it again.".

The delay, which was supposed to be completed in ten minutes, ended at 1:05 when the people pushed the dining car to the outside of Clyde's cell.

Two tall guards open the door and enter the cell. They handcuff Clyde and his cellmate to the pillars of the iron bed.

After confirming the safety, the food was sent to Clyde with the prison's unique non threat tableware.

Looking at the food delivered to him, Clyde grinned and tasted it with a potato chip in his hand, which made the warden, bailiffs and prison guards standing outside the cell look very ugly.

Nick looked at Clyde and his colleagues. Seeing that they were not in the mood to ask, he had to walk into the cell and stand in front of Clyde depressed. "Should you say something?"

"Oh," after eating his chips, Clyde looked like he saw Nick, "napkins and cutlery, Nick.".

Without waiting for Nick to speak, the warden standing outside the cell took a plastic fork out of his pocket and said, "according to the regulations, he can only use this.".

Not getting the metal tableware he wanted, Clyde was not angry. He took the plastic fork Nick gave him and ate it happily.

"I gave you what you wanted. Now tell me where Bill Reynolds is?" Nick asked anxiously

OK, OK, what time is it.

"One o'clock sharp," the warden replied.

"Are you sure? "Nick," Clyde said suspiciously, looking at Nick in front of him.

Nick grimaced and looked at his watch. "It's 1:08.".

"Ha ha," said Clyde, looking at the warden outside the eye cell. "At 1:08, if you have eye problems, you should see a doctor, Mr. warden.".

This made the warden hate Clyde even more. He vowed to repair Clyde well when he found the chance.

Looking at Clyde calmly, Nick suddenly felt that his previous guess was right. He slapped him on the table in front of Clyde and said, "tell me where the lawyer bill Reynolds is.".

"Hey, Nick, you're the only smart guy here," Clyde said after spending more than ten seconds eating with a fork and chips. "Listen, I'll just say it once. Don't blame me if I don't remember.".

Nick, who had been prepared, immediately took out his cell phone and turned on the recording, "come on, tell me the address.".

"Ha ha, I like you, Nick," Clyde looked at the mobile phone in front of him in surprise. "If I were you, I would hurry up." Clyde pointed to his wrist and sneered at the warden. "Bill Renault's time is running out. If he dies, it's your fault, warden.".

"FK", hearing this, Nick and all the people outside the cell were shocked. They knew that they wanted to play with Clyde, but they didn't say it. In the end, they were put together by him.

If Bill Renault is really dead because of the time problem, they all have to take the responsibility, "hurry up, hurry up, let the helicopter start.".

A group of people rushed out of the prison. Nick and two bailiffs got on the helicopter, and it took 15 minutes to get to the coordinates. Unfortunately, they arrived late. Clyde locked them in a box and bill Reynolds, who was buried in the ground, died of suffocation."He's dead, FK, he's dead," Nick yelled, staring at the bailiff, who was just as tardy as the warden. "He wouldn't have died without the ten minutes you delayed. You're satisfied. You're satisfied.".

FK, I don't care. Clyde's asshole wants to play, so we play with him. He can't say anything.

People are dead. Now it's no use saying more. Nick stares at the bailiff decadent and says, "how can I talk to bill Renault's wife? How can I talk to her?".

This made the bailiff feel at a loss. He bowed his head to one side and looked at the distance in silence.

Guilty Nick, suddenly received a cold phone call.

The phone call was from his boss Bruce Mack, and the content of the call was that Clyde twisted his cellmate's neck, giving the reason that the cellmate was a scum who was better than several women.

"FK, FK, FK". After hanging up, Nick Reese cursed wildly. He knew that the reason for Clyde's killing was not whether the inmates were scum or not, but that they didn't deliver the food on time.

An unnecessary delay, let two people die, Nick Reese a time disheartened, hate why not punctual.

Drag tired figure back to the prison, only to know that the warden because Clyde killed his cellmate angry, put Clyde in the bottom of the prison dark and humid cell.

This is also the reason why Clyde has been mocking and offending the warden, because the confinement cells are rarely used, so Clyde has the chance and possibility to dig through all the rooms in the confinement room, connect the tunnels, and he can slip out of the prison without knowing it.

Coming to the cell, Nick looks at Clyde lying in bed. "Bill Reynolds is dead.".