"Where is the money? Sir, "he asked on Sunday.

Where to donate? This is a problem, William thought, "you set up an offshore fund, make the equity more complicated, and then transfer all the money to the fund to buy gold futures contracts, and then set a 10% annual total asset donation amount, in addition to the ownership of the fund, all other secret donations to the relevant funds of China.".

I see sir. It's expected to be done in two hours.

"Very good. Now it's time to solve the eight faced Buddha's men," William said with a smile. "Did Heifeng find out the area where the eight faced Buddha was ambushed?"

Sunday said, "Sir, both sides are opening the valley 7 kilometers away from us. According to the message from Heifeng, the situation is dominated by the followers of bamianfo.".

"Then it's our turn." William opened the portal, went back to the castle, and went to the Mark III armor area. "Help me put on the armor, and let all your triangle drones pass.".

"OK, sir", soon the floor and ceiling of William's station began to open automatically, and a mechanical rotation sound sounded. Four mechanical arms grabbed mark three's parts and began to dress from the inside out.

In just 20 seconds, the whole armor was put on William, and his helmet was closed. William walked out of the portal, followed by ten crawler self-propelled launchers that were only the size of a desk, passing through the portal,

the portal was closed, and the self-propelled crawler launchers were lined up by themselves. William looked at the launcher that had just launched the aircraft more than an hour ago, and laughed Oh, yes, he said to Sunday, "I didn't expect that you don't need 2 hours to build 28 delta aircrafts now?"

Sir, 45 minutes to be exact. There are already two production lines on the second floor of the castle. If you agree, it only takes six days to add one production line at the current speed.

William thought for a moment and said, "then add two more production lines, and we'll talk about the others later. It's a pity that after these delta aircrafts are used today, they may not be used in the future.

after all, I can't use them everywhere, otherwise everyone knows that I did it, and even if the propeller power is improved better, the sound of several or more aircrafts flying at the same time is not enough It's big.

"Sir, in fact, as long as the black front UAV is improved and equipped with a bullet launching system, it can become a more concealed assassin tool than the delta aircraft, and it can do even less with improved materials and use time.".

"That's a good idea. Try it first. After the plan comes out, let's do a few things first. Now we'll finish the work here. As soon as the dog bites the dog, we'll send all the followers of Bamian Buddha to see Satan.".

"Understand, sir", quietly waiting for more than an hour. On Sunday, it was reported that the battle was over and the eight faced Buddha's men were cleaning the battlefield. Impatient William immediately ordered the operation to start on Sunday. The line-up launchers immediately began to work. The sound of "shoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshosho.

Two minutes later, 280 aircrafts began to circle in the sky. William opened the portal to let the launcher return to the castle first, and then ordered Sunday to control all aircrafts to fly 7 kilometers away.

The distance of 7 km is only 40 seconds for a delta aircraft with a speed of 600 km / h.

Watching all the aircraft fly away, William closes mark 3's helmet, starts mark 3 to rush into the sky, turns on the night market mode with his helmet, and watches the triangular aircraft in more than 20 columns fly to the battle zone at high altitude.

"Haha, despite the small size of the aircraft, 280 aircraft still look very spectacular, which is a bit like the bomber battle group in the movie.".

A minute later, under the hands of eight Buddhists who were cleaning the battlefield, he was suddenly interrupted by the special sound of a buzzing aircraft. Before they could react, Mark's third battle armor rushed down first with blue tail flame. With a "bang", William squatted on one knee, stretched out his hands, and hit the commander 5 meters in front of the team with blue light on his helmet and eyes.

"Satan asked me to say hello to you, asshole." standing up, William raised his right hand flat, and the thruster in his palm began to emit blue light. "Bang", the commander who felt the danger was killed by the impact beam as soon as he called out 'shoot'

then two launchers popped out of the steel armor's shoulders, and William automatically aimed at the target in his helmet, "whew whew whew" ten times, away from him The ten most recent leaders were killed immediately,

then the people around responded and began to shoot at William, "daddada", "dingdingding". Unfortunately, ordinary bullets could not break the armor defense.

William turned around, and the intelligent assistant system marked out all the weapons that might pose a threat to the armor. According to Sunday's instructions, his hands were stretched out on both sides, two small missile launchers popped out of his arms, and six "whew whew" sounds were heard. Heavy machine guns and people with rocket launchers were immediately blasted into the sky.

More than 20 groups of aircrafts in the sky, under the cover of night, began to swoop down on the predetermined targets, and 280 of them dived and exploded at the same time, giving these armed elements no chance to react and shoot.

"Boom boom", "boom boom", "boom boom",

one minute after the violent explosion, according to the information seen by the black front UAV and the iron and steel armor, Sunday said, "Sir, according to the calculation, the probability of survival of people in these areas is zero, and the task is completed perfectly,But I have to remind you that the explosion just now has a 55% probability of attracting the attention of the satellites in the sky. Unless you authorize me to hack into these satellites, I strongly recommend that you hide Mark III armor.

"OK, it's just right for me to run away when I'm finished." immediately start the steel suit and rush into the sky to fly into the clouds.

Fly to a certain ocean to find an island to land, open the portal directly back to the castle, happily stand on the platform, let the four mechanical arms for their own armor removal.

Today, he was hit by hundreds of bullets, but the armor didn't have any problems. William was very satisfied with the performance of Mark 3's excessive product. "Sunday, can you produce mark armor by yourself now?"

"As long as the materials are in place, there is no problem in the production of mark III. The production time is expected to be 25 hours," he replied on Sunday.

"Let's set up my mother's Mr. Gao, and give birth to a mark 3." after removing the armor, William went to the 3D virtual area and said with a virtual imaging pen, "set up the mission, the name of the mission is Mark 5 portable armor.".

"Clear sir, mission set up.".

William took the virtual imaging pen and stood in front of the virtual imaging workbench. "Let's start. Let's get the mark 5 out as soon as possible. It's still inconvenient for Mark 3 not to dress on his own, so that he won't be able to catch up when something goes wrong.".

William, who left with a slap on his ass after finishing the work, actually hid in the basement of the castle and began to draw the drawings of Mark 5 according to the system knowledge in his mind, but left a lot of mess to others.