As soon as the triangle suicide aircraft rushed down, the surrounding bodyguards and the like immediately went to Damei. A low roar burst out, and the shock bomb type aircraft burst out one after another. Then a piece of aircraft with anesthetic models burst out one after another in the selected area, and the scene was immediately shrouded in fog.

The Sunday report, which has been controlling the black front UAV, "Sir, the aircraft exploded in the predetermined area, and everyone on the scene has been in a coma.".

"Good, Barney, you get the boat and we'll take the target," William said with a smile.

"OK," Barney nodded, pushing a cross-country motorcycle out of the car to drive the boat.

As soon as Barney left, William closed all the doors and windows of the car, pasted reflective paper on it, opened the portal, threw the transmitter of the triangle aircraft into the basement of the castle, drove the car to the place of the accident, tied the hands and feet of the eight faced Buddha and his children, and dragged them into the car.

Finally, he took Zhang Ziwei and put him in the co pilot's seat, gave him an injection of anesthetic and antidote, and drove to the beach with Barney to throw the eight faced Buddha family on board.

"Are you sure you want to turn yourself in to Thailand, not to be in a certain port?" William said to Zhang Ziwei, who had woken up

"Besides going to Thailand, what else can I do?" Zhang Ziwei said helplessly.

"No, of course, there are other ways." William threw his gun and several clips to Zhang Ziwei. "I told the people above that you stayed here to guard those guys lying on the ground. I checked that your goods didn't go here, but went to North America, so no matter how bad you stayed here, it would not be bad enough to go to Thailand to serve your sentence and be avenged.

"Sir, two cars will arrive in seven minutes," William said in his ear on Sunday. "Well, people are coming. I have to go.".

Zhang Ziwei silently shakes hands with William, and then looks at Minna on the boat with some impatience. He wants to plead, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth. Even his collaborator, William, almost doesn't want to let go. He knows that the bamianfo family is doomed, "hurry up when you send her on the road.".

"No problem," William said with a smile, patting Zhang Ziwei on the shoulder. "Take care, man. I hope we can meet again.".

He jumped on the boat and nodded to Barney. The speedboat sped off to the open sea. After an hour, William asked Barney to stop the boat on an island and carry the eight faced Buddha family to the island. He made an excuse and said to Barney, "go to Thailand yourself, and a plane will pick me up later.".

"Understand, boss", Barney didn't ask much, said to William, take care and left.

As soon as Barney left, William opened the portal, and the mage went into the portal with the family of Bamian Buddha in his hand. He came to the base of Bamian Buddha where he had been before, released the black front UAV, put on his combat suit, put on his helmet, went to Bamian Buddha and gave him an injection of narcotic antidote. In ten seconds, Bamian Buddha awoke.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a man wearing a helmet and a black combat suit standing in front of him with a foot in his stomach.

This foot is a little heavy. Wei Xingguang, the eight faced Buddha, lay on the ground and howled bitterly for a long time before he came over. He said weakly, "who are you?"

Who is it? William turned his eyes and said, "my boss asked me to thank you, but he is not very satisfied with the $200 million figure. As long as he takes over your business, it's very easy to get $1 billion a year.".

"Ha ha, I know you American secret agents can't be relied on." Wei Xingguang, the eight faced Buddha, was tied with both hands and feet. He didn't want to sit up successfully, so he just lay flat on the ground. "Tell Jason Weinberg, does he really think that people like me have so much money? Ha ha ha, I've kept it since he took the money. If you don't want to kill me, you'd better let me go.

"I don't have so much patience, and my boss doesn't have so much patience. Evidence and money will change your child's life, otherwise," William said, taking out Glock 17 and pointing at Wei Xingguang's second son, "otherwise, I'll start to shoot him in the foot until I hit him in the head. Are you interested in trying?"

Without waiting for Wei Xingguang, the eight faced Buddha, to make a hard mouth, William hit the target on the foot board. "Sorry, your son's leg is probably broken," he said, turning the muzzle of the gun to Wei Xingguang's third son's foot, "I don't want you to talk when your son's leg is broken.".

"Ha ha, do you think I'm an idiot? It's impossible for you to let me and my family go, "said Wei Xingguang with a smile." and I know you're not under Jason Weinberg, right? But it doesn't matter. It's good for Jason to accompany me when I'm dead, hahaha.

"Old fox is old fox, see things is to understand," William took off his helmet and put it into the storage space, smiling at the gaping eight faced Buddha Wei Xingguang said, "it seems that I am really famous now, or Zhang Ziwei is right, do you really want to kidnap me?"

"Why, why, I haven't contacted you at all, why are you?" the eight faced Buddha yelled after the shock, "I have a grudge against you?"

"Of course, remember that Interpol you threw in the crocodile pool last year?" William didn't talk nonsense. He shot each of his three sons and daughters in the head. The three who were still in a coma immediately lost their breath.

"No, no" the eight faced Buddha never thought that William would be so decisive. He started without mentioning the conditions, which made the eight faced Buddha curse at William crazily. However, William, who had been prepared for a long time, took out his earphone and put it on his ear, and said to Sunday, "music". Immediately, a steel piano began to sound.Listening to the music, he looked at the bamianfo cursing, but he didn't hear half a sentence of cursing. After waiting for half an hour, bamianfo's voice was hoarse. William went to the dejected bamianfo, grabbed his hair, looked into his eyes and said, "look into my eyes.".

The eight faced Buddha, who hated William, couldn't help looking into William's eyes, but this one made him fall into dementia soon. A murmur echoed in his ears and mind, "you are very tired, very tired, sleep, sleep.".

When the Buddha fell into dementia, William whispered in his ear, "tell me where your money is.".

"Switzerland", a low voice with eight faces and no expression.

After taking a few minutes to get all the account passwords of the eight faced Buddha, William solved the eight faced Buddha completely.

A few minutes later, he reported to Wilhelm on Sunday, "Sir, there are altogether,"

before he finished speaking on Sunday, Wilhelm interrupted, "stop, don't tell me how much money there is, so that I won't be reluctant to give up. I can't ask for a dime of this money and donate it all.".

"All? Sir, I think you should first listen to how much money there is, "he explained on Sunday. It's an intelligent program, but it doesn't have the feelings and taboos of human beings. But William can't do it. If you listen to what he said on Sunday, you will know that there must be a lot of money, but he can't take it. He said with heartache," yes, all, all. ".