William hung up with Mccall's phone, and make complaints about Mccall's old man's sense of justice. But in fact, he was like Yuri Olof, who was known as the king of war, who could not put up with what he was best at.

A sense of achievement is really important to a person, which determines his attitude towards his life and work.

Yuri found that he was good at nothing but arms trading. He retired for his wife and children for a period of time. In the end, he could not help but go back to his old business and sell arms?

Macall retired in suspended animation because of his wife's unexpected death, but after retirement, he had no love, no family, and too plain life, which made him confused and bored.

when he saw Alina's tragic situation, he immediately found an excuse in his mind, which was ready to move and was about to press the unbearable activity.

Getting rid of the bad and getting rid of the good, which has something to do with justice, will make people like McCall, who are used to wandering on the edge of life and death, find a suitable reason to do it.

thinking that anyway, all the people I kill are scum and garbage that escape legal sanctions. Since the law can't punish them, I will do it myself.

So when he saw John wicker the next night, he laughed and said, "help me stare downstairs. If I'm exposed, I need you to take care of me. I can handle things upstairs.".

"No problem", John wick nodded, took out a black frame glasses and mobile phone with camera function and gave them to McCall,

"this is what Mr. Devonshire asked you to give. The glasses have camera function, and Mr. Devonshire wanted to see how you would deal with it.".

"Ha ha" macall laughs. He understands what William means. His skill assessment before joining the company and wearing glasses are surprisingly suitable for him. "It seems that your work is in place and the size is just right.".

"If you understand, remember to turn on your mobile phone before using it." after that, Li Li put on a stiff suit, smeared his glossy back, and walked slowly into a polar bear restaurant not far away.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, John wick scanned his eyes and finally sat down in a place that could not be photographed by the camera.

he ordered Kiev fried chicken, caviar, Russian borscht, traditional Russian muffins, chocolate sorbet and vodka with authentic polar bear language and service industry.

More than ten minutes later, the dishes were on the table one after another. Just after a few mouthfuls of John wick, Yu Guang saw Michael, dressed in ordinary clothes and baseball cap, walking into the front door of the restaurant with his head down. During the peak period, the waiter didn't pay attention and walked directly to the second floor.

John wick, who is eating dinner, and William, who is lying comfortably on the sofa of the hotel and drinking whiskey, soon learn about macall's action from Sunday.

John wick put on his glasses, while William turned on the TV and ordered the video to be sent on the TV on Sunday to watch McCall's performance.


after doing his homework in advance, Michael went directly to slavey's office, knocked on the door, turned the handle and entered the office.

As soon as he entered the office, McCall quickly scanned the whole office. A thug in a pair of glittering shoes sat on the sofa 2 meters to the right of the door.

The three thugs were drinking and chatting at the counter of the indoor pub, while slavi, the leader, was drinking vodka in his office chair.

Slavy, who was drinking vodka, saw macall come in and asked with a strained face, "are you lost? Man.

"How did you get up?" a long haired thug asked the leader, standing in front of Slavy. "Do you want me to drive him away?"

McCall takes out the card in his pocket. The unique girl on the card lets slavey know that it's the card they sent out to solicit customers. He thinks that McCall is a customer for fun.

With a smile, he waved to the long haired thug and said, "no"

McCall went to his desk, put his business card on the desk and said, "I'm here for a girl named Alina.".

Slavy put his right hand on the table holding the glass and waved his hand. With a sneer, he said: "I'm sorry, I have too many girls. I don't remember her name. Maybe you can take a picture of her next time when you visit her, so that I can know who is so powerful that I can fascinate you, an old man who can't move quickly. Maybe I will give her more work as a prize It's called "encouragement".

"Ha ha," four of slavi's men in the office burst into laughter.

McCall, with a black face, looked at the long haired thug and Slavy's indifferent, cold, sarcastic face. He felt disgusted and irritable for no reason.

But thinking of the hidden danger of doing it in a public place like a restaurant, he deliberately said, "maybe I can pay for Alina. How about cash"

"ha ha", and Slavy sneered, "you are humiliating me. You know, even if you kill her, I won't buy our polar bear beauty to you guys.".

"But also look at what kind of junk you are wearing. I don't think you have so much money to buy Alina. She is a minor. Some of you American people like her. This type of abnormal guy is willing to spend a lot of money to buy her for one night. She's a cash cow and she's long-term.".Slavey, who stares into McCall's eyes, doesn't see the anger and fear that ordinary people should have. On the contrary, some of them are calm and indifferent.

this annoys him. At the same time, he is on the alert. His eyes at McCall gradually become fierce. He deliberately uses words to stimulate McCall and says,

"even an old man like you wants to buy Alina. It seems that she is really rich. Hey, I'm going to sell her as a virgin to an underground auction house. Do you know how much it will cost? "

Under age, sell, these two words make macall's idea of killing all the people in front of him unbearable,

even think that every breath of these people is polluting the world,

going to hell is the most suitable ending for these scum people, if there are souls, macall will definitely tear up the souls of these people.

However, he is not a rookie. As soon as he decides to do it, the excitement in his mind makes him more sober.

thinking that he is standing in the middle of the office, and the shooter who threatens him the most is five or six meters behind him, at this time, he can't kill the shooter at the first time.

after thinking about this, McCall will restrain his momentum His eyes blinked, his face was scared, he dared not to speak, and his eyes to Slavy also dodged.

This makes slavey who has been staring at McCall very satisfied and relieved. Slavey, who is bewildered by McCall's honest face, is not interested in playing with the old man who is submissive and has no cash.

"go away, it's a waste of my time and life to talk to you eggs.".

McCall nodded calmly, retreated to the gate in the mockery of the five scum, and couldn't restrain his idea of killing them. If he didn't kill the five scum here, he would never live comfortably in the future.