The next morning, as soon as William wakes up, he reports on Sunday that the printing equipment and venue he ordered are ready.

there are too many props and banknotes needed this time. In order to keep secret, he suggests William to put paper and ink into the printing equipment himself on Sunday.

After a while, William agreed to Sunday's suggestion. After breakfast, he drove Ducati R6 to the rented venue,

the printing equipment inside had been debugged, waiting for William to debug the ink and add paper according to the formula he found in some places on the Internet on Sunday,

the printed props notes with props words could have about seven layers of real money, After a fire, even if the professional personnel to detect, also can not find any problem.

According to the steps said on Sunday, William spent two days in this printing warehouse, every half an hour mentally moving the paper into the feeding port, while the machine kept printing prop coins.

At about 11:00 the next night, William, who was processing the last batch of printed property notes, heard his mobile phone ring,

ring his fingers, and the Sunday report in his headset said: "Sir, the call is from Mr. Robert McCall.".

"Well? How did the old man call me?

William asked Sunday suspiciously, "tell me what Michael has done these two days?"

Sir, Mr. McCall called you as soon as he got out of the hospital this evening.

"Hospital?" After thinking about it, William immediately understood, "is Alina in the hospital?"

"Yes, sir, you didn't ask me to monitor Miss Alina, so I can only learn from the medical records of the hospital that Miss Alina was sent to the hospital at 3 a.m. yesterday by her companion,

the specific cause of the injury is unknown, but Alina's injury is very serious, with heavy blows on her head, body and face. According to the medical records of the doctor, it should be caused by punching and kicking Yes,

fortunately, Alina woke up at 2 p.m. this afternoon and was out of danger.

at 9:05 p.m., Mr. McCall learned from Mr. Jacobs, the restaurant owner, that Miss Alina was in the hospital and then went to see her in the hospital,

but instead of meeting her directly, he learned from her companions why Miss Alina was beaten and why they were controlled by gangs After leaving the hospital, he will call you. Sir, the phone will hang up automatically in five seconds. Do you want me to connect you? "

"Hey, get through", William is a little curious about the reason why McCall called him,

it is reasonable to say that he should not go to Pushkin's east coast stronghold with his only $9800 at this time,

go to slavina's gangsters to buy Alina's right to life freedom? After being ridiculed and refused by slavi, slavi and his four men were killed directly.

I got through,

"well... This is William Devonshire. Who's calling?" Asked William, pretending to be awakened.

"Hello, Mr. Devonshire, I'm Robert McCall. I'm sorry to disturb your rest so late",

mackell didn't speak as freely as he did a few days ago. On the contrary, he took some caution,

"I don't know if the job you told me a few days ago is still there. I thought about it and thought that it's better to go to Oxford to do some meaningful work instead of dying like a waste ,

although I am old, I have rich experience in security. I promise that I can manage the security of the castle town for you, and at the same time, I won't let anyone disturb your castle and your mother's life. "

"Well," William delayed for a while and said, "the post is still there, but I'm not sure you can really manage the security work in a small town.

in order to be responsible for the residents of the town, I need you to prove that you are competent for the job.".

"Yes," McCall knew in his heart that William's assessment was not an ordinary assessment at all. The real assessment must be to see if he was able to kill or willing to kill,

after a long silence, he replied, "I understand, but I have a request. In order to be able to work in Oxford, I still have some trivial matters to deal with. Can you let me know One night, Mr. half long hair bodyguard outside the restaurant came to help me deal with these trifles.

on the one hand, let him assess my skills; on the other hand, if someone helps me, I can speed up my trifles and go to Oxford to serve you as soon as possible. ".

"Ha ha, macall, I don't believe you can't see that he's a killer, not a bodyguard," William said with a smile, "and I know what you want to do, but do you think I'll offend the American polar bear gang for you?

We all know that the people who moved the polar bear Gang, these vengeful guys, will hunt you and the people you care about indefinitely. Tell me, macall, what are you going to make up for the risks I may encounter in the future.

This time, without hesitation, McCall replied, "my life and the rest of my life.".

William sighed and asked, "is it worth it? Just for an unrelated girl, or a girl who has been controlled by gangsters since childhood,Maybe you helped her today. When the polar bear found her, in order to survive, she might betray you without even thinking about it.

After a long time, McCall sighed, "I don't know why, Mr. Devonshire, I have lost myself since my wife passed away, but since I saw Alina beaten and bruised,

I feel that I have found my goal in life again, that is to use what I have learned to punish the injustice that I see and hear,

the most important thing What I'm good at is dealing with scum. My life experience enables me to help those who are helpless.

Mardan, William said in his heart, damned virgin heart, how much sense of justice does macall have to have to fight against injustice after retirement for many years.

It seems that this guy was born to be honest in appearance, but he was very restless in heart. After retirement for a long time, when he was bored, he wanted to go out for activities, so as not to make himself feel like a useless person.

However, macall's heart of Notre Dame is different from that of Sophie and Professor Langdon who met in Paris before.

although macall yearns for justice, he doesn't mind dealing with those scum in the way of physical destruction.

This is the same as William's belief in root cutting. Although he doesn't think much of macall's sense of justice, he likes his way of doing things very much. Physical destruction is the safest way.

So William laughs, "well, I like you, Michael. I like people who have a bottom line and are not soft hearted in doing things. Congratulations, you have been hired for a one-year probation period.

if you satisfy me, I will give you a big surprise and a part-time job. That job is very suitable for you. Goodbye. Someone will come to you tomorrow night and he will tell you what to do What to do,

finally, remind me that the girl you met today is not safe and you don't want to regret it. You'd better hide her and Alina. Can I help you? ".

"Yes, Mr. Devonshire, thank you for reminding me. I'll ask you for help just because I'm worried about their safety. It's better if you take over. Thank you. Goodbye.".

"Well, bye.".