He had a Spanish dinner with Winston and had a chat with him over red wine for a long time. Winston looked at his watch and saw that it was almost 10 o'clock before he handed over the picture bucket to William.

"Are you sure this is true? Before dinner, I asked Karon about it. It seems that the real one was stolen by another group.

William looked at the pail in Winston's hand, shook his head and said with a smile, "I'd better not take it. Please help me to get rid of it.".

Winston seemed to be not surprised by William's performance. He chuckled and threw the bucket. "So you know all about it. It seems that your intelligence ability is also good. People from the secret service in Washington have been fooled. Now few people know it. Or," Winston laughed inexplicably, "is it really in your hands?"

"Ha ha" William did not speak with a smile. He did not know whether to hide the declaration or to destroy the numbers and patterns behind it.

After all, this document is really too important for Lao Mei. It's not too much to say that it's their lifeblood. If they can't find it all the time, William, the participant, will be suspected all the time, and will certainly come into Lao Mei's eye.

William took a sip of red wine and suddenly asked, "Winston, you should have heard of the paladin's treasure. Do you think that treasure really exists?"

"Ha ha, you little slicker, don't worry. I'm not interested in treasure. I'd better make it clear to you so that you, a suspicious and sick little fellow, won't test and doubt me in the future. I'm old and don't have so much thought and energy to waste my time on you. Do you know how much money I have now?"

William was embarrassed when Winston broke down his careful thinking. He shook his head with a smile. He thought that there were tens of millions of dollars in his mind. He said a figure "one hundred million dollars" which seemed impossible to him.

Winston laughed and said, "ha ha, I have more than 100 million dollars in cash in the bank. Well, I think it should be about 300 million dollars. If we add in the industry, it could be about 500 million or 600 million dollars"

"so much" surprised William. "Do killers make money like this?"

"Ha ha, you are still young and growing too fast. As long as any industry stays at the top of the pyramid, money is not the main problem. My money is not small. Do you know how much I spend on a day?"

"Ten thousand?"

"No, it's zero. I haven't spent a cent in five or six years," Winston sighed, shaking his head. "Isn't that surprising?".

Of course surprised, William curiously asked: "why is this?".

"Ha ha, because I have no place to spend, a few years ago, I wanted to be a test tube baby for my offspring, but I spent tens of millions of dollars in nearly ten years, but none of them succeeded. The poison my enemy gave me has completely made me lose my fertility.

although I can still be humane, I can't even find a woman when I get older, Now I spend 360 days a year in mainland hotels. Do you think I need to spend money? "

"Don't you have any other hobbies? If you see God, it's a pity that you haven't spent all the money "

" hahaha "Winston is still very happy that William doesn't care about his money." well, let's not say that. I've said that for so many times, in order to let you put down your guard against me, I have no offspring and I don't want money, and I won't covet be greedy for the secrets of your Devonshire family.

you can find that treasure, Even I think you may have found the secret of the treasure in the Da Vinci cask that Henry left you.

Even though Winston said so much, William already believed that what Winston said was true in his heart, but William, a black hearted guy, still didn't believe Winston completely. If he didn't covet treasure, he might covet other things. What's a secret? Only what no one knows is a secret.

William said with a smile: "no, what Henry left me is just a coordinate, which is the place I went to a few days ago, Cape barrow. I have figured it out. In the past, the Devonshire family never forgot the treasure because the family has no money. Now that I have money, I don't have to look for the legendary treasure.

Let it quietly stay in a corner of the ground and continue to sleep. It can also be regarded as a tribute to the founders of the six Templars thousands of years ago. Anyway, I am also a descendant of the Templars, and the agreement of my ancestors should be abided by. ".

After that, William took his glass to the sky and said in a low voice, "the Templar will live forever." he drank all the red wine in the glass and said, "well, Winston, it's time for me to go home and have a look. I haven't lived in the house I bought in the upper east city for a few days. Maybe I can meet a beautiful woman in the evening to talk about life and exercise together. Goodbye, uncle Winston.".

"Oh," Winston rolled his eyes. He didn't believe William's lies, but he was very pleased that some things and words were not true as long as they were not said.

"William, you really deserve to be a member of Devonshire's family. You Devonshire are naturally suspicious. Good luck, son. Think more when you do things. In a few days, there will be many people around you staring at you. Some things don't need evidence. Do you understand?"

"Thank you," said William. Of course, he knew what Winston was talking about. As long as cedes didn't find the declaration of the founding of the people's Republic after three days, America would find someone else to look for it. At that time, William would be watched by many people around him.I've done so much these days just to destroy the clue of the founding declaration? As long as there is no evidence that the treasure really exists, Lao Mei does not dare to catch him openly.

He didn't steal the declaration of the founding of the people's Republic of China. Ben Gai and the non-existent thief in black are all responsible for the black pot. Ha ha, if Lao Mei catches him without proof, William will let some people know that rich people are not easy to be provoked. He can bring a lawsuit to the end of time with 100 million US dollars. As for William, he just wants to stare at him.

From the secret elevator of the hotel, you can see that Karon is waiting for him by the car that sent him. When you see William coming out, Karon gentlemanly opens the rear door for William.

"Thank you, Caron," William said after sitting down. "Send me up to the east side. Do you know where the house I bought is?"

"Yes, Mr. Devonshire, Mr. Winston has already told me that we have a backup of everything you have in New York. You can come to me if you have anything in the future, and I will serve you wholeheartedly.".

"Thank you"

they didn't talk much. It took them about ten minutes to get to the main street of the upper east side. William looked at the night scene of the upper east side, but he was thinking about the treasure. He was thinking about whether he would go to the underground of Trinity Church this evening to make a delivery point, and then transport the treasure back to Niugu castle with the delivery gate when the wind was quieter.

When the car arrived at XX street, William suddenly saw a building with a peculiar shape. He thought, how do I look so familiar? Where have I seen it?