Looking at the church, cedes cheered up and said to his men, "use the computer to analyze and compare the figure of the thief, see if you can find out anything. Call to ask if William Devonshire was out of the hotel last night. I want the results of Ben Gates' interrogation for half an hour, and finally issue a wanted warrant to Ian's gang. I want to find him in one day "Individual".

"Yes, sir.".

Cedes was in a state of anxiety, while William was still asleep in bed.

Yesterday, he called the sweeper on the phone of the archives to make it more difficult for the secret service to trace.

Carrying a picture bucket found in the archives, he deliberately walked into the camera outside the archives with his body half lowered, in order to make the secret service think that what happened before was to cover the thieves who had been hiding in the archives.

William is confident that the suspicion on him will soon be removed. Maybe he will be able to move freely after today.

When he returns to Washington, D.C., he listens to the reports of his subordinates, holding the information given by lily, which says that the Pittsburgh police found the bodies of Ian and a retired archives security guard yesterday

based on what he knows, he has a general idea in his mind, and he is very sure that the person who stole the founding declaration may have died several years or more ago I'm looking at Ben gates.

Maybe Ian and the people behind the scenes were together, but they were killed in the end. Since the retired security was bought, there must be other traitors in the national archives. As long as we find out the traitor, we may be able to track down the people behind the scenes.

At 12 o'clock at noon, William's door was pressed. When he heard the voice of the housekeeper, William rubbed his face vaguely, got up and opened the door. As soon as he entered the living room of the hotel suite, he saw a haggard face of cedes standing there.

"What's the matter? The director of cedes.

As soon as cedes went back to Washington, he made sure that William hadn't come out since he entered the room, and the cameras in the corridor proved that.

Now, seeing William's sleepy face, cedes's suspicion of him was minimized.

He came here in person this time with the intention of making good friends with William, and he was about to have bad luck. He thought that making good friends with William might help him sometime.

So cedars was tired and tried to show a kind smile on his face. "Good afternoon, William. I'm here to officially inform you that you are free. Congratulations.".

"Oh, really" William had a surprise smile on his face. He didn't expect to be able to get rid of the suspicion so soon, so the surprise look on his face didn't have any pretense,

"what happened, chief cedes?" After the pause, William thought of something surprised and said: "God, you caught that killer so soon? Congratulations on that lesson, director cedes

The mouth said congratulations, but the expression is really false, can not be false, cedes can clearly feel William look at his eyes full of disgust.

This makes cedes face a dark, it seems that some of the previous moves severely offended him, now want to woo William is not so easy, heart sighed and shook his head: "no, but we have confirmed the lifting of your suspicion, I can't tell you the specific situation, sorry, William, I have something else to do, wish you good luck.".

"Oh, let's go. Well, thank you for coming in person, director of cedes. Goodbye." William and cedes shake hands and watch a group of people rush away from cedes.

Back to the bedroom and close the door, William waved his fist and jumped up excitedly. Finally, he was able to get away from the whirlpool. Depending on the situation, his backhand played a very important role. Now the secret service must be looking for the man who pretended to be John Vick and the burglar last night.

The declaration of the founding of the people's Republic is in his own hands, and the clues of other people's search for the treasure are all broken. Now only William knows where the treasure is.

Unfortunately, Abigail is under investigation, and it's not suitable for them to meet at this time, which makes William so excited that he can't find anyone to work out.

Take out the cell phone that sent a message to Winston last time, open it and see a text message from Winston, saying that John Vick has returned to the mainland hotel to hand over the task, and ask William when he can come to the hotel to hand over the task and fulfill the contract.

Since there was no way to meet Abigail, it was no fun to stay in Washington. William decided to go back to New York.

He ordered the housekeeper of the suite to book a private plane for him. At 4 p.m., William walked out of the private plane and got into the car where carlon, the lobby manager of Continental Hotel, came to pick him up. After getting on the bus, William said, "carlon, is Winston in the hotel?"

"Yes, Mr. Devonshire. Mr. Winston has been in the hotel all the time. He has been waiting for you for a long time," he nodded.

"Well, let's go."

instead of stopping at the gate of the Continental Hotel, the car drove into the underground parking lot of a building beside the hotel. Karon and William walked into a code gate. After walking for a few minutes, William saw an elevator.

When Karon pressed the password and fingerprint, the elevator opened and went into the elevator. Karon and William said, "Mr. Devonshire, if you want to see Mr. Winston in the future, you can use this elevator. This is a private elevator that goes directly to Mr. Winston's residence, and only Mr. Winston and I know it,Just now, there are more than ten automatic fire points in the channel. Any intruder will be beaten into mud. You can input your fingerprint later.

Listening to this, William thought, it seems that Winston really treated him as his own man. He was told in such a secret passage. Did the old man really treat him as a descendant?

William's suspicious character showed up again. I don't know how his character came from. He was an ordinary man in his previous life.

Maybe it was only after he knew that his grandfather was an old secret agent and family secret for decades, and some secrets could not even be told by his mother.

Walking out of the elevator, William saw Winston standing outside the elevator with a smile on his face. When he saw William, he hugged him happily and said, "has the trouble been solved?"

William said with a smile, "the little thing has been solved.".

"Come on, let's finish the work first. John Vick is waiting for you. You can have a good dinner with me after the work. I can't remember when I had dinner with others last time. I miss living in London with Henry, your grandmother, your mother and you.".

Stepping into the living room, Winston asked, "forget that. What would you like to drink? I heard you like whisky. I have Jack Daniels' 1948 vintage. Would you like some?"

As soon as William heard that it was 1948's Jack, Denny immediately became interested and nodded his head.

Winston laughed, took out a Jack Daniels bottle from the cellar and poured two glasses for William and himself. Winston asked, "water or ice?"

William shook his head hastily. "No, only pure can drink the original flavor of the wine." taking the glass from Winston's hand, William took a sip gently. "Well," it's really good. He used to drink Irish whisky, but he didn't expect that old American whisky would be so similar to his taste. It seems that he will have to accept some Jack Daniels' aging wine on the market in the future.

They drink whiskey and talk about William's childhood scandals, as well as some of the things Winston and Henry used to do together.

Chatting, he heard a knock on the door, and Karon came in to report, "Sir, John Vick has been waiting for you. Do you think we should go now?"

Winston nodded with a smile and said, "I'll take care of the rest. We'll have dinner later.".

"OK, I'll see you later, Winston"
