William asked strangely, "thank you for something. At that time, I was just born, less than 20 days old.".

Carlos said with a smile: "Henry later told me that it was because of your birth that Henry saw hope that he kindly saved me. Otherwise, Henry might go home as if he didn't see it.".

William laughed in his heart that this is really Henry's character. In order to save trouble, he might go straight away without seeing it. So he really has a close relationship with Carlos and Wesley. "What happened then?"

Hearing William's question, Carlos said with a look of pain on his face: "it's two days since I woke up. Henry drove to pick up Wesley but didn't find him after learning about me. We searched for him for two weeks. Finally, Henry used his own relationship to find Wesley at a rancher's house nearby.

It turned out that Wesley had been staying in the cave for three days without eating or drinking, and he had a high fever and was in a coma. Fortunately, on Christmas day, he was found by the rancher's dog and was rescued. He was sent to the hospital and was in a coma for several days before waking up.

Because I was worried about Wesley's safety, I didn't recognize him. After confirming Wesley's safety, I found out who my enemy was for more than a year with Henry's help. Finally, I had to go back to Henry to accept his training and carry out the task while watching Wesley silently in the distance.

Two years later, the ranchers sold their ranch and went to New York. Under Henry's arrangement, I went to New York to join the assassin brotherhood secretly, learn the Assassin Skills of the brotherhood and watch Wesley grow up close up. "

Carlos looked nostalgic in his eyes: "time flies. It's 20 years in a flash. Wesley and you have grown up. Alas, it's a pity that Henry died and I'm getting old.".

"So Wesley and I are not brothers, but we are brothers." William, the black hearted guy, immediately flattered the snake stick.

Carlos is very satisfied with William's words, happy to say: "of course, you must be brothers, without you and Henry, I certainly can't live, also can't find Wesley, of course you are brothers.".

Speaking of this, Carlos looked embarrassed and said, "but Wesley is not as ambitious as you. He's living in New York now. I don't know if you and Wesley can get along well.".

With a smile on his face, William said, "don't worry, we'll get along well." but he thought that since he is a brother, the two families are friends, it will be much easier for William's son to marry Wesley's daughter. But William always thought that the Devonshire family's descendants could inherit the super power blood of Wesley and Carlos,

and only wanted to marry him If the plan is successful, William is not so stupid as to let his father and son die on purpose. These two super assassins will also be used by Devonshire family all the time.

"So you came to me this time because of Wesley?"

Carlos nodded, then shook his head and said firmly: "since you have inherited Henry's career and influence, I don't need to stay in the assassin brotherhood any more. I have learned what I should learn, and I don't want to stay in the assassin brotherhood any more. What's more, the Brotherhood has gradually changed under the leadership of the new leader over the years.

I found that leader Sloan was working with a secret organization, and the target of the assassination was no longer guided by the loom of fate.

Since the mission of the assassin Brotherhood has gone bad, I don't need to stay there, but it's not so easy to exit safely. I'm worried that Sloan has discovered the existence of Wesley in the past ten years. As long as I quit the brotherhood, Wesley and I will face the pursuit of the brotherhood. I don't care how much I can kill, but I'm worried about the safety of Wesley ”。

In the end, Carlos said fiercely, "so I'm secretly uniting with some members of the Europa brotherhood who have doubts about the mission to get rid of the New York assassin brotherhood, but we don't have enough strength. I need your help, William.".

Is that why Carlos cleared the New York brotherhood in the movie? I'm old, my child is old, and I don't want to do it anymore. I want to destroy an organization that has existed for hundreds and thousands of years in order to be safe? What's in it for you?

No, it seems that Europa's assassin brotherhood and the New York brotherhood really don't get along. The relationship between the two sides is not very good. As long as we can destroy the New York brotherhood, maybe Carlos can organize these Europa brotherhood members and set up a new assassin organization?

William thought happily, if the plan succeeds, doesn't it mean that he can have a group of Assassin allies with great destructive power? Even the men?

After thinking about it, William said, "what do I need to do? “。

"Money has something to do with intelligence. If we want to get rid of the New York assassin brotherhood, the most important thing is to let the New York government not interfere in the affairs between us and Sloan.".

"Money is OK. Intelligence and relationships take time, but now I have a chance. I've been saving the daughter of a retired New York secret service girl named Brian mills, whose name is Ginny, who has been rescued by me.

Brian has a wide relationship in the United States. I'm going to talk to him to see if I can support him to enter the official U.S. government, so we need to clean up our hands if we want the plan to succeed.Heard is related to the assassination, Carlos said with a smile: "no problem, assassination is my best, no one can escape my sniper.".

Thinking about the two guys Carlos and Wesley in the movie shooting at the target a few kilometers away is as simple as ordinary people shooting at 20 meters with a sniper gun, William is a little hairy. Fortunately, these two guys are with him, otherwise William would not know how to avoid the two father and son's sniping.

William looked at the confident Carlos shaking his head and said: "no, there is an insider who is from the French Security Council. We can't assassinate him openly. We have to do it in secret. We'd better pretend to be an accident or suicide. Another target can't disturb the French government, because he is related to many French votes.".

"That's no problem. At most, it's just a little more work. When shall we take action?".

William nodded. He had already figured out what to do. He said to Carlos, "go to belott street first. Brian lured Claude to go to an abandoned factory on belott street at 9 o'clock with false information.".

Carlos looked at his watch. It's seven now. "Do you have any plans? Time is running out. We have to prepare.

William nodded with a smile and said, "come on, help me buy some tools. I can't show myself. You should have no problem.".

Carlos nodded. He knew what happened to William. He had better not show up if he didn't show up.

William took out his mobile phone, wrote down the things he wanted to buy and sent them to Carlos, "you go to buy these things. I'll go to the abandoned factory in belott street first and explore it first.".

Carlos took out his cell phone and looked at it. He soon laughed, "OK, I'll go to Belot street to find you if I buy something good.".

They put on their helmets and drove the locomotive, and they were ready to go separately.