Ginny has found the plane that will be sent to the United States soon. William said that he would wait for a day just to stabilize Claude.

After drinking the whisky in the glass, I think that Paris is so tense now. Last night, I killed dozens of people by myself. It's too dangerous to kill Mullard in person. I'd better find Carlos the cross. After all, Carlos is the king of assassins.

Take an unused cell phone out of the storage space and call Carlos.

The phone soon got through, "do something for me. I'll get rid of a man in Paris tomorrow night. I'll send you the photo later.".

"Yes, I'm in Switzerland. It's easy to go to Paris. I'll be in Paris in about six hours. Let's meet again, William. I just need your help.".

"OK, I'll see you in the evening." after hanging up, William sat on the sofa and wondered what Carlos would need to find himself? It's not about the assassin brotherhood, is it? If so, William really has to think about it. He doesn't want to be targeted by boss Sloan of the assassin brotherhood.

Thinking about the gains and losses, William received a call from Brian, and when he got through the phone with a laugh, he heard Brian's excited incoherent voice saying, "God bless you, William, I really don't know how to thank you.".

"Ha ha, got a call from Ginny?"

"Yes, Ginny is still on the phone with her mother. Thank you very much, William. I can sleep well, but how did you do it, William? Why did the people in the underground auction house send Ginny to you?".

"Ha ha", people with secret service background really doubt everything, "Brian, in fact, it's very simple. We all ignore the fact that as long as we have money, nothing can't be sold in the underground auction house. To put it mildly, Brian, you and I are both idiots. We have money but we don't know how to make use of it. We were both poor for a long time before and only wanted to use ourselves when we had an accident I'm very good at solving problems by means. I didn't think that money is the most powerful currency. So, Brian, I need to meet you and have a chat. I have some ideas to talk with you.

Brian was silent for several minutes after hearing William's words. Finally, he sighed and said, "OK, let's meet and talk in America. William, I probably know what you want to talk to me about. Hey, if I had met you ten years ago, I would never have talked about meeting you or even killing you. But I'm retired. I don't need me anymore. I should have been ginico I'm worried, so I'll wait for you in America, William.

"Good. I'm glad you can understand. When I handle the handtail, I will personally send Ginny back to America and watch her come back to you.".

"Hand tail?" Bryan asked suspiciously.

"Ha ha, our enemy's parents are coming to France. Do you think I want to greet him? And if we want to cooperate, we can't leave any trouble. We have to be clean as white paper. ".

Brian immediately understood William's words, "ha ha, yes, it's time to greet him. Everything has to be done from beginning to end. The whole family has to be together to be perfect. What can I do for you?"

After thinking about it, William said, "get ready for the sweeper. Now the form of Paris is tense. Some professional things still need professional employees to avoid accidents. Besides, let the sweeper deal with the corpse in the basement of the safe house.".

"No problem, I still have hundreds of gold coins in mainland hotels, which is enough to pay for the scavengers.".

"Dung beetle? Ha, ha, I didn't know your mouth was so bad, Brian. OK, help me find out where Chloe is or find someone familiar to lead him to a remote place. I need to get rid of him.

"I understand. I'll call you when I'm ready." Brian is worthy of being a secret agent for decades. He didn't even ask William why he had to deal with Claude. He knew it must have something to do with his daughter, so he agreed.

Two hours later, William received Brian's reply, "I contacted Claude with my former secret line in France. The secret line told Claude that he had information about the White Palace and sold it to Claude at 9 p.m. in an old factory building on belott street.

I know Claude very well. In order to get a promotion, Claude should go to see the dark line alone. Be careful, William.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful.".

At 6:00 p.m., William with a black framed glasses and a beard saw Carlos, a cross, coming from an ordinary roadside cafe in Paris. They sat back-to-back in an open-air seat several meters away, quietly and casually eating something and coffee.

A few minutes after Carlos checked out, William got up to follow Carlos. At a corner, they looked at each other. William nodded to indicate that no one was following. Carlos took William to a roadside parking lot, threw a black helmet of William, mounted the ready Yamaha R6, and roared the accelerator into a small forest.

Taking off his helmet, William was a little excited and took a picture of the Yamaha R6. In his previous life, he was very fond of heavy motorcycles. However, he could easily see a car with a size of tens of thousands and a medium size of hundreds of thousands. That was a small thing. No matter how good William was, he would not dare to think about it.

William was reluctant to give up tens of thousands of Chinese coins in his previous life, so he could only feel them at the auto show and take a chance to make an appointment to queue up for a test drive.When Carlos saw that William liked R6 so much, he said with a smile, "if you like to buy a better one yourself, these two R6 are black cars. The ordinary configuration is less than $2000, and you have to dispose of them when you run out.".

"Hey, hey, it seems that you've had a good time recently. Carlos, did you go to see your son and improve his life?".

Carlos heard William say his son, and his face soon became gloomy, which made William worried that it would not be Wesley, right? He also waited for Carlos to take the initiative to accept Wesley to know him, and he was well-known and honest to solicit Wesley, "what's the matter? What happened to Wesley.

Carlos shook his head after thinking for a few seconds and said, "there's something Henry may not have told you. I didn't leave group w until Henry died. I left group w in name seven years before Henry's accident and joined an assassin group secretly.".

Hearing the assassin organization, William immediately understood what Carlos said. He was surprised. No, the most fierce cross of the assassin Brotherhood was sent into the assassin brotherhood secretly by his grandfather Henry?

"People in our family will have a great chance to wake up to a super ability after they are born. The secretion of adrenaline will be several times or even dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people and will not die. This enables us to have eyesight and action speed several times higher than that of ordinary people. If we add the acquired training, people in our family will be born assassins.

One winter 20 years ago, two men in black suits broke into my house one day. As a last resort, I put 4-year-old Wesley behind a bridge hole and got shot. They led the killer away. They fled to several cities, but they still didn't hide.

Finally, when I fled to a forest outside Oxford City, the fear of death made me realize the reason why my heart beat faster every time I was nervous. When I finally fought with two killers, because of the super power I suddenly acquired, the two killers thought I had no resistance ability and wanted to take me away, they were killed by me with a dagger several times faster.

But because of two days of running and gunshot wound, he fainted in the woods and was saved by Henry who was looking for the Christmas tree in the woods.

I should really thank you, William.

Thank me for what, 20 years ago before Christmas I was born not many days ah, how thank you to my head.