"Sorry, everyone, I didn't expect that the police would come so soon. When you first came in, the security system of the bank automatically called the police. Your wanted order is stored in the system, and we can't remove it. Please follow me. You have the oldest account of our bank, and one of the terms is to ensure customers to leave the bank safely.".

At night, the manager pushed open a door and took William and the three of them to a convoy. Langdon looked at the convoy and hesitated. He didn't want to get on the convoy. At last, he got on the convoy under William's urging.

When the escort car left the bank, it was stopped by the police and asked to be checked. At last, the manager was very tactful at night. After being questioned by the police, he took William and them out of Paris.

In the trunk, William looked at the wooden box in his hand, "Holy Grail, magic cup, the source of God of light's power on earth"

"it's all bullshit," Sophie said with a smile after hearing William's joke.

Langdon looked at William and Sophie and said, "don't you believe in God of light?"

Sophie smiles and shakes her head. "I don't believe in the power that comes from the sky. I only believe in people. Sometimes people are very kind."

William nodded and agreed: "I have one thing. I believe there will be more good people than bad people, but I believe that only when I am strong can I protect the things and people I want to protect"

when William opened the wooden box, there is a code box inside. Ha, it is very similar to the code box Henry left him, but this code box is much smaller than that of his family.

Sophie took the code cylinder from William's hand and said, "Oh, my God, this is the code cylinder, invented by Leonardo da Vinci."

Sophie looked at the code cylinder carefully, and then said, "this is used to protect secrets. There is a glass bottle filled with vinegar in it, and the note rolls up the glass bottle. If it is opened violently, the vinegar bottle inside will be broken, and the vinegar will corrode the handwriting If you drop it, the words on it will disappear. There are five groups of 26 English letters, with a total possibility of 12 million. If you don't know the secret, no one will know the secret inside "

at this time, the escort car begins to slow down and stop, and the door opens. The night manager points P226 at them and says," I've been guarding for 20 years, but I didn't expect that three killers will come. Take it "

" what ”William said that "touch" manager didn't have to say anything. He fired directly at the compartment of the escort car. The stray bullet hit him and was pointed at by the gun. William had to walk slowly to pass the secret tube to him with his left hand and put his right hand behind him. He was ready to take Glock 17 out of the storage space with his right hand when the manager received the code tube I'm a manager.

"Wait, show me the ring on your hand." the manager suddenly got excited.

William turned his left hand inside out. The manager saw the ring in William's hand and got excited, "what's your name and why is this ring in your hand"

"William Devonshire"

"Devonshire in England, what's your grandfather's name"

William hesitated and saw that the manager had not pointed P226 at him and said: "Henry Wynn St. Devonshire "

the manager immediately got excited:" God, so you didn't kill sonier "

William and randen Sophie all looked at the manager unexpectedly. At this time, they all reflected that the manager was also a member of the Bashan hermit, otherwise he would not have put down his gun when he saw William's iris ring.

After putting down the gun, the manager said to the three people, "come down first"

after the three people got out of the car, the manager said, "my name is Andre Vernet, who is the guardian of the code barrel. I have been guarding this code barrel for 20 years, but I didn't expect that sonier's Presbyterian Council was dead, so he was killed by the Illuminati"

Langdon asked after hearing this: "Illuminati Isn't this organization banned? "

Andre said: "no, in fact, they were banned by the Vatican of light, but these guys, like us, eventually hid themselves in the Vatican of light.

A committee has been set up to look for the Holy Grail and our Priory. Many of our members have been assassinated by this Council of God of light over the years. In addition to the elder sonier, three elders and one elder are dead now, and the Priory is at its most dangerous moment. "

after that, Andrea leads William to one side and whispers:“ William, the secret of the Holy Grail must not be known to the Council. Now you are the only elder of the Priory. Find the Holy Grail and guard him well.

"but sonier was killed before he told me about the Holy Grail. I don't know how to search for it now, Andre. Do you know anything about it?" William asked.

"sorry, William, I'm just a guardian. I'll take care of it I don't know much about the rest, "Andre said apologetically.

"I know a man who has a deep understanding of the Holy Grail. His name is tibin. He is an Englishman and now lives in France. It may be helpful to find him," Langdon said.

William has no good way now. He knows very little about the history of Europa. He can find an expert to ask him what he can really ask.William said, "OK, let's go find him, Andre. What can you do?"

"don't worry, I'll drive you to tebin's and I'll drive directly to Zurich. They can't find me," Andre said.

After everyone gets on the bus, William and Andre are sitting in the cargo box of the escort car. Langdon and Sophie are driving in the cab. They don't know what William and Andre said in the cargo box. William is serious after getting off the bus.

Andre and William said that the Priory is now dead in name. All the four elders have died. The ordinary members have been scared to hide their identities by the members of the Priory in the past ten years. After the four elders died, most of the members lost their contacts.

The hermits are all artists, scholars and professors. The organization is so scattered that it is easy to be broken down.

Especially in the ten years after Henry's death, the Council's actions became more and more despicable, and the assassinations were all done. Andre reminded William to be careful that he was the last elder of the Priory, or the council would find him.

These people are not looking for the Holy Grail to destroy it, as they say, but to blackmail the holy see like the Knights Templar did 1000 years ago. The marginal people in the holy see are fighting for power.

In Paris, FACHE received a report from his subordinates. The Swiss bank reported that their escort car in Paris had been driven out of the bank without notice. The staff of the Swiss headquarters suspected that the car had been stolen.

The police didn't pay attention at first. When they got out of the police, they saw FACHE's team sealing and searching the street nearby. As soon as the two sides were together, they immediately noticed that something was wrong and applied to Swiss bank for GPS positioning.

GPS positioning showed that the escort car stopped at Villette fort for 10 minutes, and then went on the highway to Switzerland. The police officers immediately suspected that langden might be looking for ray tibin, the owner of Villette fort.

When FACHE heard the phone call, he was overjoyed and called to drive more than ten cars to Villette