"The Holy Grail," Sophie sighed. For Europeans and Americans, the Holy Grail is really known to everyone. There are many legends about the Holy Grail in various film and television books.

Sophie then said, "what's the treasure?"

Langdon, the co pilot, looked at William and said, "maybe William knows what it is"

Sophie looked at William in surprise, "William, you know what the treasure is, right?"

Looking at the curious Langdon and Sophie, he thought for a moment that he had no clue about the treasure the family was looking for. He thought that Langdon might know something, "King Solomon's treasure"

"what treasure?" Langdon cried out in surprise. He was an expert in Rune and history at Harvard University. He had never seen any exact record of King Solomon's treasure. Langdon always thought that King Solomon's treasure was made up. "It's impossible. King Solomon's treasure is only legendary. There is no record of it in history.".

William shook his head with a strange expression. "It's true. It's in the holy city. It's got by the Templars. The Templars found it in the First Crusade more than a thousand years ago. It's 140 tons of gold. There are countless antiques, parchment manuscripts, gold coins, silverware and jewelry.

It's there. It's always there. The Devonshire family guarded it 1000 years ago, until the massacre 600 years ago. The rest of the Templars hid it. More than 300 years later, the Templars appeared traitors and split. These traitors hid it.

The most ridiculous thing is that these people have been hiding King Solomon's throne for decades, and finally they don't know where the throne is.

In the past three hundred years, Devonshire family has been searching for it. The legendary King Solomon treasure, God, has been searching for it for more than ten generations. Ha ha, finally, this task is handed over to me again. I don't know whether it has been divided or buried in a corner of the world. ".

"It's incredible, it's really incredible, King Solomon's treasure actually exists, and it's so secret that there's no written record. William, who are the rebellious Templars?" Langdon, a Harvard professor who can never forget, asked the key to the problem.

Sophie's face became nervous when he heard the key point. William looked at Langdon and Sophie with a smile. "Do you think I'll tell you? This is a secret that Devonshire family has protected for thousands of years."

"Oh, no, William, I shouldn't listen to this. I'm sure I'll have insomnia all the time, God," Langdon complained, holding his head.

Sophie in the back seat gave William a blow, "go to God, William.".

William shrugged. "It's for your good that I don't tell you. Do you know how many people in the world want to know this secret? It's not good for you to know. Maybe you'll be arrested and questioned. If you're lucky, you'll be thrown into a dark prison. If you can't get out all your life, you'll almost be buried in a desert or sink into a river. "

" OK, OK, don't tell me. I don't want to know what you've been looking for for for hundreds of years Don't be paranoid, William. I'm scared by you. I can guess who the traitor of the templars you said is. I'm American. I don't want to be found by those guys, "Professor Langdon said with fear.

William was surprised and said, "you can guess, Professor, are you Harvard professors so good?"

"God, I'm the best history and rune professor at Harvard. I'm the best. Do you understand?" Langdon said unhappily.

"shut up, Langdon. Tell me what you know." Sophie scolded in the back seat.

Langdon looked at Sophie in surprise. Seeing Sophie staring at him all the time, he raised his hand and said, "well, madam, what William said is very clear. More than 600 years ago, the Templars were slaughtered, and the whole Europa is not safe. These people have to hide such a large number of treasures. They can only transport them to other continents to protect them safely. Asia and Africa are impossible It had to be shipped to America, which was still a wild land at that time.

William said that after more than 300 years, these traitors could not find them by themselves. That was because the situation was very critical at that time. The hidden people had to make the treasure map very obscure and difficult to understand. Only in the US British war did the United States have a very critical situation, because the American government was afraid that the treasure would be acquired by the British army. I was right "William," Langdon asked.

William said with a smile: "yes, very right"

Langdon waved his hand, "then it's very clear that those treasures are the national treasures of the United States that have been legendary for more than 200 years, and the treasures that have been hidden by the three founding fathers of the United States, which are the treasures that the Freemasons have been looking for.

William said that the traitor was the Freemasons formed by the Knights Templar who fled from Europa to America. God, I don't want to know anything about this treasure now. If I want to rob the treasure from Zion and Freemasons, I'm really looking for death. Let's talk about others.Now I'm just involved in the Zion society in Europa, which has been suppressed for more than 600 years, and I'm wanted. I can't imagine what my result will be if I fight against the Freemasons in the United States, which are powerful enough to influence all industries. "

"Well, Langdon, you're right. Let's talk about something else." Sophie was also frightened by Langdon's words.

"National treasure? It can't be cage's national treasure. Hell, the ship doesn't say where it is in the movie. "William patted his head and tried hard to recall that Ma Dan's soul was silent for 18 years. He couldn't remember all the details of the movie that he didn't pay attention to after seeing it once in his previous life. The code was on the back of a declaration. He remembered that the treasure was under some church But what's the name of that church?

William, who hadn't thought of it for a long time, looked at Langdon, a big expert around him, thinking that maybe this guy could know something, "actually, it's not as dangerous as you think. I have a clue here, but I have no clue about it. Professor Langdon, maybe you can help me solve the mystery"

Langdon shook his head and said, "no, William, I don't want to know at all, It's too dangerous. I'll lose my life if I find it. The value of these treasures is too great, at least tens of billions of dollars. My life is very good now, so I don't want to take risks. After this event is over, I will be my professor in peace.

"Well, let's go through this pass first. Professor, if I go to the United States to exchange academic issues with you, you won't turn me away." William said

"let's talk about it then." Langdon ignored William. Looking at the key in his hand, he found that the head of the key is hundreds of years old, but the handle is a modern one, which is a little exciting Light code, "Hawkes 24, what's the riddle.".

Sophie understood immediately after hearing that, "House 24 is not a riddle, but an address. I know where it is. William, drive."

According to Sophie's instructions, he found a Swiss bank in downtown Paris. After opening the door of the bank with the key, three people went into the bank. Under the guidance of the bank's night manager, Sophie used the key and the sequence left by sonier to open the safe in sonier's bank vault.

After Sophie opened the safe, there was only a small wooden box with irises carved on it. Langdon looked at the irises on the box and said in surprise, "God, I can't believe roses. Roses are the symbol of the Holy Grail"

William picked up the wooden box from Sophie's hand and looked at it. This wooden box is an antique, and it hasn't been opened by three people yet The night manager of the bank opened the door and came in.