With the rise and fall of the Na index, William has no time to pay attention to Alexander, and everyone is staring at the screen nervously.

By 11:00 a.m. us time, the Na index had risen to 5021:00, Alexander took a computer and said, "this is so possible, this is so possible, William. You have made 22.37 million US dollars in the past two and a half hours. How can you make so much money?"

after that, Alexander jumped on William: "great, William, you are really a genius, or we can't do it now Let's sell it now. We've made so much money. It's our own to sell it "

William hugged Alexander and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He jokingly said," it's going to rise. Trust my judgment, I'll be careful and rest assured "

" Felix, call to sell out. I'm hungry, "William said to Felix calmly. The reborn is the biggest one We all know the result. There's nothing to be excited about.

"OK, Mr. Devonshire, I'll call you right now."

after you have finished your supper, it's 2:00 p.m. American time. Just after the opening of the afternoon, the Nazhi rushes up to 5028 p.m. all the way. William shouts to the trader in the trading room: "ready, sell the contract at 5029 p.m."



ten traders He kept knocking on the keyboard, and began to sell the contract after 5029. Half an hour before today's closing, he finally sold all the contracts.

William took the report from Felix and laughed. Today, he made $33.56 million, and the Nazhi reached 5030. Then in the remaining half an hour, the Nazhi fluctuated around 30.

William turned around, hugged Alexander and made a kiss with her heavily. Alexander also responded enthusiastically and excitedly. They ignored other people on the side and hugged each other tightly for several minutes before they separated. William said to the people in the trading room: "everyone present today has a reward of 100000 US dollars. Ha ha, guys, call to celebrate!"

"Ha ha, long live Mr. Devonshire" ten traders in the trading room yelled, "long live Devonshire"

today, in addition to 100000 employment fees, their 1% profit is 330000. William also gave them an extra reward of 1 million. These traders all yelled happily. In a few hours, they made 133000 US dollars, which is more than they made in the past month There are many.

Sam and Bernie asked happily, "Mr. Devonshire, do we have one?"

"Of course, everyone here has it, guys. When the market closes, we'll have a big meal"

"hooray, Mr. Devonshire, you're so generous. God bless you," Sam yelled to William.

William hugged Alexander and said, "come on, honey, after dinner, let's go to the four seasons hotel to put things away, then we'll go to tielishan, we'll go skiing." today's water test effect is not bad, the rest is to wait for the nadir to reach the highest point, then it's the beginning of the carnival.

Alexander nodded to William busily.

William said to Felix, "Felix, you're on paid leave these days. I'll call you when you're going to act again. In a moment, you'll take us to a big dinner. It's my treat. The cost is mine." then William took Alexander and Brian mills to four seasons hotel.

After a big meal, they went back to the four seasons hotel. After settling down, William picked up his mobile phone, looked at the text message that bond had just sent him, and told Alexander that he would go down to book the helicopter and the hotel on Mount Ferris. Alexander didn't ask much about William's strange actions.

Take the elevator to the parking lot of Four Seasons Hotel, find the second-hand small car according to the license plate issued by bond, find the key on the small tire, open the car, drill in, find the AWP and two Glock 17 in the car, put all the weapons and ammunition into the storage space, and William gets out of the car, closes the door and goes upstairs.

In his hotel suite, William gives the car keys to Brian mills.

Brian mills nodded to William, turned to his teammate Bernie and said, "Bernie, you and I will get the equipment"

they went downstairs to find the minivan. Brian checked the weapons in the car and found that all the weapons were military, with many accessories and brand-new ones. Brian nodded to Bernie with satisfaction One m92 is inserted into the holster just put on. The remaining three m92 are put into a small backpack. M4 and ammunition are put into two big backpacks.

Brian mills and Bernie pack up, take their backpacks and go to William.

After everyone arrived, the helicopter that the hotel prepared for him came.

After 10 minutes of packing up, William took Alexander and Bryan to an 8-seater McDonnell 902 twin engine helicopter and flew to mount tiris.

William ordered three villas in tielishan. He and Alexander lived in the innermost villa near the cliff. Under the introduction of the hotel service staff, William and Alexander were very satisfied with the villa,This is an all wood villa. It is spacious and comfortable. There is also a large panoramic balcony. Standing on the balcony, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery in the distance. Alexander is most satisfied with this balcony.

After they settled down happily, William took Alexander into the indoor hot spring. Two hours later, William took Alexander back to his bedroom, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

William woke up at 4:30 p.m. and saw that Alexander, who was still sleeping, didn't wake her up. He put on his clothes and walked slowly to the kitchen. He cut a fillet of beef and put it into the stew. He planned to make onion, carrot and beef soup.

Put the beef into the stew, the rest is waiting, relaxed to go to the balcony, breathing some cold air, looking at the distant snow mountain, the pace of life suddenly slowed down, let him feel comfortable, can't help but want to buy a villa in Switzerland, visit Switzerland from time to time.

I don't know how long it took, William heard Brian yelling at him in front of the villa, waved to him, went downstairs to Brian and asked, "how do you feel here, Brian?"

Brian said with a smile: "very good, boss, your villa is blocked by two buildings in front and cliffs behind. The sniper can't observe you. It's very safe. I want to come Safety was taken into consideration in the design. Bernie and Kathy are on duty in the safety cabin on the mountain road in front of the villa now. We'll take turns on duty. There won't be any safety problems "

" dizzy, I'm asking you how you feel about your vacation here. "William shook his head with a smile and said," it's so wonderful here. I want to buy it, say no After my company is set up, it can also be used as employee benefits and let some excellent employees come here for vacation every year. ".

"In that case, I think your staff will be very satisfied. It's really great here. I want to take my daughter to travel here after this mission, and Ginny will love it." then Brian took out his wallet and showed William his daughter's photo

"boss, this is my daughter Ginny. So beautiful, she's my God So, I quit my job for Ginny. If I don't quit, she won't know me any more, "Bryan said with emotion.

" it's a lovely little girl indeed. "William returned his wallet to Bryan and nodded his praises.

"Time flies. Jin is 17 years old. In my impression, she is still a little girl who can't walk. She often asks me to teach her how to ride a bicycle. I've been busy working all these years, and I owe her too much"

"ha ha, it's not too late. At least you have a chance to make up for your daughter. As long as you stay with her, Jin will accept you, Brian, after all, she's your daughter, "William comforted.

"Thank you, boss, you're a good man." Brian mills nodded to William.

William laughs in his heart. I don't know if you will think so after the stock market crash when I see a lot of money made by Lao Mei.

"Ha ha, Brian, you'd better not like me. Maybe you won't see me like that in a short time. OK, Brian, I'll cook the soup and talk when I have time.".

"OK, bye, boss." can the big boss cook soup? Brian felt that William, the big boss, was different from the rich people he had met.