"Thank you, Bryan. Don't worry. I'll pay attention these days. I won't go to crowded places. I'll arrange the itinerary. When I'm finished in Zurich, I'll start to solve the problem of Jeter frobi in alba. He won't live long," William said confidently

Bryan mills has heard of Jeter frobi, and he is so confident that he can solve a fight The leader of the big power who has been fighting for more than ten years is surprised by William's strength.

There are thousands of people in kit froby's hands who have been fighting for more than ten or twenty years. These people are not easy to get along with each other, but William's way of killing a leader is as simple as killing an ordinary gangster.

William looked at the puzzled Brian mills and didn't explain. I'm a hang up guy, and I don't believe I can't kill the leader at the cost of tens of millions of dollars.

And William knows that Brian has been a secret agent for decades, and the news must be very well-informed. Maybe it won't be long before Brian mills knows what William is doing in Black Hills.

William didn't want to hide what he did in Montenegrin. What he wanted was deterrence. He wanted to kill 42 mercenaries with AK in more than ten minutes. (the Montenegrin police said it was 43, but in fact one of them jumped off a building by himself).

William doesn't think that there will be any small role of cat and dog who dares to make up his mind in the future. This is not the movie where he is so swept away by AK. He doesn't think that he can really kill so many people in a positive way, and he doesn't dare to do it in a positive way.

William is a very insidious guy. He has been scanning, sneaking attacks, attacking black hands, ambushing, hitting people in the back, stun grenades, grenades and long-distance sniping. Few of them fight head-on.

He's not an idiot. He'll hang up if he knows he's shot. Why not use it when he has the great advantage of mental scanning? So in the city war of tens of meters, only he sneaks on people, and no one can sneak on him.

William said: "Barney, they can't protect my mother in England. Don't worry, I will try to hide my whereabouts. Moreover, this is the Swiss National Bank. There is a company with fully armed guards 200 meters away. No one dares to make trouble here. When something goes wrong, your most important task is to protect Alexander. I can protect myself well"

Bryan Mills heard from William that he could protect himself well. Although he didn't think William had that ability, he could only do so for the time being. When something happened, Brian mills decided to protect William himself, and the rest of the team would protect Alexander. "Well boss, only a few of us, so we need some other equipment. It's not safe to rely on small guns alone. I don't think we can find acquaintances Buy some M4 body armor or something "

William waved to Brian mills and said," no, whatever weapons you want, tell me, I can get all the common standard weapons for you, and they will be delivered tomorrow "

William's words surprised Brian again. Standard equipment is not so easy to do, and they can be delivered to Switzerland in a few hours, Brian Mills' assessment of William's strength has improved again.

Now he does not dare to regard William as a rich boy. Barney of the expendables says that William is a noble, but does the noble of England still have such high influence and strength?

Brian mills asked curiously: "boss, although it's rude, I'm still curious about the great power of the aristocracy in England. As far as I know, you aristocrats have a hard life now?"

William rolled his eyes. Of course, he knew that the aristocracy in this world had a hard life, but no matter how hard it was, it was better than the aristocracy in William's previous life.

Of course, William will not explain to Brian mills that the aristocracy of England in this world has hidden his power in the English government, and he is one of these hidden forces.

"Now as long as you have money, is there anything you can't buy? Brian, as a former secret service, you can have your own channels. We families that have existed for hundreds and thousands of years can't have our own channels."

"Well, I asked an idiot question," Brian mills patted his forehead and said, "boss, I need five M4, m92, body armor, one base ammunition"

"no problem, it will be delivered in a few hours soon." William said, so I sent a text message to bond,

in the message, William except for what Brian mills said And two Glock 17s and a full AWP.

He believes bond will help him. They have been getting along well these days, and this guy still needs William to speak for him at the security committee. Otherwise, bond, who has not caught Le Seaver and lost $10 million, will not be able to hand over easily.

Sure enough, within 20 seconds, bond replied to William, "I understand, five hours later, there will be 150000 US dollars, thank you"

this guy can earn at least 70000 US dollars. Ma Dan is black than the black market. Forget it, time is the most important thing. He has no weapons in his hand, and William has no sense of security. Besides, this money is really small money for William now.

His rise was so short that William can't find anyone to send these weapons to Switzerland in a few hours, except for the British military intelligence.At this time, Felix said to William a few meters away: "Mr. Devonshire, the market is going to open"

William went to Alexander, who was interested in everything in the trading room, put his arms around Alexander's waist and said: "do you understand, dear"

Alexander patted William on the shoulder angrily, "you hate me, William, I know what I see I don't understand. I know to whisper with Bryan before I come here to introduce myself. What do you two big men have to whisper "

William laughs and says," you don't understand about safety, honey. I don't want to make any mistakes this time. You can understand what I'm doing in a few days "

" the market has opened, Mr. Devonshire, now Nashi 5003, do you want to buy it? " Cried Felix.

William pondered for a moment. He remembered that after 5000 points, the Naizhi would rush to 5030 one day, and then fluctuate around 5030. On the 7th, it would rush to 5048, the highest point in history. Today is the best opportunity to test the water, "buy, 350 million buy more, 5% margin rate"


more than ten people are operating on the computer, and it is half a small time to wait for the whole buy When the time came, the Nazhi all rushed to 5007, and there were too few people who gambled on the market. If William hadn't traded in the National Bank, he couldn't have found someone who gambled on it in such a short time.

After the purchase, Felix took the information and said to William, "Mr. Devonshire, I bought all the 350 million US dollars, and the average buying level of 5% margin rate is 5005 points."

William took the report that Felix had just printed and read it, and then he thought to himself: "that is to say, I bought 5594 stocks of stock index futures, and the first price of the NASDAQ is 250 US dollars. I can earn nearly 14 yuan if I go up a little "Yes, Mr. Devonshire, a 5% margin ratio is a 20 fold increase in capital, and you can earn $1.3985 million by a little increase," Felix said.

Alexander around William heard that William had bought 7 billion US dollars of futures, and the stock index was about to break even by 1.4 million US dollars. He was so scared that he grasped William's arm and looked at him nervously.

"Don't be nervous," William heard traders shouting before he finished, "it's up 2 points, now it's 5009 points, my God, it's up a little bit again."

William said with a smile, "if you're up 5 points, you'll make $7 million. I said don't be nervous, I won't do anything I'm not sure about.".

Alexander looked at the big screen hanging on the wall in the trading room and said, "but honey, what if I fall? God, I'm so nervous. What can I do? Honey, God bless us to get up quickly"

William looked at the lovely look of Alexander standing beside him praying and laughed.