"Hey, William, you don't want to take the opportunity to date Diana Legge. She belongs to all our reporters in London, and we will definitely prevent you from approaching Diana Legge at that time," one reporter joked loudly

his words caused a lot of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

"Yes, yes, to rob, you are so right. At that time, we will all go to protect Diana Rieger, and we can't give William a chance." other reporters agreed,

William knew that these guys were actually looking for excuses to go to the scene together. They were afraid that BBC would not allow other reporters to enter the archery field. They said nothing about such good news I'll let it go.

"Go to your rob, when will I be yours? If William wants to date me, I'll promise him now." Diane Rieger said boldly: "William, do you want to date me? I'm single now. You have a chance." I also gave William a wink, a look of picking.

William is a bit excited. Diana Legge is a real beauty. Her front is protruding and her two headlights are going to explode. This makes William who has eaten meat in his previous life a little excited. He was a loser in his previous life and has never dated such a beautiful woman as Diana Legge.

A lot of girls in front of the TV scold Diana Legge for being shameless. Old cow eats tender grass. William belongs to us. Go to hell with you old woman.

For these 15-year-old girls, Diana Legge in her twenties is an old woman.

However, so many people are still a little embarrassed in William, they didn't agree directly, they just said: "maybe we can invite you to dinner after the press conference"

"of course, I'd like to, William. You have to keep your word, or I'll go to your house to block you." Diane Legge said to Eric with a wink. For Diane Legge, William is definitely a good friend The best male ticket is talented, famous and handsome. The most important thing is that she has a lot of money. If you don't look for such a popular fried chicken, if you really become a boyfriend and girlfriend with William, her popularity will be greatly improved. Besides, it's not a loss for such a handsome woman, "Diane Rieger thought.

Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh

"Oh, God, NO.NO.NO Diana Legge, you can't promise him, William Devonshire will swallow you up, Diana Legge, you are our "many male journalists complained with a sigh

many male journalists at the scene have ideas about Diana Legge, and now they just watch their goddess It's very uncomfortable for them to be in the arms of others.

"OK, we'll get in touch after a while," said William. He was hissed for the first time. He was a little embarrassed.

"Hell, William Devonshire, you'd better get back to the main point. We don't want to hear you flirt with your sister on the live broadcast," a reporter yelled with discontent. Now many reporters are not allowed to beat William.

William was embarrassed and said, "OK, let's go on. I want to give my peers two suggestions. The first one is to be firm in your will. Don't care if others say so. If you are firm in your will, how much can you do when you do something? Let's overcome and challenge ourselves, and make your nerves rough.

Too thin nerves will make you in a state of surface comfort but inner anxiety for a long time. To build up our strong willpower and meet the challenges in our life, our choice should be to face the difficulties rather than avoid them. "

The reporters nodded in agreement with William.

"The second is to read as much as possible on the premise that we can guarantee our survival. We want to change our own situation and the world. The simplest, most direct and cheapest thing is to read more. Knowledge changes our destiny. I am a typical example.

William added to his mind, "the premise is that you have to have a system.".

Even if you are an eight year old child, you can learn to make yourself more talkative, more cute and more miserable. You can act decent when you cry. When you want to buy a toy, it's easier to arouse the weakness of your parents' hearts, so as to persuade them.

Here, children all over England, I would like to solemnly recommend to you two books "how to be cute" and "on the self-cultivation of actors". By learning these two books, maybe 20 years later, when you grow up and have children, you can easily see whether your children are acting or not. You can say to them, "child, I practiced at your age My father solemnly recommended "on the self-cultivation of actors" to you, so that you can act decently when you have learned it, so that Dad will not see that you are pretending to cry at a glance "

ha ha ha ha ha, there was a roaring laughter at the scene, and everyone was amused by William.

Some reporters also deliberately asked William where the book "on the self-cultivation of actors" could be sold, and he must recommend it to his children.

And the audience in front of the TV was also amused by William. Many cute children also asked their parents where the two books William said were for sale. They were very interested in learning and dreamed that they would buy whatever they wanted if they learned one day.

Daniel Radcliffe, a 10-year-old boy from England, listened to William's words and bought the book on actor's self-cultivation to study hard. One year later, he successfully appeared in the Harry Potter series. After he became famous, he said in a media interview: "I want to thank William Devonshire for letting me learn to act. Here, I want to learn from my idol William dewnshire Wenhill recommends "on the self cultivation of actors" to children all over England. Maybe you are the next Harry Potter.After that day, children all over England are looking for "how to be cute" and "on the self-cultivation of actors". Before long, children all over the world are in self practice, and many babies who don't know words force their parents to explain these two books to them, because many kindergarten students are studying hard.

William has also cultivated a large number of reserve forces for the world's performing arts industry, and also brought more joy to the parents of baby sitters all over the world. Many parents are crooked by their children's cute mouths.

The authors and their families of these two books will praise and thank William in the media more than once in the future, because William has made them a lot of money.

Xiangjiang's star master, two American TOMS and France's Rose Sophie all praised William in the media, saying that he has made outstanding contributions to the world's performing arts industry, hoping to have the opportunity to exchange acting experience with William.

Sophie, 34, is beautiful and boring. If you want to communicate with her, William can accept it. Just forget it with two Toms.