William looked at the reporter who could always catch the opportunity, and praised her. You know, there is a live TV broadcast today, and the beauty also has to learn how to grab the camera. She caught the opportunity, and several cameras were pointing at her, which made Diana smile askew.

"Yes, why? It has something to do with the consumer groups of products and the current economic environment. If you look at the stock market in 2000, you can see that the middle class are very rich now, and the market is prosperous, so people have money to spend on entertainment. Ask you a question, do you know what young people like now "

when William saw many people nodding, he didn't make much fuss, and then said:" many of us, born in the 1980s in Europe and America, are growing up and fast growing up. We live in the 1990s, when the material and stock markets are unprecedentedly prosperous. The prosperity of life reflects the decadence of young people's minds Nowadays, young people in England are against tradition, dogma, authority and discipline, and regard many low-grade things as popular in the eyes of middle-aged people

they pursue individuality and uniqueness, and want to be different from others. They want to make others think that they are cool. Therefore, young people in London will wear zombie hats and T-shirts out of the door Because they think it's cool, that's fashion.

So jiarefu has sold 430000 hats and T-shirts in half a month. It's just a few counties around London. Now I even think that MasterCard can earn 135 million pounds a year by relying on these surrounding areas alone. They have really done a good business. "

" Wow, all the reporters looked at William and Roger of MasterCard strangely Moore,

now Roger Moore can't see his smiling eyes. He's really happy now. Although William Devonshire's heart is black and his price is high, if it's the same as what he said, blockbuster has really done a good business this time, and his position may rise next year.

Do you want to keep in touch with William Devonshire in the future? This guy is a talent. It doesn't matter if what William said can really be realized, but after William's analysis is spread today, the sales around the game will certainly be higher. As long as it is linked with the popularity, there will be no bad sales.

This guy is really versatile. He's a good talker. No, I have to hold on to this guy. Maybe he can develop a wonderful game like plants vs zombies in the future.

This little guy is a super potential stock.

William looked at Roger Moore of MasterCard and said with a smile, "in order to make MasterCard have more confidence in this game and pay me earlier, I'll give a free suggestion to MasterCard."

people at the scene can't help laughing. Roger Moore is the happiest. Now he sees William so well.

"With the rise of the Internet, I think the game can be launched online in two years' time when the upsurge of playing is decreasing, and the game can be designed into a four grid networking mode. Before William gives a plan, Roger Moore of MasterCard interrupts William and says," William, we MasterCard can directly hire you to plan our game If you don't have enough time, you can be our consultant. We'll pay you for your planning. We can talk about your future planning in private later. William, we believe in your wisdom in the game. You can rest assured that we'll pay you "

Roger Moore is a thief proof journalist He didn't want to make William's plan known to all. He didn't want his competitors to imitate William's ideas and make trouble for blockbuster.

William also realized that what he had just said was wrong and nodded his head and agreed to Roger Moore's request.

But the reporters at the scene didn't agree. The good news materials were gone. The reporters protested against the practice of MasterCard. They didn't care whether it was related to the life of the game.

A lot of hot tempered reporters are yelling at Roger Moore.

But Roger Moore is sitting in his seat like a dead pig, not afraid of boiling water, ignoring the shouting of reporters. He is now staring at William nervously.

William, amused by his nervousness, shook his head at Roger Moore, indicating that he would stop talking about the subject.

After the reporters yelled for a long time, the two people in the stands did not respond and had to sit down.

William apologized and said: "I'm sorry, my fault. The topic just now really involves the planning and interests of the game. In consideration of the interests of the buyer, I still talked with blockbuster in private, and I'll apologize for my reasons"

William didn't care about the reporter's shouting, "well, I think no one will spend 135 million pounds on blockbuster now I'd like to continue to answer the BBC reporter's question just now. My childhood and adolescence were not good. At that time, I had too many doubts and worries. I want to thank my mother and my grandparents in heaven. They gave me all their love and made me feel love and warmth in this cold and discriminative world. Although I was not rich, I was full of happiness ”

hearing William's low voice, many people with low tears in front of the TV are about to shed tears. William's mother Lina looks at her son in the TV, tears streaming down her face and keeps saying, "William, you are my mother's pride, and Henry and Tanya will be proud of you.""I don't have many friends. When I was a child, no one played with me in school. I could only play by myself. I used math problems as a game, reading as an interest, and the library as a playground. When I was bored, I would play Texas Hold'em, go swimming, and archery with myself,

ha ha ha, you may not know that I am very gifted in archery, mathematics Learning well enables me to calculate the falling point of the arrow in my mind when I shoot it. Up to now, I can shoot the red heart with my eyes closed after seeing the target. By the way, the target is 70 meters. In my entrance examination, my score in physical education is full, because my score in archery was "six arrows, 60 rings".

"Unbelievable, it's so possible" the people on the scene all have an impossible expression. You should know that at a distance of 70 meters, the red heart of the target can't be seen, and the Olympic champion can't shoot the red heart with his eyes closed.

Seeing the reporter's disbelief, William said: "maybe, after today's press conference, we can find a time to have a try. What do you think"

"of course" "it can't be better" there were voices of approval from time to time.

Diana Rieger of BBC immediately decided: "William, we BBC can arrange everything for you. As long as you dare to come, I'm afraid you'll find various reasons to shirk. William, you have to keep your word, or I'll go to your house to block you.".

"OK, let's make an appointment," William promised