Looking at his happy mother, William was very satisfied. Today, his mother looks like a new life, full of vitality and more words than usual. In the future, I don't have to worry about my son's future. I can live a more relaxed life.

"William, the sun is really amazing. It's only one day since we found out most of our family. Although some of what we said is wrong, it's basically true. It's a pity that my mother is a woman and can't inherit your grandfather's title, but it seems that you have a chance to inherit the Earl's title. My mother heard from your aunt Mary Hendrix, Oxford earl After ten years of hard work, no offspring has been born yet. "

" no, mom. You don't know what English nobles are suppressed into. Now nobles don't dare to tell people that they are nobles. They don't have any advantages. They are also restricted everywhere. They don't know why so many people want to be nobles "

Lena nodded a little sadly

" yes Ah, if it wasn't for the aristocratic inheritance law, your grandfather would not borrow money to inherit the title. In the end, after the title was inherited, he had to sell the family's castle and property to pay back the money. In my generation, there was no man to inherit the title. In the end, he was depressed. What your grandfather was most unwilling to do was that the title was inherited by that useless distant relative, and he jumped up and down when he was sick But so what? After giving him ten years, he still couldn't have a baby? The title will come back to our house, "said Lena bitterly.

Looking at his mother's sadness, William said, "well, mom, we don't talk about it. What's the use of talking about it now? Let's talk about it when the time is right. Maybe when England will abolish the aristocracy, now that so many people are against the aristocracy system, we'd better leave it alone"

Lena took a bad photo of William and said:

"No, you must take it back when you were a nobility. William, you were young at that time, and you could not feel your grandfather's pain and helplessness. Besides, there are many advantages to the title. Otherwise, why do you think the parliament is so deliberate to suppress the nobility? You are not afraid that the nobility will take too many advantages."

"yes, yes, yes, my mother, you are right, can't you Don't you think that I'm not an Englishman of pure blood. I don't know how many people will object to my succession to the title. We'll be fine now. You can live the life you want in peace. After a few years, my family will be lively "

when I heard that William asked her to take her grandson, Lina complained to William angrily," ha, I can sue William Tell you, you can't bring me grandson now. I'm not ready to be a grandmother. I'm only 39 years old. I haven't accepted the fact that you have grown up. I have a headache when I want to be a grandmother. God, that means I'm going to be old. ".

William thought that there would be a lovely baby crying for his father in the future. William felt happy and sweated. He didn't know how to face his children. He said, "no, mom, I'm only 19 years old. I don't even have a girlfriend. How can I be a father?" Lena heard that William said that his girlfriend was worried "William, it's time for you to make a girlfriend, or the newspaper will say that you are gay"

William nodded and agreed that he is not the reticent and bookworm William who used to be. He is more than 30 years old in his heart, but let it be.

Di Li Di Li, William's phone rings, take out the phone, see is Anthony's phone, William got up and went to the window to connect the phone.

"Hello, Anthony"

Anthony's anxious voice came from the phone: "Hello, Mr. Devonshire, have you figured out how to deal with today's report in the sun, maybe we can send a lawyer's letter to warn them that they can't be so reckless"

after careful thinking, William said to Anthony in a serious tone“ Anthony, it's not necessary for the moment. Today's report is normal. Although it will have some adverse effects on us, today's report will help us more. This is not the time to offend the media. Offending them will do more harm to us. We need the media to say good things for us now. In a few days, the whole world will know about the game of Plants vs. Zombies Anthony thought for a moment and nodded his head and said, "OK, Mr. Devonshire, I'll do as you say and carefully review the comments in each newspaper. Then I won't disturb you any more. Goodbye, Mr. Devonshire"

"goodbye, Anthony, call me if you have anything"


hang up the phone Then, William opened the curtain, suddenly flash flash in front of his eyes, and then a flash of flash crackled.

William looked through the window and saw that his home was now full of reporters.

"Can William and William accept our interview"

"William Devonshire, I'm a reporter from the times, please accept my interview"

"William, I'm from the times, can I give you an exclusive interview"

William heard that the times, the Daily Telegraph and the guardian, the biggest newspapers in England, were lined up, and their heads were all big. These guys came so fast Ah, looking at these excited reporters outside the house, who kept shooting at him, William knew that he would not be able to settle down if he didn't go out for an interview today, and he could just take the reporter's hand and deliver some favorable words to the outside world.After thinking about it, William said to his mother who came near the window: "Mom, there are too many reporters outside. I'll send them away"

"well, William should pay attention to their traps when he talks," Lena told her, "I understand. Don't worry, mom. I'll pay attention to it"

after William opened the door and walked out, he stood on the steps in front of the door to take photos He smiles.

"OK, everyone, I'll accept your interview, but please pay attention to safety. You can ask me three questions. Please exit the street after asking. You've affected other residents. Be careful they call the police"

when William said that someone might call the police, the reporters' voice was a little lower, but after a while, these guys asked out loud again, right Some reporters said that they are not afraid of the police. The police come and go.

"Well, just three questions, or I refuse to accept the interview, I have the right to refuse." William yelled

well, it's William's right to refuse the interview, just like a reporter's right to interview again, but if others don't want to talk to you, you can't hold William, or you can tell him.

There are still smart people. William didn't wait for a moment to hear someone ask him

"William, I'm a reporter from the times, Linda. I want to ask you, how do you calculate your 100 million offer? Do you think someone will pay such a high price to buy it"

"you have two questions, madam, the first one for your lady's sake I don't care about it. "

" the report in the morning of the sun has made it very clear that game discs alone can sell more than 60 million. After the game fire, I don't think it's a problem to sell more than 100 million around the game every year. Note that I'm talking about one year, and it doesn't count the surrounding areas such as plush toys, movies, TV books, amusement parks, and the invisible influence of this game on copyright companies The popularity bonus is more important for listed companies. I think it may be several times or even more than ten times of the purchase of copyright. Now that the IT industry is so hot, I think if I sell 200 million pounds, many companies will be excited. "