On February 11, England, today, there is a discussion all over England. People can't help talking about William Devonshire, a 19-year-old student at the University of London.

Early in the morning, when people pick up the sun, the first thing they see is the headline on the front page of the sun, which reads "do you believe? He's going to be the youngest billionaire in England, "William's half length photo dominates the sun.

On the front page, William was dressed in a formal suit. His young face was full of confident smile. He raised his right hand as if to say hello to the citizens. The young man in the photo was handsome and enviable. Most people who read the sun said in their hearts, "hell, the sun is making a fool of people. This is the second generation of rich people showing off their wealth in the newspaper.

You can be a billionaire at the age of 19? Ma Dan, how can this be possible? If it's not the second generation of rich people who believe in it, it's a fool. The sun, the dead party, is becoming more and more unprofessional. "

However, after reading today's sun, people all over England were envious of William.

I wonder why this guy is not my child or why I am not this guy.

Although according to the newspaper, the billionaire still doesn't know whether it's true or not, it's said in the newspaper that this guy made more than 2 million pounds a month. God, it's not April Fool's day today. Otherwise, a 19-year-old who is only a sophomore in college can't make 2 million pounds a month. This kind of good thing is not my turn.

People who have read the newspaper think to themselves, "this is so possible. It's eye-catching again." but calm down, they can't help believing what the newspaper says, because the newspaper has posted the sales data of jiarefu's T-shirt, hat, tea cup and other daily necessities for half a month. If it's fake, the Sun newspaper will wait for jiarefu to report the sun to death.

Looking at the introduction of William Devonshire in the newspaper, most people were first upset and then silent.

Most people can't help but read it again. The editor in chief of the second edition of the Sun newspaper wrote: in my more than 20 years of newspaper career, I have seen too many incredible things, but when I received the information from the newspaper reporters, I fell into meditation, and then fell into ecstasy. We have heard too much about American IT talents and how these talents became rich overnight, but we have never heard of British it Glen had that kind of genius, which made me frustrated.

I used to complain about why our great England couldn't have such a genius. However, when I saw the information in my hand at 12 a.m., I wrote this report excitedly all night. Readers, let me solemnly introduce to you a 20-year-old most talented native of England. Yes, I said the most talented, because now I'm in the world There is no 20-year-old who is more talented than William Devonshire.

William Devonshire was born on December 7, 1980 at St. Mary's Hospital in London, England. His mother was Lena Devonshire, his father was unknown (we can't find any information about William's father), and his grandfather was count Henry winster Devonshire. When you see Devonshire, do you think of something? Ha ha, you're right. It's Devonshire. The ancestor of Henry winster Devonshire is the Duke of Devonshire we know.

However, Henry winster Devonshire's group had completely declined in World War II more than 60 years ago. Henry winster Devonshire was born in 1928, but his childhood was not good. At the age of 14, his father, the old earl, and three uncles successively died for the British Empire in that war.

In 1946, because of the aristocratic inheritance law, Henry winster Devonshire, who was only 18 years old at that time, didn't cover his family territory and castle. He could only inherit the Earl of Oxford and a little poor real estate. He didn't get married until he was 31, and gave birth to his daughter Lena Devonshire at the age of 33. In addition, for the past 50 years, Henry winster Devonshire was the only daughter Baron has always been unknown, we only know that Henry is an ordinary middle-class member of the London power company.

If it wasn't for today's report, I don't think anyone would pay attention to the family that killed all the adult men for the British Empire in World War II. I would like to pay tribute to the Henry winster Devonshire family and the heroes who died for their country in that war.

Lena Devonshire was born in September 61. She is an ordinary aristocratic descendant. She has also been unknown in the past 39 years. We only know that she had William after a skiing trip to Switzerland 20 years ago. After giving birth to little William, Lena had several short-lived love experiences. But for little William, Lena never married again.

When William was 10 years old, the Earl and Lady of Henry winster Devonshire died of illness. The medical expenses exhausted the poor savings of Devonshire family. Later, Lena raised William alone. She changed many jobs and had to do two jobs for William to go to college. She was a great mother.

However, our reporter found out that Lina Devonshire bought a coffee shop with an area of more than 110 square meters on Oxford Street the day before yesterday. Lina finally had a good time. I would like to wish this great mother good luck.

The readers who read it all scold in their hearts. Damn the follow-up report, don't you think we don't know? It's just paparazzi's candid photo. You also have the face to say follow-up report. Who doesn't know that the sun is a third edition newspaper.In the past 60 years, the Devonshire family has not had any interesting things or people. Even the title has been inherited by the family. But in reality, as Forrest Gump said in Forrest Gump, you never know what chocolate tastes like next. The Devonshire family has changed since the beginning of the millennium.

William Devonshire, a 19-year-old and 3-month-old boy, was born into a single parent family. Mixed race made him a lot of exclusion since he was a child. He didn't have many friends, which made him spend most of his time studying. In the eyes of his peers, he was just a nerd, no friends, no hobbies, if archery and swimming were also considered.

But if you think he is really a nerd, you are wrong. According to our newspaper, William's performance in this business negotiation is very good. He has a clear understanding of the business needs and mental bottom line of big companies. The negotiators of these big companies can only do what he says, because William knows what these big companies want.

The most important thing is that when William Devonshire developed the fire game, he genius to buy it around the game, which makes the value of the game several times higher immediately.

I think the happiest ones are the marketing students from Carrefour and University of London. William earned 2 million pounds for Carrefour in half a month and more than 300000 pounds for University of London students in one month.

Before the millennium, William Devonshire could only be said to be a young man with great talent for reading. Maybe after he graduated from University, he could find an IT job with a monthly salary of 3000 and become an ordinary office worker. He didn't make people expect much of him.

But after the millennium, everything has become different. It seems that he was kissed by God in the millennium, and God passed his wisdom to William Devonshire. Otherwise, I can't imagine why he could finish the work that would take dozens of people half a year or even several years to complete in half a month alone, and it's still difficult Well done, no mistakes.

According to the professional game designers and programmers I can find, after trying the game called "plants vs zombies", they all looked like God. They didn't believe that it took a person half a month to complete the game.

But after being confirmed by our newspaper, everyone exclaimed, "William Devonshire, you are a genius.".