Chen Mo excitedly sends it back to the bedside in the bathroom, and then the whole room becomes his experimental place, one by the table, the other by the wardrobe. After opening the door more than ten times, he feels tired and stops.

When Chen Mo sits back in bed and meditates, he does not expect that his mental strength will recover in a minute. Now Chen Mo really feels that he is a magic genius. If he fights with people in the future, a portal will spread to the enemy. First of all, the machine gun will sweep suddenly. If he can't carry out the random bombardment with magic, he will return to the portal and wait for dozens of seconds Near the gate, there is another magic storm. Who can bear it.

Besides, kamataji also has defensive magic, which can't be broken by big snipers, not to mention the sniper gun. Chen Mo thinks it's beautiful.

He also practiced fire, ice, nature, and even Chen mo. he also saw the magic of light, healing, light bomb, resurrection, and Ma Dan. Chen Mo was startled. Resurrection, this kind of magic? This is against the sky.

Chen Mo didn't even think about it. This resurrection technique must be learned. The mind said in the system, "I want to learn resurrection technique.".

The cultivation method of resurrection came from the system. Chen Mo looked at it once. Ma Dan, I knew it was not so easy. It was not difficult to practice, but it had to depend on the holy belief. Chen Mo doesn't believe in religion. What is this sacred belief.

Forget it. I'd better learn resurrection first. Maybe I can use it sometime.

I've learned resurrection, but I can't use it. It's really depressing. I don't have enough mental strength. Secondly, I don't have any sacred belief. Forget it, I don't want to do more than I can.

Then Chen Mo practiced the magic of ice and fire all over again. One advantage of this system is that there is no fixed magic mode. As long as he can use it skillfully and has enough mental power, he can use his magic in any shape.

He can transform ice magic into ice hockey, and also into dozens of ice needles. Ice magic in his hands constantly changing, ice needle, ice spear, ice hockey, ice rose.

Although fire and electricity can't be solid, they can also change into various shapes in his palm.

And he does not have any sequelae of using magic, only mental fatigue.

In kamataji's magic system, while practicing space magic, space magic can continuously improve the physical quality. The physical quality of kamataji mage is very high, and the melee ability is also very strong. Otherwise, how can he be called melee mage.

Chen moxin thinks that I still have to go out to live. The dormitory is too small for me to practice a lot of magic skills. Besides, there are too many people in the dormitory and it's inconvenient.

Chen Mo doesn't care after learning the defensive magic. Wash and sleep. He doesn't have a good sleep these days. There's no danger in modern society. It's safer to stay in University. England is not the United States. It's shooting on campus all day. Teachers and students carry guns in school.

Chen Mo is sleeping peacefully, but he doesn't know that someone can't sleep today.

Alexander hammer, a top student in the marketing department of the University of London, went to chenmona for 200 game discs at noon today and ran back to the community near his home.

His family's community is a middle-class community in London's Second District, with tens of thousands of people living nearby. Alexander hammer came home with a game disc for dinner. After chatting with his mother for a while, he went out to the community basketball court.

More than ten basketball courts in the community are full of people playing basketball. Although there are many middle-aged people, more than 90% of them are teenagers.

Alexander hammer grew up in this community when he was a child. He knew a lot of people. Today, his classmate came here with his laptop and 20 game discs. His idea now is to find all the people he knows on the basketball court and let them try the game of plants versus zombies to see the effect.

As soon as Alexander hammer entered the basketball court, he said hello to a lot of people he knew. After a long walk on the court, he finally found some of his best friends.

"Hey, Alexander, why do you come back today when you are free? You used to stay in school."

Alexander said happily after greeting his friends around him: "Rick, I have a new game developed by an alumni of our school. He is doing promotion. You know I study marketing. I think it's very good after I try it. I'll come back to see what you will do I don't like it. A game disc costs only 6 pounds. I brought a computer with me. You can try it on.

"Wow, Alexandria, you bastard have been working in sales since your sophomore year, man. I support you. Let me see how the game is and whether it's really fun to tell you," said Rick.

Alexandria took Rick to the rest area beside the court, started the notebook and the game, and then let Rick try it out.

At first, because they were not familiar with the game, they could be quiet, but they didn't play for half an hour. Under the explanation of hammer, these guys began to argue about the arrangement of plants, and their voices became louder and louder. Many of their friends were curious.

After watching the Games in the notebook, many people began to argue.

"Rick, you are a fool. If you are told to listen to me, you just don't listen. Do you keep it? It's my turn to play. You've occupied it for a long time." Rick began to quarrel about who was playing.错误代码(54003):不可预知的错误。