330 New Home III : Ikaria Vs Neva



To be honest Kodak really didn't have anything to say to her, seeing her opened old wounds yes, however they didn't hurt as much as he thought it would, or in the way he expected it to. If he had to give it a feeling, he would say he was feeling angry and despondent about the whole thing. He wanted nothing to do with Neva, but he was not so angry to the point where he would take a gun and threaten her life and the life of her snake of a husband, either way there was no need to say anything, it was better to just leave.

Kodak turned around completely ignoring Neva and her companions as he used his Aura to walk on top of the lake, heading to the farthest shore, away from her. But Neva was not having it, she was really adamant to talk to Kodak as she teleported directly in front of him, much to the shock of everyone watching.

"Please don't leave, we have to talk about this okay, I know I hurt you but we can't level things the way it is, please!" she pleaded.

Kodak raised an eyebrow up in surprise, her somewhat aggressive approach surprised him, but that was it. He would rather drink a gallon of sea water than listen to whatever it is she wants to say. But Kodak was much to nice, so he was going to listen to what ever excuse she wants to spout for the next five minutes or less.

"I can't begin to imagine how affected you are about what I did to you. You've already lost so much and having me was the light you needed to get out of a dark place, and I ruined that, I broke your heart and I'm sorry for it. But please understand I had no choice, the reason I'm here Kodak is because I know you, I understand you better than anyone else and I know if you can see things from my point of view you wouldn't hate me so much, and you would forgive so that we can go back to being friends, don't you want that?

I know I'm the last person you want to see, my choices drove you away from your home and your family and I'm so sorry that happened. But you're back now, so I'm asking for a second chance to be a better friend than I was the last time. I know how painful a broken bond can be, and it's something that won't ever go away until you're bonded once again.

So please let me help you, let me make up for my mistakes. You're stronger than you know and....."

"Fuck off!"

Kodak was startled, he was not the one who had said that, but rather it was Ikaria. She did not have an aura like a vampire, but she had no problem standing on the surface of the lake like Kodak and Neva, though based on the rapid appearance of steam on top of the lake, it was obvious she was using her ability to control the energy of the sun to move.

"Who are you?" Neva asked surprised at the intrusion.

"you don't need to know that sweetheart, but it sickens me how self centered you are. You know you're not the first woman to cheat on her man, and then leave him for someone else. And without a doubt, majority of those men got their shit together and moved on with their lives. But you're the first person I saw, who thinks the heart she broke souls remain broken because she was the center of his world.

Have you no shame! I don't really give a shit about why you betrayed him, and I for one think Kodak was a stupid idiot for being vulnerable in front of a self centered bitch like you who's swayed by a pretty face and a large dick, I look at you and all I can do is question your loyalty, they should have you investigated."

Kodak didn't know what to say, for one he was glad Ikaria actually stood up for him, but did she seriously have to insult him in the process, can't she be like most wives and say good things about her husband, so far all she has said had made Kodak feel like a fool for even trusting much liking Neva in the first place. But Neva was not going to quietly endure this tongue lashing, she's a woman with very strongest opinions after all.

"Who do you think you are? What right do you think you have to judge me, you don't even know me." Neva said to Ikaria with her voice rising, but Ikaria cool as ever answered back.

"Oh sweetheart I really don't have to know who you are, and to be quite honest I don't want to. As it stands you hypocrisy astounds me. You say I shouldn't judge you because I don't know you, but what makes you think you know Kodak. The fact that you think he's wallowing in a corner heart and soul aching after loosing you tells me you don't know shit about this idiot. When you broke his heart you self centered bitch, he traveled around this bloody planet saving people. And you of all people should know that vampires have a way to deal with pain of any kind, isn't that bow you're standing on this lake, by channeling your emotions outside your body turning it into Aura.

Let me let you in on a little secret, Kodak might be an idiot most of the time, but he'sidiot. And unlike you who never got the chance to see him without his clothes, let me tell you something. He's so blessed, that half the time all I can think about is taking off his clothes and having my way with him. But then I'll compose myself, because I can Shag the bloody fool whenever I want, however I want it. And he's happy being my idiot, mind, body and soul, all in a bond so strong we're actually able to use each other's abilities. And from what I hear, not even your king and your queens can do that.

Get something straight, if I see within twenty meters of my husband I will disembowel you, hang up upside down and then skin your bloody rapist like the snake he is, and then I'll eviscerate the both of you into oblivion. I don't care if you're looking for forgiveness, and if he's stupid enough to want to give it to you. But he belongs to me now, and if I say I want him to hate you forever, and them that's what he'll fucking do. And guess what, I do want him to hate you forever, now like I said before, Fuck off!"

Neva had nothing else to say, and neither did Kodak seeing how speechless and tongue tied he was about the whole thing. Neva teleported away, back into the arms of the former Naga prince Zartarr who took his time to glare at everyone on the lake before walking away, luckily he was smart enough not to glare at Shao Tie, or he would have been carried away instead of walking with his tail between his legs...except he didn't have legs, just a tail.

Kodak felt his head turned roughly to the side as Ikaria pulled him in for a deep kiss. At first it was aggressive, synonymous with her character before it slowed down into a kiss so amazing that they were both glowing gold literally. Then Ikaria looked up at Kodak and said to him.

"I hate you so much, I don't want to feel this, this thing! But every time I look at you I want to protect you from the whole world, I want to snarl and roar at every woman who looks at you in a manner I don't like. That's why I hate you, you did this to me, you broke me and now I'm scare to break you, the very though of it scares me. So listen to me, I'm sure I'm only going to say this once, so brand it at the back of your mind and deep within your memories..….I love you."





Asha wanted to leave back for Shearath in a little under two weeks, so I've been up to my neck in work ever since I got here. It would take a while for everyone to completely acclimate to life in the realm,but the dragons were quite accommodating and they have chosen a representative of theirs for the council. But with that out of the way, the dark elves along with Malek were working together to carve out a subterranean city and quite a few towns along with a wide network of tunnel that would stretch across the entire realm, and as the realm grows in the future, until it becomes a real world. The tunnels will keep growing.

And since Nefisat has been relegated to mail just monitoring the city's attack and defense systems, and also in charge of making sure all of it's facilities are running, construction jobs has opened up for a lot of people. And for most of them, this would be a learning on the job movement. But to reduce risks of any sorts, particular and very talented people with an aptitude for learning has been chosen to go learn and study about their chosen professional from the Great library.

There was a rule set down, that no one except of course for the king and council members could spend less than six hours in the library, and many of the books have become restricted. The library itself has a spirit of it's own, though not as advanced and powerful as Nefisat or Soren, it's able to keep track of the knowledge it holds and prevent some really important ones from being found. So I can sleep at night knowing that Malek won't be making any planet destroying bombs anytime soon.

Anyway he had an important project to take care of now, well three projects. First it was the matter of building space worthy ships, but this isn't a problem in the slightest as the dragons with knowledge in such matters were helping, along with the dark elves who were in charge of the second project with Malek and the dragon as assistants.

They were creating space gates, and this time they were perfecting the design giving Ethernalia Leonis full control over it, so that the previouscases of the Toroth hijacking the space gates won't be an issue anymore. And the next task was the building of an air force. The dragons seemed to really like the idea of flying along side battle ships, in augmented armors of their own, just like the one every Envoy has.

An academy for pilots was currently being constructed, and the dragons were the sole head of this project. But the pilots they'll be training won'tlimited to just battle ships alone, but also mechas and battle suits. The idea of an air force was so great that a naval base was also being built, things were shaping up so fast that I could hardly keep up with it. But with a kingdom, a civilization and home rapidly forming, the problem of what to call it suddenly arose.

Ethernalia Leonis was the name of a city, it was majestic and it has become synonymous with the word home for a lot of people, but it wasn't the name of a country. And to be honest I had hit a blank in that regard, I'm not really know for my naming sense, after all I name my own children Cassiel and Michael, basically after me as Kael. I need a little help with that no doubt, but that's for later. Right now I'll go spend so time with my children, they're both five months old now, which means they'll be crawling allover the place, plus Emrys said he wanted to talk to me about some bloodline transfer ceremony. Either way, let's get to it.