329 New Home II : They'sre Gone!

General Nix was not really happy about his current mission, while it seems like quite a honor being the head of the largest army ever formed on Shearath, he knew this was just an over glorified death sentence, it was just polished and wrapped neatly with the bow called duty and honor.

They foisted this job on him, because it was his ancestor who had created and used the spell that sealed the vampires away for ages. Which was why political propaganda has made it so, that Tiberius Nix, the illegitimate son of the current head of the Nix noble family, a son who was legitimized just five days ago, and then sent on a march to his death.

Tiberius had always fought to gain everything that he has so far, his position in the army; fought for and won on the spilt blood of thousands of people across the galaxy and the known universe. He fought for his love, beating even his own half brother and the current head of the Nix family for her, which to be honest was the reason why he was here, leading the charge and armed with the spell that would condemn the vampires back to an eternity of darkness and slavery.

And it was messed up in so many ways, and all for a variety of reasons, one of which being that this was an unsanctioned council of light operation. The humans, his very own people had gone behind the back of the council to make allegiances with other races, slowly and effectively shifting the balance of power on Shearath. And because of that, he has become nothing more than a scape goat. Should what remains of the council of light find out about this secret but yet extremely large venture, the human race would be sanctioned and boycotted, and to reduce the punishment that would be dished out, the culprit of the whole thing would be handed over to the council on a silver platter, and in this case that culprit was him.

But Tiberius was not so worried of the politics and betrayal that was currently brewing around him. Being born illegitimate in a family of nobles that only allow their leaders a chance to have one child for the whole of their lives to avoid fights over succession was quite simply a curse. It meant that a knife would always be pointed at his back, and people would use him for both his connections, and his nonsense consequential usefulness. It was a painful, tough and hard life, and all of his great achievements were not enough to save him from such an unsavory fate.

But he really wasn't so worried about the council of light and their betrayal, no what scared him was the enemies he had to face, and that in order to face them, the human leaders with a lot of coercion from his half brother made sure his name was no longer Tiberius Dawson, but rather Tiberius Nix. Painting a huge target on his back by having his name be similar to that of the man and weaver responsible for every aspect of their imprisonment. And while he wouldn't admit it out loud to his soldiers, Tiberius was afraid, he was very afraid.

While this mission seems rigged to fail, he knew with the numbers and technology they had, cutting a swathe through five million vampires would be a piece of cake, of course he was also told that the other prisoner race the Nephilim,including the relocated ally race the Serpentis, had joined forces with Kael Cor and proclaimed him their king. That was a terrifying development, but according to the governors of the human race, the information was not confirmed, So it was nothing more than rumors by the common people who believed in Kael Cor and his so called good deeds.

Tiberius did not believe that such information was baseless, so he had prepared for such a scenario, and he prepared accordingly to any surprises. But it still won't change the outcome, he was going to fight vampires! A race of beings unmatched in strength, speed and resilience. The only saving grace was that they had too many weaknesses, and Tiberius hoped to take advantage of that. Which was why the battle air ship he was on was tying low over the coast of the north western sea at the early hours of the morning. The sun should be rising in about an hour, and at that time, he would have the advantage of the sun and bombard them out of that city of theirs.

Even if he didn't want this mission because of what he stood to loose whether he succeeds or fails, he still had to take it seriously. Plus he understood the threat the vampires posed to the way of life of every male and female on Shearath. Because after all that has happened, he knew they wouldn't be coming to invade or take over, they will be coming for revenge, and in that regard there would be rivers of blood flowing all over Shearath for a very long time.

So since he was left without much of a choice, he had no other option than to take the fight to the vampires. Tiberius however hoped with every bone in his body, that he at least survived this skirmish, so that he could go back home to his wife before his brother decides to make life miserable for her.

But it was just as the sun was rising from the horizon that Tiberius saw a sight that chilled him to his bones. As a child he had been taught about the geography of Shearath. He knew that the place called the mountain ranges of Shearath, was just one massive island the size of a very large country that was once home to not just the vampires, but their almost extinct neighbors the Fey. But during the war the Fey were blackmailed into joint the council, and in the end they were betrayed.

But none of that matters at the moment, both with unnerving sight in front of him. The sun rising from the east seemed to be mocking him and his army as it shone its early morning rays over the island in front of them. Tiberius had to wonder if they were even in the right place, but the maps on the ships display panel say they were.

"General Nix! General Nix!" Someone shouted his name with panic as they ran up the deck of his airship sweating profusely.

Tiberius was already annoyed as it is, but having someone running around and calling him a name he absolutely abhorred almost pushed him passed his breaking point. But he was a general, even though the sight in front of their eyes was strange and weird beyond explanation, he had to keep his cool. Because if he panics, then the morale of his troops would be completely destabilized.

"What is it?" he asked back coolly.

"General sir! The scouts just sent back their report. The entire valley that used to be the mountain range of Noxis Nix has disappeared Sir, in fact there's a massive hole that stretches deep into the earth where it once was, and the air and the area itself is now rifled with a spatial storm capable of gearing our entire army to shreds. The scout are using specialized equipment to further investigate the spatial zone to see if anything else can be gleaned. But ultimately sir, the entire valley is gone, the vampires are gone!"

This was a cause for celebration on his part, but Tiberius knew that it can'tthat easy. This place had turned into a spatial zone, a place that would unwittingly become one of, if not the most dangerous place on Shearath. But Tiberius being more informed than most, knew a Spatial zone is only formed, when a teleportation of significant proportion is carried out. And said teleportation has to be initiated from the very place that the spatial zone would be located, and based on how big this bloody thing was, it became obvious that the vampires and their friends has teleported their entire prison and the lands surrounding it somewhere else.

Which is to say they're all still alive, and without knowledge of their new location, the human race could not do anything about them, but even wires is the fact that, from now on, the whole of Shearath would be on notice. Tension would he everywhere as the council of light would be filled with paranoia about the revenge of the vampires, and the bad thing about this revenge is that now, they wouldn't see it coming.

"Damn it! We're totally, completely and massively screwed! Turn the airship and the army around, head straight for the Coalition capital Jeda.We need to report this to the council, leave the 12th, 17th and 81st battalion behind to patrol the perimeter of what remains of the island. Have the scouts keep working on figuring out where the vampires went, and how to trace them. I wasn't hourly updates until we get to our destination. Also relay my orders, news of this must not be leaked to the human governors, except for the updates from the scouts, which are to be patched directly to my chambers, no communication is allowed to come in or go out. Anyway who defy me will be executed on the spot! Move out and all of you pray we get to Jeda in time, the gods help us, the day we feared has finally arrived."





This place was beautiful, and peaceful and wonderful. The way the lake shimmered under the light of the stars was so awe inspiring and majestic that Kodak couldn't help but feel such peace. And to be honest he was happy that he was here with her, that he could share this moment with Ikaria. However….

"Ugh! This place is just so romantic, and gooey and annoying! Why did you bring us here?"

Ikaria was not like normal women. You would think that at least one of her dual personalities would have an appreciation for the romance of the world and even an appreciation for love, but Ikaria was a crazy woman who would rather shove a knife into love than embrace the damn thing. And funny enough that was the reason why Kodak kept falling in love with her every day that passes. And from their bond together, he knew she also cared about him, even if she treats him like he doesn't have a brain all the time.

"Come on sister in-law it's not so bad, forget about love, but think about how relaxing it is to be able to enjoy a walk around this lake, or maybe even a midnight swim. You and big brother could make babies!" Nivae squealed as she held tightly unto Ikaria.

Ikaria on the other hand looked like she rather die than have babies, maybe it was because her ferocious and wild personality was out, but she looked she would prefer to burn everything around her to the ground. But Kodak had noticed one very distinct reaction from her ever since they got back to Ethernalia Leonis. She was nervous and he even felt a bit of guilt from her.

However the feeling had changed to panic once the soon to be kingdom of...well it doesn't have a name yet, but Kael said he was working on it. Anyway once they had traveled through dimensions to the realm, Ikaria had been feeling panicked. Kodak had suspected that maybe she was just shaken by the transfer, so he didn't have to worry too much about that.

But at the very least Ikaria has been trying her best to enjoy her time here, and she's made such intense connections with his sisters that Kodak was feeling a little left out. His crew of vigilantes would not even muster up the courage to tell Ikaria good morning, yet his sister Nivae would suggest them making babies while Ikaria held the four year old Lynn in her arms. And the only reaction Ikaria could give, was the intense embarrassment Kodak knew she was feeling.

"I think we should build a house here, this lake is peaceful, and a family house would be really nice." Gus commented as he sat on the a recently build dock with his legs in the water.

There was a flash of light from Kodak's chest as Shao Tie came out of his body and burst out into laughter at Gus's suggestion.

"This is a public and sacred place, skills and techniques of starlight and water are practiced here. And since his majesty king Kael activated the temple here during his last visit, no one, not even him can make this place a private property. However this is my home, and it has expanded greatly with the addition of your kingdom, which means I know of some very prime real estate that could suit the needs of a family house. So since I'm feeling up for it, who's up for a road trip?" Shao Tie asked with a very scary grin on his draconic face.

Lynn was naturally the first to raise her hands, followed by Nivae and Gus. Ikaria grudgingly raised her hands too, but Kodak could feel that she was excited. Kodak was about to raise his hands when the got a whiff of a familiar scent, even before she called out his name, he knew she was behind him. And the subsequent hissing of Nivae and surprisingly Shao Tie proved that his feeling was not just fleeting. Neva also known as Black of the Envoys, was standing behind him.

Kodak sighed, he guessed this was meeting that's been a long time coming, he was sure that by now, they were both very different people. It made him remember the day he and Ikaria got together, it started like any other day, with Kodak being angry at the woman who broke his heart, not unlike today in fact..….