195 Castle Sarang & The Last Dracula II

She reminded me of Korean idols, beautiful to a point of ridiculousness. She was sultry in her expressions, and she gave me a look that sent shivers tingling up and down my spine. It was not that I felt she was dangerous, there was just this instinctive drive and apprehension that stemmed from a biological reaction. My very DNA demanded that I should be afraid of this woman; and to be honest I don't think it was wrong.

"Why so stiff? I don'tbite.....much. Come closer"

The thing is I don't think I would have been able to refuse even if I wanted to. My body was already moving on it's own volition towards her. It was only until I got closer that I realized the only thing she had on, was a thick red robe, and nothing else underneath. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion and angled it away from her body, leaving it stuck on her face. Such an action might be taken as a challenge, but I rather do that, than see something I shouldn't be seeing.

"Oh look at you being such a gentleman, but don't worry I'm not trying to seduce you. In fact I called you here because I need your help, and you need mine. So a mutual partnership is in order. In fact if you do succeed, I'll swear an oath to you, making you be my lord and master. How does that sound." She asked me with a smile, ignoring the clamor of her vampires.

"That sound's tempting, but there's no such thing as a free lunch, especially not on Shearath."

She rested her head on her fist as a smile broke out on her face. Then she changed the topic, and asked a question that completely shocked me.

"How is earth doing this days. Though I'm not sure which year your from, but I died and was brought here on 28 of July 2077. I've been on Shearath for no less than 800 thousand years. So I guess you could say we're one and the same, Dragon King Kael."

My mouth was hanging, nothing was coming out, my Envoys had confused looks on their faces, however her vampires were calm, as if everything they've heard was already common knowledge. Usually reveals like this were not supposed to be dumped on you like this. Nothing I knew had prepared me for this, she was so nonchalant with the reveal I really had no idea how to react. But worst of all 2077?, she's from the future, my future, almost sixty years into my future!.


"How?How what? How did I know who and what you are? Well that answer is tricky in an out itself. But to let you truly understand, I have to tell you my story, and how I unexpectedly ended up becoming the Dragon queen of the fire dragon. So please take a walk with me."

She got up from her rather normal looking throne and made her towards a side hallway, gesturing for me to follow. Queen and the Envoys followed behind us from a distance. She slowed down enough for me to catch up to her, keeping pace with her even strides. As we walked I took the time to admire the décor of the castle. It was everything you would ever expect from a Gothic castle, it was dark, a little spooky, and shadows seemed to hand behind every corner.

"I was born to a Chinese father and a Korean mother. I'll like to tell you that my earth parents were so in love, but that would be total bullshit. My mother was a Kpop idol. One of the best of her time, and quite beautiful. It was no wonder she caught my father's eye. He was rich, he was older, he was a politician. It was the perfect celebrity marriage, and from that marriage my brother and I were born.

We grew up loved by both our parents, sheltered, protected. Until my fifteenth birthday when my mother died, it didn't take too long for my father to spiral into depression. And then one day he went drinking, I was called to take him home, but by then he had already left, and he was driving back on his own. I followed him, till we got to an intersection where for some reason the traffic light malfunctioned and my father and I drove onto the path of fuel truck.

I woke up a half human half fairy slave at a mining site ran by fearsome vampire lords. A mine that is now known today as the mineral mountain. Well at least it was around that general vicinity. The vampires of those days had the open sky above their heads, and they fought amongst each other and other races a lot. And more than a few Draculas existed then.

The funny thing about waking up in this body was that I transmigrated into someone who was already a reincarnated soul. She was from earth just like you and me, a servant girl to a British governorfrom the year 1789. She was chosen by earth to awaken the primordial dragon of fire, a creature of the highest grade of magic and technology, a ship. She would have the power to control fire and emotions. But Earth I'm afraid to say, made a mistake. She was too weak, she was born in a time where the thought process of women were subservient to a fault. She couldn't fight, couldn't muster up the courage to fulfill the duty given to her, and so she died. Alone, cold, and even with all her beauty, completely forgotten.

A new Fire Queen could not be chosen since this body was already well on it's way to inheriting the power of the fire dragon. Earth needed another candidate, a stronger one. And so somewhere on earth, a traffic light malfunctioned and the red light never came on as it should have. I died, came here, with a new face, and a new body, and had to fight my way from the bottom all the way to the top. I couldn't help but ne thankful I was born in the twenty first century, if not I would have been just like my predecessor.

Anyway, there was a very bad war, exactly 662 thousand years ago. A massive betrayal by the Bediako coven and their thirst for power, and a her powerful spell that buried all of the lands and kingdoms of the vampire race under a mountain range of snow and lightening. Everything in this pit used to solely belong to the vampires, but as you know by now, shit happens."

Her story was just a summary, but it was intense and lines up with exactly how I expect earth to act. I felt really worried that our lives were nothing more than pawns in earths hand to achieve it's goals. I mean if there really was a danger, I would hesitate to fight for earth, but a planet that schemes and uses it's own inhabitants like this did not encourage undying loyalty.

"Have you found your dragon?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"Not yet, but I know he's sleeping right beside yours, and they're both waiting for us in the den to come awaken them. I can hear him from time to time, and every time I do I feel and urgency to be right next to him. Is it the same with you?" she asked with her head cocked to the side.

"Yes." I replied curtly.

"Well this what I need from you. I need you to free me from this place, and in return I'll teach how to be a proper vampire, and go into an alliance with you. This would never be you access to my contacts, resources, and my army. While you're up to a good start, you can't take the pit alone, and you can't face Shearath alone. But I was joking about that oath though. I'll acknowledge you as the best leader for the vampires, give you my support, and even take a position in your court if need be. But I won't b shackled by you, and we will both need to look at the bigger picture. The enemies we see now, are not who we really have to face. We have to find the rest of the Queens and Kings, along with their dragons, and figure out the next step of our plan. Because if we loose earth, then everything we know and believe would be gone for good. So if you need some time to think about it,then...….."

"There's no need for that. I understand what's at stake, and that's why I'm gong to agree to this alliance."

"Very well then, we'll need to draw up a proper contract...….the vampire way."

I have no idea what she meant by he vampire way, but it made me really nervous thinking about it. But all that aside, I've made my choice, and I've chosen my path. I realize that she has not even told me her name yet, but this wan was being of such power that it was almost unbearable to stand next to her. This was someone I wanted to have in my corner against the coming storm. No matter how uncomfortable this made me feel, I needed to do this, if not for myself, but for my people. So that they can be protected. But even then, I couldn't help the feeling that I had just made a deal with the Devil.