194 Castle Sarang & The Last Dracula I

Insisting on an entourage might not have been a good idea. Even though we were moving really fast, we were still unable to keep up with Queen. If it was just me, it would not have been a problem for me, but with my Envoys coming along, I had to pay extra attention to everything going on around me. The place we were going to was located in the white district, I was more than surprised that the Mistress lived there, since the white district was the smallest, and the only place vampires actually don't live in, except of course they were slaves and servants.

But I have been to the white district before, it was a stark contrast to the rest of the pit as this place truly looked like a city. Cars, sidewalks, electricity, pets? It was as if this place was an entirely different world all on it's own, completely detached from the rest of the pit. Running through the district had attracted the attention of the guards, but we could not afford any sort of confrontation, so all we could do was run through until we got to the outskirts of white district.

From here, it's extremely tall buildings and city vibe gave way to a suburban atmosphere. There were still towers around, but there were town houses built around, within and through those towers, making for an extremely amazing show of architecture. It's going to take Ethernalia Leonis a little bit longer to get to this point, but we'll get there eventually.

After the houses we passed an artificial park, a lake, and an actual river. I've not been this far, so I didn't understand the true scope of the white district, in a place like the pit, this was true paradise.

After that we left the white district city behind. But even after that, the unoccupied towers and areas still had a refined appeal to them. The white district really was the home of the elite, but these elites were not members of the vampire race. It was annoying, but a prison that had a literal resort or vacational city in it did not make sense.

But it showed how much the rest of the world looked down on us, so much so that they could come and live beside us for thousands of years, watching our suffering, but yet not caring to do anything about it. They had their fancy cars, their tall buildings, clubs and stupid parties, and yet,vampires were starving, beaten, raped and tortured just for being who they are. I don't care who you are, but even a saint would feel a burning hatred for this people, no matter how you look at it, this wasn't fair.

Almost an hour later, we were rapidly approaching the edge of the white district. The white light that denoted the district was weaker here, and I could also see the edge of the blank district from here. But apart from that there was something else. A tower stretched up in the distance, but it was not just an ordinary tower, seeing as a huge freaking colossal castle was built into, out of,and from it.

It was as if the tower on it's own was a frame or the stalk of a plant. The castle turned out to be the branches, leaves and a vine that stalked around it's entire frame, growing and creeping upwards until even I couldn't see where it ended. I had a feeling that it stretched all the way to the very top of the tower, and if that was the case, that would make this the tallest building in the pit, and maybe the oldest. Something like this would have taken a countless amount of years to build,and if I were to hazard a guess, I would say that it was a city all on it's own.

Queen came to a stop in front of a rather simple looking gate, and a fence that looked like it has seen better days. I was getting a weird vibe from this castle, but at the moment I couldn't tell what it was, but it was a rather familiar feeling.

"Welcome to the home of my mistress. It is called Sarang."

Then Queen walked through the gate,it the moment she did, a transparent barrier rose up, as tall as the tower and castle itself. But the shocking thing was that this barrier was made of thousands upon thousands of seals. It was plethora of rune circles, rune phrases, soul runes and simple runes. It was as if an army of weavers had gathered for the sole purpose of keeping whoever lived in that castle, locked in it.

I really had to be honest with myself, a sight like this was not encouraging at all, to have this much seals placed on you, just to prevent you from leaving, meant that you had to be extremely powerful and very dangerous. In this case the council of light really pulled out all the stops, and I was thinking that if they did all this in terror of the entity within. Then what gives me the right to walk in there and have a meeting with said entity.

A tiny stream of fear and doubt began to build from deep within my heart, I turned to look at my Envoys and saw that they all had the same look on their faces. But with Black and White leading, they all tried to give me a resolute gaze. It was a silent promise on their part, and I understood it well.even if it was to the very depths of hell, they were willing to keep following me.

"Lord Kael please, we wouldn't want to keep my mistress waiting." Queen called out to me as she moved on towards the castle.

I nodded resolutely and walked through the barrier made of runes. There was an intense mixture, and different traces of soul energy signatures from it. I could feel it, and as I passed it made me a little sick and I couldn't help but groan a bit. I was the only one to react like that, but seeing as I'm known as a weaver they attributed my reaction to the seals.

I almost dread having to go through that barrier again. So many individual signatures made this barrier a beautiful, stomach churning revolting mess.Some felt really old, like hundreds of thousands of years old. Others felt recent, like ten to five years old kind of vibe, and each of the seals had varying degrees of power. It was as if weavers of different realms and circles have placed entrapment seals on the barrier and around the castle for a very, very long time.

I shook my head, and followed behind Queen, I was already beginning to have a hint of an idea about why I was here. But until I received a full confirmation, it wouldn't be right to jump into conclusions; because doing so could invite more disaster than I was ready to handle at the moment.

We followed Queen through a set of thick wooden double doors with metal fillings. But I saw something on the surface of those doors that rattled me. There were writings on it, I couldn't read them, but I recognized them as the literary characters used by Asian countries like China, Japan and Korea. This was something from earth, and seeing it released a burst of emotion inside of me. But I had to be calm, the core universe was made based of the dreams, ambitions and alternate futures of the people of earth.It was based off of earth's cultures, mythologies, media etc. A freaking universe born just because a human being could dream or have an imagination, or because of the numerous choices they made everyday,and there were seven of them!

Seeing something like this should not be that much of a surprise. There's bound to be a civilization out here that was reminiscent of the Asian continent back on earth. Just like an echo of sorts. We went through the door, and came up into a grand looking hall. The only problem I had with it was that it seemed a little too dark. It was not a problem for vampires, as we could see just fine in the dark, but the very idea of living in this kind of darkness rubbed me off the wrong way.

Queen moved forward for about ten minutes before coming up on an intricate looking spell circle that was drawn right in the middle of the ground. If I didn't know better, I would say that was a summoningcircle, or at the very least a spatial transfer array.....so that's what it was. We all got on the circle with Queen and almost immediately I had this intense feeling of my skin tearing as my location changed.

That was the most uncomfortable feeling I've ever had in my life, and I had the intention of giving Queen a piece of my mind. At the very least the vampire should have warned us, but no, she just silently threw us head first into it. I raised my head to talk, but closed my mouth even before it opened.

I was in a throne room, a throne room with lots and lots if balconies that stretched upwards to the very tip of the tower. And they were filled to the brim with vampires, unsealed vampires. Elders! All of them were elders! I felt an invisible pressure fall on me,but it was not enough to make me fall. Their eyes were all on me, and I felt my blood boil for it. Where the hell were we?

"Welcome Kael Cor to the Cathedral! This noona has been waiting a long time for you."

"Errr What?"