Chapter 277

Dada... Dada

The five special combat members of Falcon group a broke through the encirclement, and then suddenly started in the depths of the dense jungle.

In an instant, the sound of guns was loud and the bullets flew like rain. More than 20 rifles of the opposing sides opened fire at each other fiercely and intensively at the same time. Countless hard warheads, under the burning and violent collision of single base gunpowder, roared out of the chamber at a high speed, fiercely tore the thick night curtain, quickly drew one trajectory with the smell of death in the void, and screamed towards their respective targets.

Countless vertical and horizontal tracer bullets quickly draw a bright trajectory. Under the thick night, in the dense jungle, it becomes more and more bright, more dazzling and more eye-catching

For a time, there was a dense hail of bullets, with vertical and horizontal trajectories, interwoven into airtight barrages, shrouded over everyone's head, and existed terrifyingly and ferociously. Therefore, the rolling heat wave rolled up, attacking and seeping, almost impossible to breathe.

The fierce combat effectiveness of the five special combat members of Falcon group A is by no means comparable to that of ordinary mercenaries of scorpion mercenary regiment. During the fierce battle, the five special combat team members of Falcon group a made full use of all favorable terrain on the scene, gave full play to their excellent military skills, and thoroughly displayed their operational mobility.

While attacking forward quickly, he constantly changed the shooting position, changed the bunker and enough concealment to hide himself, like a ghost in the middle of the night, looming and erratic. The five special combat team members, while constantly attacking the enemy fiercely, try their best to make the enemy unable to find themselves and lock themselves, so that they can not form an effective attack and damage to themselves.

After a fierce and fierce gun battle, the results were immediate, and the individual combat strength of both sides was immediately displayed at a glance.

Among the ten or twenty mercenaries who intercepted Falcon group A in front, five or six were killed on the spot, and there were more wounded to varying degrees. In contrast, among the five special combat members of Falcon group A, no one was injured or killed, and gave a heavy blow to the blocking enemy at almost zero cost.

"Oh! Want to eat us in one bite and have a fucking spring and autumn dream! I'm not afraid of breaking my teeth!" Seeing the fruitful results and the fierce battle gap, Chen Zheng, the team leader who has always been silent and steady, smiled, and then said passionately: "since they stand in front of us and take the initiative to die, let's help them! Brothers, make persistent efforts and annihilate them all, none left! Rush!"

With the voice of leader Chen Zheng, the morale of the members of the whole special combat team was high, excited one by one, became more and more heroic and fierce, and immediately attacked forward quickly.

However, at this time, a very strange scene appeared.

However, the mercenaries who used to rely on favorable terrain to make tenacious resistance in front of them retreated in an orderly manner. However, they did not withdraw too far from the battlefield, but gradually retreated and blocked while evacuating.

It is clear that they are conducting organized and planned ladder blocking and graded blocking, and no longer compete with the five strong special forces face to face.

"Bastards! What do these bastards want to do? Fight if you want to fight, and withdraw if you want to withdraw. What does that mean?" Straight Du Lei, seeing that the enemy suddenly used this strange playing method, immediately wondered and shouted angrily.

"What do you mean by these bastards?" Su Wugang quickly took over the words, looked coldly at the position of the mercenaries in front, and then said, "since they are retreating now, let's speed up the attack, rush directly to them, or wipe them out!"

After saying that, he quickly accelerated the forward attack speed!

"No -" a moment later, Cheng Chong seemed to suddenly realize the enemy's plot. He couldn't help exclaiming, and then said hurriedly: "brothers, pay attention to our rear and left and right wings! The enemy must attack from the rear and two wings..."

Sure enough, Cheng Chong didn't speak yet. Dozens of mercenaries immediately appeared behind Falcon group A and on the left and right wings. Seeing that the whole Falcon group A was attacking hand in hand, they immediately opened fire at the side and rear of Falcon group A.

For a moment, the gunfire became more and more fierce, more and more fierce!

However, the five special combat members of Falcon group A were surrounded by nearly ten times of mercenaries. In an instant, the situation became extremely critical and the situation became particularly dangerous!

"Separate attacks! Never let them press up smoothly, so as to narrow the encirclement! Hurry!" Chen Zheng, the shocked group leader, hurriedly assigned troops and firepower while constantly shooting forward.

"What the hell is going on? What tricks are these bastard mercenaries playing with us?" The other members of the team, who were equally surprised and uncertain, asked suspiciously while quickly blocking the enemy.

"Don't worry so much. Look for opportunities. Let's rush out first!" Group leader Chen Zhengbian responded angrily as he opened fire fiercely.

Then, he seemed to be worried and asked Cheng Chong in his headset, "solitary eagle, what do you say?"

"Warhawk! You're right! We must look for opportunities and rush out first!" Cheng Chong hurriedly replied in the headset.

However, at the moment, he had a bad premonition that it would not be so easy to break out of the enemy's encirclement. However, at this time, the morale of comrades in arms needs to be encouraged, and the surprised hearts of comrades in arms need comfort.

In this case, first look for opportunities to rush out and rush out directly. Of course, it's best. If you can't rush out, then think of other ways!

Immediately, under the leadership of Chen Zheng, the leader of Falcon group A, they blocked separately. When they slightly repelled the enemy's attack, they immediately looked for the direction where the enemy's blocking force was weak, attacked quickly, and tried to break out of the enemy's encirclement.

However, a strange thing happened again. No matter which direction the five special combat team members attacked, as long as the mercenaries in this direction were attacked, they immediately withdrew and blocked while withdrawing, thus delaying the attack speed of the five special combat team members.

At this time, the enemy in other directions will take the opportunity to press up and entangle the five special combat team members, so that they can't concentrate on attacking forward and must divide troops to block, so that they can't concentrate their fire and break through smoothly.

In this way, group leader Chen Zheng led the whole Falcon group A to attack left and right under the heavy siege of the enemy. However, in any case, they could not break through the encirclement carefully set by these mercenaries and get rid of their entanglement.

At the moment, the mercenaries, for the five special combat members of Falcon group A, are almost like disgusting snot. They can't get rid of it.

"How could this happen? What do these bastards want? Warhawk! You are the leader of our group. You have to think of a feasible way for everyone!" Seeing this, Du Lei and Su Wugang asked in their headphones.

At this time, the group leader Chen Zheng also deeply felt the bad situation at the moment. He thought for a moment, took a deep breath, then turned his head again, looked at Cheng Chong not far away, and asked in a deep voice, "solitary eagle, what should we do now?"

In fact, Cheng Chong at this time has been thinking quickly about the way out of the whole group. At the moment, although he heard Chen Zheng's question, he didn't answer immediately, but said as if to himself: "these bastards are still playing rubber band tactics with us at this time!"

"Rubber band tactics? What is rubber band tactics?" Other players immediately heard such a new tactical term, so they asked in unison.

Cheng Chong quickly glanced at the other team members around him, and then explained: "we all know that although the rubber band is soft, it is extremely elastic. Although the egg shell is hard, it is extremely fragile."

For a moment, everyone looked at Cheng Chong with a puzzled face, eagerly waiting for him to solve his doubts. They haven't even figured out what this has to do with the battle at the moment?

Cheng Chong ignored the expressions of the other players and just paused, Then he continued to explain: "Those bastards know that in terms of individual strength and face-to-face fighting, they are not as good as us! That's why they adopted such a highly targeted strategy. If they stay where they are and fight hard against us, no matter how strong their resistance line is, it is possible for us to break through quickly. It's like an egg shell Although it is hard, it is easy for us to break through.

But now, no matter which direction we attack from, their mercenaries in that direction will immediately retreat and block while withdrawing. At this time, mercenaries in other directions will take advantage of the situation to press up and distract our attention and firepower. This is like a rubber band. It is very elastic. It can move, expand and shrink at will, but it can't break through for a while. This is the so-called rubber band tactics, which are specially used against us. "

"I see! These bastards are sinister! Do we have any good way to quickly break through these bastards' bullshit rubber band tactics and break out of their encirclement?" The other team members listened carefully to Cheng Chong's explanation. When they were surprised, they immediately asked.

At the same time, everyone looked at Cheng Chong with expectant eyes.

However, Cheng Chong is also helpless at the moment. After all, he is just an ordinary mortal, not an omnipotent Superman. He can call the wind and rain and do whatever he wants.

At this time, although he had seen the real intention of the enemy, he did not immediately think of an appropriate response. However, he felt ashamed when he saw that all his comrades in arms looked at him with expectant eyes and eagerly hoped that he would put forward reasonable suggestions again and lead everyone out of the dilemma.

This is the trust of my comrades in arms. I must not easily disappoint my comrades in arms.

He continued to think quickly about countermeasures and ways to crack the enemy's rubber band tactics.

A moment later, Cheng Chong suddenly saw a light in his eyes: since there was no hope of breaking through with the strength of his special warfare team, it would be very different if he could rely on the assistance of external forces.

Reinforcements! yes! If only there were reinforcements now! At that time, it will be easy for the enemy to break through the enemy's encirclement with the strong strength and excellent military skills of his team members.

by the way! Falcon group B was the first group in the brigade to rush to the battlefield to perform tasks. At this time, where is Falcon group B? If Falcon group B came to help at this time, it would not be difficult to break through the enemy's encirclement.

As long as they cooperate properly, they can wipe out all these enemies.

Contact with another special operations team is often the responsibility of the team leader.

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he immediately proposed to Chen Zheng in a deep voice: "Warhawk! You immediately contact Black Hawk, the leader of Falcon group B... Let them come to help us immediately..."

At this time, when Cheng Chong mentioned the Black Hawk, the leader of Falcon group B, he couldn't help clicking in his heart. He couldn't figure out what the reason was, but felt an unspeakable worry.

"Right! Right! Right! Contact the Black Hawk!" After Cheng Chong's proposal, the anxious team leader Chen Zhengli immediately responded and said, "the team leader told me that group A and group B will work together in the future. In case of emergency, I will give unified command. Now, I order them to move closer to us immediately. There should be no problem!"

After saying that, Chen Zheng immediately took away his 95 assault rifle, then changed the call channel and quickly contacted Black Hawk, the leader of Falcon group B. While the other team members shot back at the enemy while eagerly waiting for the call result between team leader Chen Zheng and black hawk.

A moment later, everyone heard the group leader Chen Zheng sigh of disappointment.

"What's going on? What did the Black Hawk say? Can group B come quickly?" Seeing this situation, the other team members immediately turned around and asked eagerly.

Chen Zheng had to tell the truth from facts: "black eagle said that their team was also strongly blocked by the enemy. At this time, they were also fighting with the enemy and could not get close to us for the time being. What did you say to make us stick to it for another half an hour? After they got rid of the enemy, they rushed to us immediately..."

Hearing Chen Zheng's words, the hope just ignited in everyone's heart was suddenly dashed again! However, from Chen Zheng's words, they can't find the slightest flaw. After all, on the battlefield, no one can be plain sailing. It's very common to encounter the enemy's attack and obstruction!

"That's good! Nothing to say! Since the Black Hawk asked us to stick to it for another half an hour, we'd better do it. We'll find favorable terrain immediately and block separately. As soon as the comrades in Falcon group B arrive, we'll give the enemy a cooperation center between inside and outside! At that time, we'll let none of the mercenaries besieging us escape!" Cheng Chong then followed the words of team leader Chen Zheng and encouraged the team members so much.

Although he still had some worries and worries in his heart at this time, after all, it was groundless and unreasonable. From the bottom of his heart, he absolutely refused to believe that there would be any accidents and conspiracies!

Moreover, at this critical moment of life and death, we should always focus on the overall situation.

"The lone eagle is right!" Chen Zheng then took the message and then tried to lift his spirit. He said, "let's take the right highland right away and keep it to us. As long as we keep on holding for half an hour. When we get to the B group, we has the final say, brothers! Attack on the right side, and rely on each other and move forward!"

Seeing that Chen Zheng and Cheng Chong said so, the other team members immediately increased their confidence. Everyone didn't say anything more. Then, according to Chen Zheng's order, they quickly went to the highland on the right, covered and supported each other and attacked.

A moment later, almost without any effort, everyone quickly occupied the highland on the right. Powerful and agile, they quickly rely on favorable terrain to hide themselves and fight back against the enemy!