Chapter 276

"But --" group leader Chen Zheng immediately asked suspiciously in his headset, "if we bypass them and pursue from the side, those bastards will certainly take the opportunity to press up. At that time, we will become passive!"

"Yes! Lone Eagle! We have to consider this problem. The mercenaries in front seem to be a little different from other mercenaries. They all seem to wear night vision system. As long as we move here, they will find out immediately. It will be difficult for us to do at that time!" At this time, after carefully observing the costumes of the previous mercenaries, Meng Lang said with some worry in his heart.

"I know all this!" Cheng Chong then answered and paused, He lowered his voice and continued: "but at this time, do we have a better way than this? First of all, we are a combat group. At this critical moment, we must not divide troops and weaken our combat effectiveness. Moreover, we cannot continue to stay in place and fight with the mercenaries in front, wasting valuable pursuit time."

"What if the bastards in front of us take the opportunity to press up? Don't we have to be attacked?" Hearing the leader Chen Zheng and Meng Lang say so, Du Lei and Su Wugang also asked in some doubt.

"If they are willing to come up, let them come up! In terms of individual strength, they are not our opponents. In terms of running speed and operational mobility, they are not as good as us. We just chase us. If they are willing to catch up, let them run with us. At that time, we will try our best to find fighters and kill one stroke Kill them and cut off this tail! " Cheng Chong quietly looked at other comrades in arms around him. After thinking for a moment, he said in such a deep voice.

After listening to Cheng Chong's explanation, group leader Chen Zheng thought carefully for a while and then affirmed: "OK! Let's do it according to what Gu Ying said. The whole special combat team forms a special team against the enemy in front and back. While pursuing forward quickly, it delays the enemy's pursuit of us! Look for a fighter again and cut off this tail! Act immediately and be quick!"

With the affirmation and support of team leader Chen Zheng, the other team members no longer had any objection, and the whole special warfare team quickly unified their thinking. Then, under the leadership of team leader Chen Zheng, he acted quickly!

Because this suggestion was put forward by Cheng Chong, and among the five people, only Cheng Chong and Meng Lang have seen the real face of the spy. Therefore, Chen Zheng asked them to pursue quickly in front of him, with their own command and support in the middle, while Su Wugang and Du Lei were responsible for cutting off the rear and dealing with the mercenaries who came after him!

At this time, Cheng Chong, after carefully observing the specific situation around him, decided to bypass the mercenaries in front to the right, and then quickly pursue forward. Because, at the moment, he found that the spy fled to the right front surrounded by many mercenaries. At the moment, he made a detour directly to the right. Relatively speaking, the detour distance is the shortest.

However, when they just started moving to the right, the mercenaries who also wore night vision system immediately found the abnormality. After the five men jumped tens of meters to the right, the mercenaries quickly chased up like ghosts falling in the middle of the night. Moreover, the speed was faster and faster, and the fire was more and more fierce, as if they had noticed the real intention of the five Chinese special forces.

At the moment, Su Wugang and Du Lei, who were responsible for the destruction of the whole special warfare team, suddenly opened fire on them and caught them off guard because they acted behind everyone and when the mercenaries who risked their lives came close.

After a fierce gunfight, one of the mercenaries who risked their lives to chase down fell down! When other mercenaries saw this, they thought it was just a conspiracy of this group of Chinese special forces and deliberately tempted them to die, so they fell down on the spot again and fought with Su Wugang and Du Lei!

Dada... Dada

After a round of almost crazy shooting, the remaining mercenaries were surprised to find that they seemed to have been fooled. Because after they had a hearty shot, they realized that there was no one in the area they were heartily shooting in front.

At the moment, they seem to be fighting the ghost in the middle of the night. Because the other party didn't know when, they had already disappeared. It seemed that they were competing with an open space for a long time!

In fact, Su Wugang and Du Lei's task at the moment is to delay their pursuit, so they don't love war. When the mercenaries focused on shooting madly, they had already taken advantage of the chaos and followed the team forward to pursue quickly.

After learning that they had been fooled once, the remaining mercenaries immediately roared angrily and abused a few times. Then they immediately stood up and continued to chase forward quickly.

Although, after such a slight delay, the Chinese special forces, who acted very quickly, have temporarily thrown them away! It really takes some time to catch up quickly at the moment.

Su Wugang and Du Lei, after successfully delaying the pursuit of the mercenaries, quickly caught up with the team and continued to maintain the shape of the special team against the enemy, so that the whole special combat team continued to have both attack and defense and give full play to its combat effectiveness!

However, after the whole special warfare team continued to chase forward for a distance of one or two kilometers, they had not caught up with the spy. Cheng Chong and Meng Lang, who had been the pioneer in front, suddenly stopped, stopped and hid on the spot!

"What's going on?" Chen Zheng, the group leader who followed them, quickly caught up, then lowered his voice and asked Cheng Chong in a deep voice.

"I feel like something's wrong!" At the moment, Cheng Chong frowned and said coldly.

"What's wrong? Have you found anything wrong?" Chen Zheng was shocked and asked suspiciously.

After Cheng Chong glanced around quickly, "I think the situation in front of us seems a little complicated. There seems to be some great danger not far away, but I can't be completely sure now. However, the murderous spirit and subtle movements that can't be covered up can be vaguely perceived and detected at this time!"

"There is movement, there is really movement!" Cheng Chong just dropped his voice, lay on the ground, listened quietly to Meng Lang for a while, and then said in surprise: "moreover, the number is definitely not a few, for sure!"

Hearing Meng Lang's words, Chen Zheng, as the group leader, was surprised and immediately realized the seriousness and urgency of the problem. After glancing around quickly, he looked at Cheng Chong in front of him and waited eagerly for him to make up his mind.

The situation has become very critical!

"We must evacuate immediately. Anyway, we'll bypass this damn place first and then!" In an emergency, Cheng rushed too late to think too much, and then proposed to Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng, the leader of the team, who knew that the situation was critical and dangerous at the moment, did not delay a minute. He immediately rushed to the members of the whole team in his headset and hurriedly ordered: "evacuate immediately, act immediately! Hurry!"

At this time, Su Wugang and Du Lei, who quickly caught up from behind, saw that the tone of group leader Chen Zheng was so urgent, so solemn and so serious. They immediately realized the seriousness and urgency of the problem and could not be delayed.

Therefore, at this time, without any nonsense and no delay, they immediately took action!

However, just as the five members of Falcon group A had perceived the danger in advance, they immediately made corresponding deployment and quickly implemented the evacuation. At this time, but in front of the five people, from a dark and dense jungle, suddenly turned out a large group of heavily armed mercenaries, at least 20 people.

Cheng Chong's hunch and judgment are not wrong!

In fact, the scorpion mercenary regiment has already begun to implement an evil plot against the whole Falcon group A, especially against Cheng Chong himself.

At this time, it was just a poor dagger, completely exposed in front of the five of them!

Seeing this situation, Du Lei immediately lost his face and said angrily, "let's talk about turning over these bastards! There should be no problem for the five of us to turn over ten or twenty of them!"

"No!" Cheng Chong's face was also suddenly solemn, Retorted very quickly: "This is just the vanguard of those bastards, and there will certainly be people coming here quickly. Although we can destroy them all with our own combat effectiveness, we can't guarantee that there will be no casualties. It's unwise for us to fight with them when we are outnumbered. What's more, we have more important things to do, There is no time for too much entanglement with them! "

At this time, Cheng Chong still didn't know that this was actually a conspiracy of the scorpion mercenary regiment, let alone that this conspiracy was specifically against Falcon group A, especially against him. At the moment, he was still thinking about how to complete the task, successfully recapture the spy, or kill him directly.

"I'm so fucking suffocating. The enemies are coming, but I can't fight face to face with them, put on an array and kill them!" Although Du Lei understood, he was still unwilling to say so.

Cheng Chong looked at Su Wugang in front of him, turned his mouth and sneered, say: "Don't worry! Eagle! You fight the war and you kill the enemy! But it's not just now! When we evacuate quickly, or completely mobilize the enemy and disrupt their plans, then we can use our strong individual strength and far beyond their combat mobility to find fighters, constantly attack them and consume them. Then No matter how many people they come, we can eat them one by one until they are wiped out. "

In the face of an enemy several times his own, Cheng Chong was not timid and his ambition to annihilate the enemy remained unabated.

"The lone eagle is right! Let's do it!" Group leader Chen Zheng once again lost no time in affirming Cheng Chong's proposal. Then, in his headset, he ordered in a deep voice: "the enemy in front should not have found our specific location. Let's seize the time and withdraw quickly!"

The five special combat members of Falcon group A immediately arched their backs and quietly retreated quickly behind them.

Because there were mercenaries chasing them behind them, after retreating back for tens of meters, they quickly turned their direction and continued to detour to the right to avoid being used as sandwich biscuits by the front and rear enemies.

In the dense primitive jungle, the five special combat members of Falcon group a quickly and orderly evacuated to the right under the cover of thick night.

At this time, the five people consciously gathered the formation and reduced the target of the action, so as not to make the formation too large and the movement too large, thus exposing the hidden whereabouts of the whole special combat team.

However, what they don't know is that the whereabouts of their whole special combat team have long been under the close monitoring of the scorpion mercenary regiment. Every time they made a choice and calculated their scorpion mercenary regiment, they immediately made a corresponding response. Every time they move in one direction, the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment move quickly in that direction.

In fact, the five special combat members of Falcon group A, without knowing it, the scorpion mercenary regiment has set up a huge pocket array for them, and is constantly improving and strengthening this huge pocket array

Without knowing it, the five special combat members of Falcon group A took a detour to the right and continued to move forward for hundreds of meters. After that, the scene in front of them immediately surprised everyone again. However, in the depths of the jungle tens of meters away in front of the five people, suddenly ten or twenty heavily armed mercenaries came out again!

"No -" Cheng Chong couldn't help yelling. His face suddenly became very dignified and ugly. Then he rushed to his comrades in arms and said in a very solemn tone: "I'm afraid we have been completely exposed for a long time. These bastards may have surrounded us for a long time."

"What shall we do?" Almost at the same time, all the other team members asked Cheng Chong with one voice, staring at him in unison, eager to put forward reasonable suggestions at the critical moment, so as to lead them to Cheng Chong's victory.

Only at this time did the team members deeply realize the importance of Cheng Chong to the whole special combat team.

"Fight to death! Fight to death with these bastards! These bastards think that if they surround us, they can eat us all at once. Have a fucking dream! They still lack a pair of good teeth to eat us!" Cheng Chong's face turned blue, his angry eyes stared obliquely, his steel teeth bit, and then a powerful murderous spirit that could almost devour everything around him rose immediately.

"Good! Fight to the death! Kill these bastards, wipe out these bastards! Kill -" inspired by Cheng Chong, all the members of the special corps immediately had high morale and were determined to fight! One by one, we should compete with the enemy in front of us and fight to the death!

"I agree to die!" Chen Zheng, the team leader, immediately said with certainty, and then asked Cheng Chong with doubts: "however, we should also choose a main attack direction, or breakthrough direction. We can't just fight with them like this!"

"Yes! The eagle has a point! We really have to determine a main attack direction first. At that time, we can make concerted efforts to use the bullets together and greet the bullets together! We won't fall behind or attack chaos!" The other three players immediately echoed.

Cheng Chong listened, then turned his head and smiled coldly at the enemy in front, Then he said firmly: "Of course, there must be a main direction of attack. That is the enemy in front of us. They have now been exposed to us. They certainly want us to retreat again and enter the encirclement they have carefully set for us. Then we will do the opposite. We will rush out directly from the front. I want to see how capable they are!"

"OK! On the contrary, let's face to face with these bastards and compete face to face! See who is the real strong one!" The other special combat team members immediately roared.

At this time, they seem to have no idea that they have fallen into the siege carefully set by the enemy for them!