(fourth watch)

In the hospital, pan Rong looks at the man in front of her and thinks of her first date. Before she knew it, she laughed.

"What's the matter? What do you think of? " Zhang Zheng heard the voice, quickly put down the book, asked.

She shook her head with a smile and said, "I'm just thinking, you're a contradictory person. I do finance, but I like reading these literature books and playing go and drinking tea during my break time. It's not like staying on the financial street at all. As for your personality, is it introverted or extroverted? You are outgoing. I used to meet you and never go to busy places. You are introverted. It seems that you can talk about it

In fact, this is her most sincere view of Zhang Zheng since I met her over the years.

He chuckled and asked gently, "do you want to go down?"

She nodded, and he carefully helped her sit up and walk slowly in the ward.

Last month, she finally got a bone marrow match and had another operation. Like her, she can have matched bone marrow twice, which is a rare good luck all over the world. This time, the doctor is more cautious, every step is a careful examination, repeated design of treatment. During this period of time, Zhang Zheng would come to the hospital almost every day to accompany her. If it was the weekend, he would simply stay in the hospital for two days. And she did not drive him away again. In the face of such a person, what reason did she have to drive him away?

When she had surgery, Xia Yuchen and Fang Xiaoyou also came. Looking at him that moment, her heart, suddenly relaxed down. After all these years, it's time for her to come out. Since God has given her a chance of rebirth, why does she always stay in a dead end? Now, he has a happy family and will soon have lovely children. Although she can't give him these, as long as he can get them, what else can she worry about?

Entering the door of the operating room, Zhang Zheng was beside her all the time. She stretched out her hand from under the quilt. He held it in his heart and said in a soft voice, "we are waiting for you." she nodded.

The door of the operating room was closed. From the glass on the door, she seemed to be able to see Zhang Zheng.

Yes, it's Zhang Zheng, not Xia Yuchen!

Among the people around her, Zhang Zheng was the first to find out that she was ill twice. That was when they met one time, she suddenly fell ill and took medicine. No matter how she refused, he ignored, almost kidnapped her to the door of the hospital, she said the matter.

When he heard that she was ill, Zhang Zheng's ears suddenly hummed. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. However, looking at her without that kind of despair, his heart is not——

At that time, he did not say a word, just sat quietly.

And after that, she and Xia Yuchen married, Xia Yuchen accompanied her treatment, and she relapsed.

Now, Zhang Zheng helps her step by step. He holds her when she can't walk steadily, and he holds her when she is tired. Although he never said anything like marriage again, we all know it. She knows her current situation. Although she has had an operation, she doesn't know what will happen in the future. Many times, watching Zhang Zheng take care of her, she wanted to persuade him to leave, so many words, just can't say.

It was Zhang Zheng who found out that she was ill twice. Is this their fate?

Don't you think about yourself, who was waiting for another person in silence?

As she walked, her cell phone suddenly rang.

As long as Zhang Zheng is there, her mobile phone is in his hand. He is worried that the radiation of her mobile phone will affect her. He took a look, stopped, moved the chair over and gave her the phone.

"I'll go out. It's at the door He said she took a look at him and just nodded.

He saw that it was Xia Yuchen's call.

Although he never told himself not to mind, he always had a special feeling about Xia Yuchen in his heart. Every time Xia Yuchen calls, he doesn't want to stay by Pan Rong's side, as if he is deliberately avoiding. The question is, why did he avoid it? Didn't he find Xia Yuchen to persuade her to accept treatment?

He couldn't tell why pan Rong was so special and fell in love with him at first sight? Not really. However, since I met her in the clothing store, I began to reserve a place for her. Although she said on her first date that she didn't want to associate with him as a boyfriend and girlfriend, he didn't seem to give up. When you think about it, it seems that he has never been so tolerant and waiting for a heterosexual.

In the corridor, occasionally a person passed by, but he didn't care. He was not forced to lift his head until his feet appeared in front of him——

"Here you are?" He said.

Pan Qiang sat down beside Zhang Zheng with his elbows on his knees and looked at his good friend.

After a long time, Zhang Zheng laughed and asked, "what?"

"I just talked to Dr. Zheng about Xiaorong's illness," Pan Qiang said. Zhang Zheng stopped him and said, "I know."

Pan Qiang patted Zhang Zheng on the shoulder and said, "as for me, maybe I shouldn't say this. It's just that," he paused, "I introduced you to each other at the beginning. I know something about you for so many years. Everyone knows your affection for Xiaorong, but I can't bear to let you wait like this. Xiaorong's illness has been cured once and again. No one can say what kind of outcome it is. You'd better give up! " Zhang Zheng didn't speak. Pan Qiang sighed: "nine out of ten things in life are not satisfactory. We can't predict what will happen in the future. At this point, you -- "

"Don't try to persuade me. I took her to the hospital at the beginning, and you can see that now she works so hard to cooperate with the treatment, how can we extinguish her hope of finding it hard? " Zhang Zheng looked at Pan Qiang, pause, but his voice showed endless desolation, "you also said that we can't predict the future, since we can't predict, let it be!"

Pan Qiang is very clear about Zhang Zheng's thoughts. How many people in the world can compare with him?

They sat on the bench in the corridor for less than five minutes. Because Zhang Zheng was worried about Pan Rong, they went into the ward. At the same time, her conversation with Xia Yuchen ended.

"Good spirit today!" Pan Qiang said to his sister with a smile.

"Well, it's OK!" Pan Rong wanted to stand up and put her hand on the armrest of the chair. Zhang Zheng quickly went to hold her, with a slightly strange tone, and said: "don't use so much force, your body is still weak."

Pan Rong smiles, and Zhang Zheng helps her lie on the bed.

"Brother, how did you come here today?" Pan Rong asked.

"If it's OK, I'll just come and see you." Pan Qiang said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you about the company. Don't worry about it. Take good care of yourself."

Last week, for a merger, pan Rong's assistant came to the hospital to show her some information. Since she had been following up the bill, she called one of the executives who took over and said something to pay attention to. As a result, someone went to pan Qiang and said that Pan Qiang knew that his sister was a workaholic. However, now that she is in such a situation, it seems that it is not as simple as a workaholic to ask about the company.

Pan Rong listened to his brother's words. He was stunned for a moment. Although he was not feeling well, his brain turned quickly.

Does it mean that tea is cool when people go? Although she thought so, she still expressed her gratitude for her cousin's thoughtfulness and said with a smile, "it's boring to live in the hospital, so I just want to do something. But, alas, it seems that I can't get out of here if I don't take good care of myself. "

Zhang Zheng took a look at her and seemed to feel that she was somewhat different, but he didn't say it. He just chatted with Pan Qiang. Pan Qiang said that he could not affect the patient's rest, so he took the initiative to leave, and Zhang Zheng sent him outside the door.

Watching pan Qiang leave, pan Rong just smiles bitterly and sighs.

She remembers that at the beginning, Xia Yuchen always said that someone went to the tea cooler. That was something happened to his family after his grandfather left his post. Those changes made him fully realize the indifference of human feelings, especially in officialdom, even though he was still very young at that time. Perhaps, his cold character is the result of these realistic education! Although she knew such a cruel reality, it was the first time that she really experienced it.

It's all right. Pan Qiang is the head of the company. He always wants to consider the overall situation. If she's such a sick girl who doesn't work, he can't explain to everyone.

When Zhang Zheng came in, he saw her smile.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Zheng asked.

She shook her head.

"Is it about your company?" He asked.

She was not surprised. How could Zhang Zheng not see pan Qiang's obvious moral?

"Yes! I'm afraid I won't have my position when I get well and go back to the company. In this world, the competition is really fierce! " She said with a smile.

"Do you think your life or your work is important?" Zhang Zheng asked.

Pan Rong laughed and didn't answer.

"Don't think about anything. Take good care of yourself. When you get well, if pan really doesn't have your seat, it's a big deal to go to another company to find a job, or, "he took a look at her," after leaving hospital, don't work. "

Then he pressed the corner for her.

"What if you don't work? My savings will be exhausted in a few years. " She said with a smile.

"I support you!" He looked up at her with two bright black eyes.

"Don't joke -" she burst out laughing, but was stopped by his eyes.

"I don't deserve a body like this --" she turned and looked out of the window.

"Pan Rong, do you know how many years have passed since we realized it?" He said.

She did not answer.

"Seven years, seven years!"

"You say, how many more seven years can we have? Do you want to go around like this again? "

He said, gently put her hand in his palm, staring at her haggard face.