"She has a lot of self-respect. We should pay attention to her in the future. Don't hurt her heart." Xia Zhenhua said.

"I know. Huiru is really powerful. In such a difficult environment, she can persist. No wonder Xiaoyou is so outstanding. She really has her mother's inheritance Tan Guiying said.

After her husband told her so, Tan Guiying reminded herself that even if she helped others, she could not ignore their dignity. Now listening to her son say so, of course she listened. She called Zheng Huiru and said, "be careful all the way, and come to the provincial capital when you have time.".

Hang up Tan Guiying's phone, Zheng Huiru and Fang Xiaoyou waiting for Xia Yuchen in the house, Zheng Huiru said to her daughter: "your uncle Xia and aunt Tan are very good people, they don't have a daughter, and they like you so much. Now you are close to them, so you should accompany them more. When you are old, you still like to have a daughter by your side. "

Looking at her mother, Fang Xiaoyou fell into deep remorse. She didn't know what would happen if her mother knew about her relationship with Xia Yuchen. However, she couldn't help telling her mother that she had found a man who could be entrusted with her life, even though she didn't know if she could marry him.

Well, let's not talk about it! In this situation, I don't know what the future will be like. If I let my mother know, I will add to my mother's distress for nothing?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Yuchen arrived at Fang Xiaoyou's rented house and took a gift from his parents to Fang Xiaoyou. Three people went to the railway station. Fang Xiaoyou sees her mother off. Xia Yuchen has been waiting for her in the parking lot outside.

"What's the matter with you? Miss your mother so soon? " Xia Yuchen asked with a smile.

She didn't answer, just looked at him and laughed.

He took her hand, put it to his mouth, and then drove away from the station.

Along the way, neither of them spoke. Fang Xiaoyou is thinking about many things, about him and about himself. Xia Yuchen is the same. He has been suspended for a week. His family is using their relationship to change the direction of things. They even talked with governor Yao Tianyu, but the other party hinted that they would not help unless Xia Yuchen and Yao Jing got married. As for the decision maker, so far there has been no new direction.

With the passage of time, Xia Yuchen also began to worry, for the future, he is less and less confident. It's just that he doesn't want to show this to her and worry her.

The car slowly drove to the house on Yanping Road. She recognized it, but she didn't object to it. She didn't say anything. I haven't met and talked these days. I want to say a lot to him, but I don't know if I can.

After opening the door, she went in first. As soon as she took off her shoes, she was hugged by him from behind.

His chin was against her shoulder, but he was silent.

She put her hand on him, his heart must be very bitter, but she can't help anything.

He can no longer show strong, these days, in front of his family, he has always hidden the inner weakness and helplessness, in front of her is the same. But now, he didn't want to live like this any more.

"Well, what can I do if I don't work as a civil servant?" He asked, his voice clearly full of sadness.

Is he going to give up? Is that really so difficult to solve? Fang Xiaoyou is very upset.

"You have a strange personality, and you like to be bossy. What job is there for you?" She said that on purpose to get him out of the mood.

Let him be happy, cheer up to face all this, maybe is what she can do.

"Didn't you say you were going out to play? Have you chosen a good place? " She turned and asked with a smile.

"Before I go to play, how about giving me some welfare and making me feel better?" He seemed to sweep away his decadent spirit and said with a smile.

"Welfare?" She didn't react for a moment. She stared at him, and it turned out that——

"Ah - Xia Yuchen, you put me down!" She yelled, but to no avail——

She was almost thrown on the bed. Before she got up, she was crushed by him again.

"Xia Yuchen, what are you doing? How painful is it? "

"Be obedient, it won't hurt after a while!" He said, pulling down her underwear and coming straight in from the back.

Except for the time when Yao Jing took the medicine, he never treated her like this.

For men, love can often be a way to relieve stress. Fang Xiaoyou doesn't know this, but because of his recent pressure, no matter how painful he is, he is biting his teeth. And this initial pain and discomfort, slowly replaced by other feelings.

Summer is really hot!

Once over, Fang Xiaoyou lies beside him and looks at his meditative face. He can't say what he wants to say. In the end, she couldn't help it.

"Are you in trouble recently?" She asked.

He took her in his arms, sighed, and said, "I'm in trouble, and I haven't solved it yet."

"You," she forbeared, "is there something wrong with your work?"

He was stunned for a moment, but nodded.

"Last Saturday, I was suspended. They asked me to write a leave application, but they didn't tell me when I could go to work. I guess it's a problem! "

"Why? Have you done anything wrong? " She asked.

"Well, it's not just doing wrong that you get punished. Leaders don't care if you make mistakes, they care if you listen. As long as you are not obedient, even if you do well, you will find a way to deal with you! " He sighed.

How could she not understand that? Isn't he facing the same problem as himself now?

As long as you don't have the same mind as the leader, you will be punished, even worse!

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

There must be a way, right?

"I'm still trying to find a way, but Governor Xu didn't say what to do with me, so I don't know when the problem will be solved."

She was silent, lowered her head, put her little hand in a circle on his chest, and after a while, looked up at him again.

"What's the matter? Don't worry, there will be a way He gave her a kiss on the lip and comforted her.

"Is that because you broke up with Yao Jing?" She asked.

"Who told you that? No, no! It's nothing to do with that! You don't have to guess. " He said.

He was too worried that she would think wildly, because he broke up with Yao Jing, basically because of her.

She wanted to say, I left you, you and Yao Jing compound, everything will be better? However, his gentle eyes made her speechless.

Now she knew exactly what he thought. How can she hurt such a person who loves herself?

"What's your plan? What if they don't reinstate you? " She asked.

He thought about it and said with a smile, "that's why I asked you. Give me a suggestion!"

"Where do I know?" She muttered.

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that a career is very suitable for me." He looked at her as if his eyes were shining with joy.

"Really? Great. What is it? " She suddenly raised her spirits and asked excitedly.

"That's it, that's it," he whispered in her ear, leaning down, and her cheeks flushed.

"Go to hell, you disgusting devil, can you think of such a thing?" She said in a loud voice, holding out her pink fist and beating him.

"What? Do you think my technique is bad or something? If not, let's do it again? " He said, pressing on her again.

It's almost evening, and they are still in bed. Fang Xiaoyou just feels that his back is aching and sleepy. Xia Yuchen is the same, after all, it is an individual life, especially for men.

I don't know when, there was a thunderstorm outside, lightning and thunder, but they didn't hear it.

She woke up and looked at him, and he woke up.

"Why don't you get some more sleep?" He asked.

"I want to get us something to eat. It seems to be late." She said.

The sky was dark because of the rain, and there was no other reference, so she instinctively thought it was too late.

"I haven't lived here for a long time. Maybe I have nothing to eat." He said.

"Do you want to eat instant noodles?" She asked.

"Forget it, you can cook it another day!" He pillowed his arm. "I remember that a colleague suggested a very good western restaurant to me. I haven't been there yet. Why don't we try it?"

"I'm hungry -" she said.

In her impression, Western food is not the main meal at all. Although she warned herself to lose weight, as long as she felt a little hungry in her belly, she would like to have a good meal to relieve her hunger. As for weight loss, we'll talk about it after eating.

He couldn't believe that a girl would talk like this. Of course, he didn't know what his surprised expression was at the moment.

"Didn't I feed you just now?" He would always seize every opportunity to amuse her, and then watch her embarrassed and happy.

"No, why do you always think about all these things?" She said.

"Well, get up quickly, let's go out to eat!" He pulled her up and said with a smile.

How can he still laugh when such a big thing happened?

"Do you already have a solution?" She couldn't help thinking so, so she asked.

"There is a way, but it hasn't succeeded yet!" He looked at her. "Don't worry about this. I'll take care of it."

Deal with, is it to marry Yao Jing?

Fang Xiaoyou can't help but think of what Ruxue said that day. Is it only when she leaves that Xia Yuchen will go to the normal track?

"There's something I want to ask for your opinion!" She said.

He gave her a look, which meant to let her say.

"I want to go out and read," she said, glancing at him from time to time. Sure enough, he was surprised.

"Reading? Where to? " He asked.