Gu Xifeng was shocked when he heard the words, "Give me the address quickly."

"Tell me first why you are looking for her?" Mr. Gu wanted to know what purpose Gu Xifeng had in looking for the nanny from more than 20 years ago.

"I want to ask Nianxi about her childhood."

"It's just a nanny, what can she know? You might as well ask me, I know more than the nanny." Mr. Gu thought that Gu Xifeng's conscience found out that he wanted to care about Gu Nianxi.

"Okay, Dad, give me the address, and I'll go find the nanny right away."

Mr. Gu had no choice but to tell Gu Xifeng the address, "No. 3 Chenjia Lane, Binhai."

Gu Xifeng hung up the phone and told Gu Bei, "The nanny has been found, go to No. 3 Chenjia Lane, Binhai."

Gu Bei immediately turned the car around, "Mr. Gu, the nanny has been found, and there is no news about the doctor. The doctors who gave birth to He Wanzhou back then are no longer in Binhai, so it's a bit difficult."

"I know, go ask the nanny first."

After more than an hour, the car stopped at No. 3 Chenjia Lane. Looking at the four-story small building in front of him, Gu Xifeng smiled coldly, "A nanny can live in such a luxurious house. It seems that he has made a fortune?"

"Yeah, at least this house costs tens of millions, right? Could it be that she has picked up gold mines in the past twenty years?"

"Maybe!" Gu Xifeng got out of the car and Gu Bei walked over and rang the doorbell. The door opened quickly, and a middle-aged woman who was a bit fat opened the door.

Seeing Gu Xifeng and Gu Bei standing at the door, the woman was startled and subconsciously wanted to close the door.

Gu Bei held the door with one hand, and Gu Xifeng's eyes fell on the face of the fat middle-aged woman. Although she was getting fatter and older, he recognized at a glance that the woman in front of him was the nanny who took care of Gu Nianxi when he was a child. Gu Xifeng sneered in the woman's eyes, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No... no! Eldest young master... No, Mr. Gu, please come in!" The nanny's eyes flashed with panic, and she stammered a bit.

Gu Xifeng walked in, and Gu Bei followed suit. The nanny led them into the living room at a loss, "Master, sit down! I'll make tea for you!"

"No need, sit down, I have a question to ask you!" The nanny was flustered when she saw Gu Xifeng coming, and planned to make a phone call under the pretext of making tea, but Gu Xifeng didn't give her a chance at all, so she had to sit opposite Gu Xifeng Next, "I don't know what the young master wants to ask me?"

"What happened back then, did you really pinch Nianxi's injuries back then?"

"Yes... I pinched it!" The nanny nodded.

"But what I heard now is not the case. There is something hidden in this matter, so I came to you. You'd better tell me the truth!"

"I really pinched it! I hate Miss He, but I couldn't do anything to her, so I took my anger out on Young Master Nianxi. I already knew I was wrong..."

"Really? I don't have much patience. Let me ask you the last question. Are you sure you are not telling the truth?" Gu Xifeng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

The nanny shrank involuntarily when he saw him, and Gu Bei sneered, "If you don't tell me, then prepare to accept the consequences! Let me tell you, asking you now is because we are giving you a chance. When Mr. Gu is impatient, he won't be so amiable." I talked to you. You may not be afraid of death, but you have to think about your family and children, right?"

"I...I..." The nanny couldn't stand it anymore, she always thought that she would write it off after admitting it, but she never thought that Gu Xifeng would come back after more than 20 years.

She is very clear about the power and methods of the Gu family. She was sent to prison for two years because she admitted to pinching Gu Xifeng to take revenge on He Wanzhou. She did it for the sake of money.

And now if her life is gone and her family has to be hurt, what use is that money to her?

After weighing it for a while, the nanny summoned up the courage to propose a condition, "If I say so, will you let me go? Will everything I own now be taken back?"

"No! As long as you tell the truth, we won't pursue what happened at the beginning, and we will compensate you if it proves that you were wronged."

Hearing what Gu Xifeng said, the nanny thought more and more that he knew what happened back then, and didn't dare to hide it anymore.

"I didn't pinch the young master! No matter how vicious I am, I would never do such a cruel thing to such a young child." The nanny denied that she had pinched Gu Nianxi.

"The injury on the young master was caused by the madam. The madam doesn't know why, she often goes crazy and treats the young master like an enemy. She doesn't give the young master food, doesn't allow us to change the young master's diaper, and sometimes beats the young master , the young master's face was beaten blue by her once, and later the old man came to see the young master and found the young master's face was blue, and asked her what was the matter, she lied to the old man that he fell off the bed by accident. The old man was very angry and told her how many times In other words, after the old man left, the wife lost her temper in the room, called the young master a bastard, and said that she would kill the young master. Later, it was Chen Ma who persuaded her, saying that no matter how much you hate, you have to hold back, and taught the lady to say Don't slap in the face, saying that slapping in the face is easy to be discovered, and then she changed to pinch the young master's body."

After listening to the nanny's words, Gu Xifeng's face was clouded, how could a vicious woman like He Wanzhou be so vicious? For a child who is only a few months old to be able to endure such a cruel hand, what is her heart?

Seeing Gu Xifeng's gloomy face, the nanny was too scared to speak. Gu Xifeng calmed down and said, "Go on."

"Later, the madam started to pinch the young master's body. The young master's body was covered with bruises and purple patches. I felt very distressed when I saw it, but there was nothing I could do. The madam looked gentle and amiable on the surface, but she was really scary in private."

When the nanny thought about what He Wanzhou did back then, her face was full of fear, "Later, the old man came to see the young master and found that the young master was getting thinner and thinner. He thought the young master was sick, so he forced the young master to see a doctor. Madam panicked. I was afraid that the old man would find the scars on the young master's body, so she asked Chen Ma to find me and taught me a set of lies, saying that if the old man asked me, she would let me recognize it, and promised to give me a sum of money. The conditions she offered were too tempting Yes, I promised her."

When leaving Chenjiaxiang, Gu Xifeng's face became more and more serious. No mother would treat her child so cruelly. If this is the case, why did He Wanzhou treat Gu Nianxi like this?

Is it because I treat her badly? She feels resentful?

But in this case, why didn't she get a divorce? Why do you have to marry yourself?

Gu Xifeng couldn't figure it out, Gu Bei was also shocked to the extreme, if it wasn't for Mr. Gu who took Gu Nianxi to his side to raise him, how much suffering would Gu Nianxi suffer when he was a baby?

He glanced at Gu Xifeng in the rearview mirror, "Mr. Gu, what should we do next?"

"I originally wanted to find doctors and nurses to inquire about the situation of the poisonous woman's birth through the hospital where the poisonous woman gave birth, but there was a fire in the hospital, and all the archives were burned. The whereabouts of the doctors and nurses are also unknown, and now there are some troubles."

Gu Xifeng frowned, and suddenly remembered what the nanny said to him, Chen Ma taught He Wanzhou to hit Gu Nianxi not to slap Gu Nianxi in the face, this Chen Ma must have known the inside story after staying by He Wanzhou's side for so many years. Mama Chen made her move.