He Wanzhou didn't expect to hear such bad news, from her heart.

He Wanzhou didn't like Gu Nianxi being favored by Gu Xifeng, but this result was not what she wanted. She married Gu Xifeng. Apart from liking his talent and talent, the Gu family's wealth was also one of the reasons why she liked him.

If Gu Xifeng really drove Gu Nianxi out, wouldn't she be planning for nothing?

Unwilling to fail like this, He Wanzhou immediately asked, "Dad, what should I do now?"

"How do I know?" Mr. He was annoyed.

"Dad, please help Nianxi! I admit that I committed suicide, Nianxi is innocent, he shouldn't have to suffer such a thing. I beg you for Nianxi!" He Wanzhou saw the old man He Unable to bear it, she immediately begged Mr. He to help her.

The reason why Mr. He called her was because he pitied Gu Nianxi, and he sneered.

"If I had known why today, wasn't your father-in-law here? Although Gu Xifeng controls the Gu family now, he is not the only one who has the final say on Gu's shares. Your father-in-law also holds important shares in his hands. Xi go to your father-in-law and talk to him. He won't let it go!"

"I see, I'll pick Nianxi up to see my father-in-law." After hanging up the phone, He Wanzhou's face was full of ferocity.

Mad at her! She would never let Gu Xifeng do this!

In the Binhai Detention Center, Mo Zhendong sat in a small room, staring at the door in a daze.

It's been a while since I've been locked up here, except for eating and sleeping every day, I just stare at the door in a daze.

No one paid any attention to him. If it wasn't for someone delivering meals every day, Mo Zhendong would definitely think that he was forgotten.

No one spoke, and they didn't know what was going on outside. It was too uncomfortable to live like a walking dead. Mo Zhendong felt that he couldn't hold on if this went on.

There were footsteps in the corridor, and Mo Zhendong became excited when he heard the footsteps, he desperately needed someone to talk to him, even if he was asking him, beating him and scolding him was better than leaving him alone.

He immediately stood up and went to the door and looked out the small window on the door. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and stopped at the door, and soon the iron door was opened.

The guard opened the door, "Come out, someone wants to see you!"

Mo Zhendong stepped out the door ecstatically, his mood exploded, "Comrade police officer, who wants to see me?"

"Don't you know when you arrive?" The two guards who mentioned him replied coldly.

Mo Zhendong didn't give up, he hadn't spoken for a long time, "Why hasn't my matter come to fruition yet? When will it come to fruition?"

The two guards who mentioned him ignored him and pushed Mo Zhendong into a room.

In the room, He Yucheng sat on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, and smiled when he saw Mo Zhendong coming in, "Hey, are you doing well? Is the food so good? You have gained a lot of weight?"

"Qi Shao! Qi Shao, are you here to ask me something?" Mo Zhendong asked eagerly.

"Yes!" He Yucheng looked at Mo Zhendong with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "I do have something to ask you when I come to you, and if you answer to my satisfaction, I might consider letting you go out."

"Really? Seventh Young Master, you didn't lie to me?"

"Of course it's true, the premise is that your answer satisfies me!" He Yucheng reminded with an accentuated tone.

"Don't worry, as long as I know, I will know everything without saying anything!"

"Okay, let's get to the point. I want to know all the entanglements between He Wanzhou, Gu Xifeng and Mu Nianxue. Tell me everything you know."

"What should be said last time, I have already said almost, Qi Shao, please give me some direction, I will see what I didn't explain clearly last time, and I will add it now." Mo Zhendong accompanied him with a smiling face.

He didn't like He Yucheng at all before, but after being locked up here for such a long time, he finally understood that the man in front of him is not a libertine, who can keep him alive like a walking dead without being disturbed by He Wanzhou and Sun Guojun's family Needless to say, he is also a ruthless character.

He can't be lucky in the face of such a ruthless character, he can only tell what he knows in exchange for a glimmer of life.

Seeing Mo Zhendong so knowledgeable about current affairs, He Yucheng smiled faintly, "I want to know everything about Mu Nianxue's premature birth and He Wanzhou's pregnancy."

"Nianxue gave birth prematurely when she was about seven months old. At that time, because of He Wanzhou's pregnancy, she kept arguing with Gu Xifeng. He Wanzhou became pregnant more than a month later than Nianxue. Nianxue kept asking Gu Xifeng to show an attitude. , but at that time Gu Xifeng was not the kind of Gu Xifeng who called the wind and rain like he is now, he was under the control of Mr. Gu and Mr. He, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it."

Mo Zhendong began to narrate while recalling, "He Wanzhou was very well protected after she became pregnant and never showed up in public. Gu Xifeng never saw He Wanzhou. A few months passed in a flash. Nian Xue was very anxious and gave Gu Xifeng limited As for the time to settle He Wanzhou's child, Gu Xifeng was still at a loss when the time came, so she had a big fight with Gu Xifeng and threatened to go to the hospital to kill the child. The old man and old man He's bodyguards are too strict, Gu Xifeng has nothing to do, and when Gu Xifeng was looking for He Wanzhou, something happened to Nian Xue."

He Yucheng snorted, "What happened?"

"Speaking of which, this incident has something to do with your mother, Qi Shao. At that time, when Nian Xue was returning home, she had a slight collision with Qi Shao's mother's car on the road. I was not at the scene, but I heard that your mother was frightened. Your mother was also pregnant with you. After the collision happened, the maid in charge of taking care of her got out of the car and started cursing. She verbally humiliated Nian Xue, saying that she was pregnant before marriage and she had no shame. Nian Xue was just out of breath The maid slapped her across the face, and then your mother's bodyguard beat Nian Xue violently, punched Nian Xue in the abdomen, and pushed her to the ground. Nian Xue was rushed to the hospital afterward. It was a stillborn baby, Gu Xifeng was very angry when he found out, thinking that Nian Xue deliberately killed the child in order to threaten him, so he rushed to the ward and had a big fight with Nian Xue."

He Yucheng frowned, "What happened next?"

"Nian Xue lost her beloved son and was furious. She hated your mother very much. After she was discharged from the hospital and saw your mother again, she went to argue with your mother. That happened when she pushed and pushed your mother, causing her to bleed and die."

After Mo Zhendong finished speaking, he carefully glanced at He Yucheng's face, "Qi Shao, I always thought that these two incidents were a conspiracy, maybe it was He Wanzhou's conspiracy."

"Tell me?"

"He Wanzhou must have used everything to marry Gu Xifeng. The so-called conflict between your mother and Nian Xue must have been designed by He Wanzhou. Later, your mother was pushed by Nian Xue to have an accident. It should also be He Wanzhou's work. for."