Poplar: is the national online loan going to start?

Big crab: it's crazy to think about it.

Monk takes shuttle: who dares to borrow online loan? Those debt collectors will force you to die!

Poor student: I know there are no fewer than 10 students who are forced to death by the debt collectors of online loan companies.

They have plenty of means to cure you.

When a group of people finished, Jiang Chen frowned.

Indeed, these debt collectors are the most damn people.

"OK, I announce that all those who urge the debt of online loan companies are regarded as national thieves!

The national thief wants to harm our Saha youth. All our Saha people can be killed. All courts judge you innocent!

In addition, here I advise all those who urge loans in Saha to leave this industry from today.

Otherwise, once caught, it will be a capital crime! "

After Jiang Chen finished, he decided to dispatch all the military and police forces.

He demanded that there must be at least one armed policeman or soldier in every city and street in the Saha region to ensure the safety of those lenders.

Moreover, these soldiers Jiang Chen signed a special decree that they could shoot first and then try.

Anyway, in Jiang Chen's place, everyone must abide by the rules set by him. If you don't, you will die.

Lotus blossoms: OK. As long as the leader says so, what are we waiting for?

Qingxi wave: let's go! Now there is no lower limit for online lending. As long as there is an ID card, they dare to bring you 70000 or even 100000.

Xiaoqingcao: students can borrow up to 10000 yuan.

But this 10000 is enough. We can borrow 10000 students for one student, that's 100 million.

What's more, the total number of high school and university students in Saha has now exceeded 15 million.

Now those foreign online loan platforms are going to cry.

After a group of people finished, Jiang Chen nodded.

If you want to fight, you have to take them by surprise, so Jiang Chen decided to do it now.

"Well, now all the brothers and sisters of Saha, all the schools of SAHA have stopped classes to stop work.

For the future of children and the future of Saha, all go to various online loan platforms to borrow money.

Borrow as much as you have. After borrowing the money, the money will be yours!

If a loan urging company comes to urge the loan, please take to the streets. From now on, each street will be equipped with an armed police.

Go to find the help of the armed police, who have the right to kill the debt collector directly! "

Jiang Chen said that he had registered several well-known online loan platforms.

At the same time, after all parties in the Saha region received information on cracking down on online loan platforms.

They're all on the move.

Sahara Tourism College, as the first university in the Sahara region, is the most beautiful university base in Saha.

At the same time, as the school with the largest production of film and television stars in Saha, every student here is the object of attention of the online loan platform.

Other ordinary university students can borrow 50000 yuan alone.

But at Saha Tourism College, students here can borrow 100000 or even 200000.

After receiving a phone call from the General Administration of education of Saha, the president of the Tourism College personally organized students to make loans.

At first, the students didn't cooperate. For the students who could come to Saha Tourism College, their families didn't care about the 100000 and 200000.

They are more concerned that their children's identity information will not be disclosed.

However, under the authorization of Jiang Chen, Saha district has used a standby identity information system for all students.

In the Saha area, all personnel have two identity systems.

A device system is the identity system they usually use.

Another identity system is the identity system replaced after the identity system has problems.

In order to completely crack down on the online loan platform, the second identity system was directly enabled in Saha area.

Therefore, the first life system will be abolished in a day.

After solving the information leaked by the identity, at the call of the leader.

Nearly 20000 teachers and students of Sahara Tourism College have registered and applied for various online loan platforms.

At the same time, nearly dozens of universities such as Castle Peak University, Caoyuan College of Qingbei University, futuretown University and Saha Electric Power University have also implemented the student loan policy.

Not only colleges and universities, but also all junior and senior high school students have entered the ranks of loans.

Student loans, corporate employee loans, and even those who travel to the Saha region.

In just five hours, nearly 70000 online loan platforms in Saha were registered by tens of millions of people.

After registering the account number of the online loan platform, we began to make fast loans. The lending speed of this online loan platform is particularly fast.

Especially those students and new working women.

In less than six hours, sahab directly borrowed nearly 10 billion from tens of thousands of online loan platforms.

This is a huge sum of money.

At the moment, the headquarters are the major online loan platforms in China and other countries and regions, almost crazy.

These online loan platforms have their own profit model.

Their eyes are on those girls who are short of money. They use the advantages of fast online lending to attract female students.

When female students take the bait, their interest will increase rapidly.

When female students can't afford to pay interest, they will force female students to accompany all kinds of bosses.

And make a profit from it.

Nearly a million people in Saha have registered their accounts. How can they not be excited?

Moreover, the Saha region is a big market.

Most of the tourists who come to Saha are rich people. These rich people want to shut down the beautiful landscape of SAHA.

They also want to experience a wonderful trip in the Saha region.

Therefore, these online loan platforms will force female students to spend the night with rich tourists at high prices.

"Great! Contact the marketing department immediately and tell those small bosses who want to cook meat.

Now we can go to Saha area. When they arrive, our first batch of sows can be supplied.

By the way, tell them that they are all students. It's absolutely refreshing for them! "

At the headquarters of Pipi shrimp online loan platform company, the boss was excited after receiving the online loan information from thousands of students.

Pipi shrimp online loan company is an online loan platform not very large in China.

But Pipi shrimp online loan company is the real culprit behind the Luo Hui incident.

After Pipi shrimp net loan company lent money to the Saha area, nearly thousands of thugs raised by Pipi shrimp net loan company in the Saha area began to go out.

Late at night, when the thugs spread to the streets.

At the moment, Jiang Chen has arrived at the future city law building.

The law building is the seat of the Legislative Council and the Law Association. It is the seat of law making in the whole Saha region.

"Is everyone here?"

In an office with a large cloth, Jiang Chen walked around in a hurry.

"Peter will be there in a minute!"

As soon as Guan hurried finished, the door creaked, and a white man in his 60s came outside.

The daytime old man is not very tall and a little fat.

"The Legislative Council has passed by a unanimous vote and can now sign for implementation!"

When Peter finished, Jiang Chen waved to the two men.

"Then hurry up. I think those online loan platform companies must have started now!"