Hearing that he was going to be executed, Wang Yongchuan flopped and knelt on the ground: "leader, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me!

I am willing to donate all my money to Saha to make contributions. Just spare my life! "

"Brother Jiang, Yongchuan group can't fall!

We can't let tens of thousands of people lose their jobs just because of one child!

Moreover, Yongchuan group pays 200 million tax to the municipal government every year. On this point, we have to keep boss Wang! "

After Zhang Hongyong finished, Jiang Chen could understand why Zhang Hongyong had to keep this guy.

In the eyes of these politicians, they have no fairness and justice.

What they can see is always interest.

Yes, the life of a little girl is certainly not as good as the job opportunities of tens of thousands of people.

A little girl's face can't offset the tax of 1 billion a year.

However, they just forgot the original intention that Jiang Chen asked them to abide by.

"Xiao Zhang, I know your ability is outstanding.

If I didn't urge them to jointly recommend you, I wouldn't let you be the mayor of Castle Peak city.

But you let me down.

You only have money in your eyes. You forget the most basic principles of life!

The reason why people are human is that everyone's life is equal.

If he deprives others of their lives, he must pay his life for it!

I don't care how many jobs he can solve, and I don't care what relatives he has.

As long as this man commits a crime, he must die. This is my principle and the principle of SAHA! "

When Jiang Chen finished word by word, the whole court suddenly remembered a round of applause.

At the same time, Jiang Chen's live studio burst in an instant.

What else can we say about such a leader?

The north wind blows: give me a dozen such leaders!

Jiangnan night: people-oriented, this is the real people-oriented ah!

Little frog: tears flow down in an instant. Others say that ordinary people can't fight the rich.

But today leaders have shown us that no matter how rich or powerful you are.

In front of Saha, all life is equal!

Just when a group of people were in a mess moved by Jiang Chen, Zhang Hongyong also lowered his head at the moment.

"Brother Jiang, I'm sorry! I have betrayed your trust and violated Saha's principles.

I beg your pardon! "

"Everyone has one and only one chance. I won't hire you again in my life.

Just find his way!

On the road to politics, I must level this bowl of water.

I must let every Saha official know that he should keep his heart and principle.

Otherwise, even if you become a big official, you will lose everything in an instant! "

When Jiang Chen finished, Zhang Hongyong nodded.

"Thank brother Jiang for waking me up. I will work harder to repay Saha!"

Jiang Chen ignored Zhang Hongyong.

Because Jiang Chen knows that as long as he is a talent, he will shine in every line and industry.

It's like gold. No darkness can block his light.

"All stand up!"

Judge Li Mingliang sounded the hammer.

Everyone stood up, and Jiang Chen was no exception.

This is the minimum respect for the law.

"The court officially pronounced the judgment in accordance with the relevant regulations of the law on the protection of minors and the student law of Qingshan city.

Prisoner Wang Yongchuan was sentenced to death for several crimes and executed immediately! "

In order to restore the reputation of the Saha court and prevent Wang Yongchuan's people from making trouble outside.

So Li Mingliang sentenced him to death on the spot and executed him immediately.

After the results came out, Luo Hui's family hugged each other and wept.

Justice may be late, but justice will never be absent!

After leaving the court, it was afternoon.

At the moment, the news that Wang Yongchuan was sentenced to death has spread all over the network.

While praising Judge Li Mingliang, the number of people paying attention to Jiang Chen's live broadcast has doubled.

Qingshan City freedom tower, which is the tallest building in Qingshan city.

Jiang Chen stood on the top of the tower and looked at the whole city in the distance.

He is like a hen. No matter the wind or rain, he will always stretch out his wings to protect the children hiding under his wings.

Jiang Chen is just a little tired. He doesn't know how long he can guard them.

He doesn't know whether justice will defeat evil forever.

"From next year, at the end of each year, I will broadcast live to solve problems that we can't solve.

If one day I die, let my future crown prince take over my position and help you continue to solve problems at the end of each year.

If one day my crown prince is unwilling to solve the problem for everyone, you have the right to let him leave Saha! "

When Jiang Chen finished, the people in front of the screen were moved.

How can such a person who is dedicated to the people not be moved?

Pingjiang month: anchor, take care of yourself! The Saharan people need you. I think people all over the world need you!

Young man: brother, let me understand what responsibility is.

Others are kings for generations to enjoy.

When you are king, you want to serve the people and work for the people from generation to generation!

Such a kingdom, as his people, we have no reason not to love him!

Little orange lantern: brother Jiang, just solving a small boss still doesn't solve the root problem.

In fact, the mastermind behind this matter is the online loan company.

These online loan companies have reached out to all campuses in Saha.

If we don't stop them now, they will destroy a lot of young people!

So, brother Jiang, just help those children!

Xiaoju said, and a group of people nodded and agreed.

Uncle giraffe: Yes, the online loan company specializes in those girls. They are not human.

Pineapple: it hurts to think about how many girls are urged to be young ladies because of online loans.

And those debt collectors were even more terrible. I saw a group of loan collectors press a girl and throw her in the car.

The girl came back dressed upside down.

Little rabbit: brother Jiang, help them!

In the past, online lending only occurred in other countries, and they have not extended their tentacles to the Saha region.

Until one day, a bold man extended his tentacle to the campus of Saha, and he tasted the sweetness.

So more people rushed here.

Jiang Chen knows that online loans must not appear in the Saha region.

He also absolutely does not allow online loans to appear in the Saha region.

However, what bothered him was that most of these online loan companies were not in China.

They are like gambling companies on many websites.

The company is set up abroad. You can't manage it.

"Rest assured, since I am in charge of this matter today, I must completely solve it.

From now on, I declare that all online loan companies are illegal companies in Saha area.

All students who borrow money from the online loan platform do not have to repay a penny!

From now on, as long as they dare to lend you money, you will.

I'll make them lose their lives. I'll make them don't want to take back a dime! "

The online loan companies in Saha are easy to solve, and the most difficult to solve are those foreign companies.

But Jiang Chen has come up with a way. From now on, all Saha students go to lend me online loans.

They don't have to repay all the money they borrowed,.

Jiang Chen doesn't believe it. It can't cure those online loan companies!