Chapter 415

Before the upheaval of Qinghe faction, the most surprising thing for the outside world was why Qinghe took such a large piece of land. Because of its cutting-edge enterprises and sufficient funds, the local government in Los Angeles also gave it the green light all the way. This land was originally 12 landmarks, because it was difficult for a company to take such a large amount of land.

However, when Qinghe group saw the bidding, Ren He directly chose to win all of them, which is also a big hand in Los Angeles.

Therefore, some people outside speculated that the internal turmoil of Qinghe would be related to this land acquisition.

But the reality is startling.

Until this time, old Ren and Ren's mother still had some unreal feeling in their hearts. Ren's mother suddenly said, "can we go to Qinghe with you for a visit?"

Ren He was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "yes, I just want to call on senior executives to talk about cooperation with Luohe group."

This time it's Ren Ma's turn: "what cooperation?"

It's really uncomfortable for her son to talk about cooperation with him, but she is deeply proud of Ren He.

The leader of the Qinghe group and the Qinghe faction in his hands that are constantly discussed outside, as well as the process of the Qinghe faction that has been made into PPT to analyze and study this new phenomenon level enterprise of the Internet.

Why research? Because it's successful.

And Ren Ma now knows that it's all about her son

Ren He thought of Ren Ma's white hair and suddenly said, "Mom, don't be too tired. You can't make all the money."

Originally should be sensational, the result of any mother glanced at him: "children know what."

Ren He was so confused at that time that he turned over so fast. He was shocked just now. Now he is a child again?!

However, in the hearts of parents, children are always children.

Although it's new year's Eve, the Qinghe clique just had a big change yesterday. At this moment, the whole building of Qinghe building is brightly lit. At least one third of them didn't go home for the new year, but stayed to work overtime.

For them, they can't wait to see the future of Qinghe.

It's all voluntary. In principle, except for the necessary personnel on duty, Qinghe gives everyone a holiday until the 15th day of the first lunar month.

When the holiday people come back, the people on duty can take double time off, so there are a lot of people willing to be on duty, 15 days for 30 days, why not?

Ren He and Ren Ma come to Qinghe building, but Lao Ren doesn't follow. He is an official of the main political party. Most of the night, a private enterprise will send out many signals to let others guess. It's better not to come.

However, he didn't come today. For a period of time after that, the staff of Qinghe obviously felt that the secretary came to Qinghe more frequently and would come to Qinghe for inspection from time to time.

Others don't know what he thinks. He thinks that Secretary Ren may pay more attention to the emergence of such a leading Internet company in his jurisdiction. However, every time he comes to Qinghe, he also thinks, let's see his son's achievements

This is a real sense of pride. Other people's children are still in school, and their own children are worth billions. Lao Ren can't avoid vulgarity.

When Ren Ma and Ren He drove to the downstairs of Qinghe building, Ren Ma was filled with emotion when she saw the brightly lit Qinghe building. Even her Luohe group could not have such a cohesive force.

Ren He used his ideals, dreams, life and interests to tie the Qinghe faction up and down to a chariot. When the chariot concerns the interests of all, it can't stop.

Whoever makes it stop will be the enemy of tens of thousands of Qinghe employees in the future.

Ren Ma can't figure out how her 17-year-old son has become so evil. She and Lao Ren have never taught him this.

Is gene good?

If you let Ren he know what Ren Ma is thinking now, it's estimated that she can't laugh or cry. What's related to genes?!

Ren He takes Ren Ma to Qinghe building. The beauty on duty at the front desk downstairs is very excited when she sees Ren He. The previous annual meeting was attended by all members, so she knows who Ren He is.

If she can't remember the most dazzling person in the meeting all night, she must be blind

Now the reputation of Ren He in Qinghe faction is not as simple as the employment relationship between the chairman and the boss, but a symbol of worship.

The beauty at the front desk said excitedly: "Hello, big boss, you are still in the company so late. They are still working overtime upstairs."

The beauty at the front desk has always welcomed Ren He to the elevator and helped them press the elevator before returning to her post. In Luohe group, only Ren Ma can enjoy the treatment, and there are more than that. When she returns to Luohe group, there will be a group of people waiting for her.

In this process, the beauty has been secretly aiming at Ren Ma, and can't guess the relationship between Ren Ma and the big boss. Ren Ma is also very calm, and doesn't say a word in the whole process.

This is her first time to visit the interior of Qinghe. In the past, she wanted to visit it through her working relationship. Unexpectedly, this is her son's one mu three Fen land.

This kind of feeling is wonderful for Ren ma. In the past, even if she asked for a visit from any company, most enterprises would pick up and send them away in order to maintain the relationship with Luohe group. This time they just two people so ordinary came in, only the front desk in the post to meet, no bureaucratic courtesy, others are still busy upstairs. You know, Ren Hegang just called and said he would come back for a meeting, but now there is no one downstairs. If you are an ordinary enterprise, Ren Ma will think that this is the reason why the boss's position is not stable. However, Qinghe is different. It is like a young man who has made great strides forward. It can leave behind the bureaucratic tradition that has been formed in the secular world. There is no rigid system, but only the spirit of courage. When Ren He and Ren Ma arrived at the office on the 17th floor, the busy crowd saw Ren He's first reaction was to stand up and shout good evening to the big boss, and then began to joke: "the big boss didn't bring us supper this evening. It's rare!" Ren He also laughed and scolded: "you hundreds of people, can I buy them? I'll go downstairs and eat them myself." In the past, people said that the ecology of Internet companies is generally younger, especially Qinghe group. Ren Ma didn't believe it at that time. In her opinion, a company is not a company. What is young or not? Performance is the most important thing. But now in Qinghe group, she finally understands how Ren He has achieved the present achievements. Ren He's farsightedness is true. As the leader behind the scenes, his prestige in Qinghe is also true. All this is true. Ren Ma finally has a sense of reality. She can't help but start to be proud of her son, this is her Ru min's son Ten thousand rewards plus more