Chapter 413

In the impression of Lao Ren and Ren Ma, there seems to be nothing more brilliant for their son except that his grades have improved recently, and their own requirements for Ren He are just a safe life, and the foundation laid by Ren Ma is enough for him to enjoy his whole life.

But now they look at the opposite Ren He, how can they not figure out that this is their ordinary son?

After learning what Ren He is doing, Ren's mother suddenly finds that Ren He really has a kind of leader temperament.

It's no wonder that when Ren he proposed not to pay to rent the store, Ren He would cut off the other party's thoughts with a sharp cut.

In fact, if Ren he founded Qinghe group, he not only made money, but also showed his deep understanding of the future Internet economy.

This also makes Ren Ma and Lao Ren clearly understand that their son's success today is absolutely not accidental, not the feeling that the upstarts seem to have picked up a lottery ticket, but everything that they really get with their own efforts.

It's different.

Many people are now advocating the theory that reading is useless. Those who have not studied in university are also the richest people. Those who have dropped out of school are rising instead. Many such examples are like bowls of poisonous chicken soup before people's eyes.

But as a matter of fact, whether reading is useful or not, Ren He can't give a specific judgment, but not reading doesn't mean ignorance can succeed.

Nowadays, the requirements of the times for the winners are more and more stringent. Those who are really successful are not always charging to increase their foundation.

If you don't read, you have to have wisdom, or a means to settle down.

Before Ren He's poor in study, Ren Ma didn't say much about him, but in fact, she didn't pay much attention to him, and even never enrolled him in any cram school.

Now Ren He doesn't just drop out of school. Instead, he studies in NO.4 middle school while starting a business, which makes Ren Ma feel relieved

If you let her know that Ren He has gone to the United States quietly, I don't know how she will feel. Now Ren He just reveals everything about Qinghe, but the specific knight, little professor and so on have not been said, and dare not say.

It's no sense to go abroad and play extreme sports on her own. Let's wait a little longer and let Ren Ma feel that she is too lawless

At this time, Ren Ma asked, "how do you balance study and work?"

"Well, be a shake off shopkeeper. In the early days, everything was done by oneself. Now it's just 13 reports a day. It's a complete decentralization. The president promises that he can exercise now," Ren He Dan explains painfully. Ren Ma is the kind of person who worries about everything no matter what stage the enterprise is in, but she is trying to save trouble, However, he also stressed: "in fact, the reason why the Qinghe faction now has the strength to spread its branches and leaves is that my decentralization and ideas have really cultivated so many elders who can be independent. If I have to take charge of everything, they will be timid in doing things and raise only domestic slaves."

This words let Ren Ma a Leng, old Ren pondered and said: "I really have a feeling, you Qinghe executives are not humble, never this matter, I report to the boss, too many things they can make the decision."

"Well, I personally think that after the enterprise management reaches this level, I think I can control people and money," Ren He said calmly. In fact, he is proud of the emergence of so many independent executives in Qinghe group.

It's too easy to see echoers in modern enterprises. As a director or deputy general manager, they dare not make decisions or take responsibility for small things. What's the use of Ren He's senior executives? In the end, they are tired.

Some people have said that Ren he agrees that a boss who can leave the company for 24 hours is a company with sound management system.

Ren He is more than 24 hours away, 24 days, 24 weeks

Of course, today's network is also developed, and video conference is available at any time. When Ren He was in New York, he held meetings with senior executives for the sake of Assassin's creed, but it was all for the purpose of reaching a directional consensus. Generally speaking, he kept it free.

This can also be explained by Ren He's different from the mentality of most entrepreneurs. He clearly has rich experience in his previous life, but he doesn't care too much about money. He always maintains the mentality of an ordinary person: one turret alone is enough to spend

Before, Ren He was worried about the emergence of a overlord in the communication software industry, relying on the user group to create a Shanzhai turret game to compete with him for the market. Now he decides to play it himself, and the turret will be more comfortable

Ren Ma and Lao Ren have been silent for a long time. They haven't yet delivered Ren He a huge amount of information to them. To tell you the truth, they are all people who have seen strong winds and waves. If they watched Ren he slowly make Qinghe, they would never be as shocked as they are today.

However, the fact is that Ren He's performance before and after is so different. He was an ordinary high school student one moment ago, but he became a multi billion dollar enterprise leader the next moment, and even one of the leaders in the Internet industry today

The Internet industry is special. In this new world, the influence of leadership is far higher than that of those big men in the real economy. My son's worth billions now? I've worked hard to control his economy before! It's a hair. It can't be controlled! In fact, the most gratifying thing before Ren He was was that old Ren and Ren Ma respected him. Just like last year, he put forward the thinking about the operation mode of Luohe commercial real estate center, and Ren Ma has adopted it now. Many enterprises still keep the policy of only renting but not selling when they march on the road of commercial real estate. As a result, they have very serious problems in their capital chain. Now Luohe real estate is still healthy, and even has the opportunity to sprint to a higher position. Because a good capital chain means better development prospects and speed. Lao Ren doesn't feel much, but Ren Ma is different. She now thinks that it's not accidental for Ren He to say that at this time last year. In fact, she pretends to be innocent to remind herself! Now think about it, I heard it. The way Ren Ma looks at Ren He now is like looking at an excellent member of a think-tank. At the beginning, the think-tank did not come up with a complete plan. She only said that financing is the only way to make enterprise funds healthy. At present, the debt ratio of Luohe real estate is 38.7%, most of which are interest bearing loans such as bank loans, trusts and overseas bonds. This is already a leader in the real estate industry!