Chapter 412

On the eve of the new year's Eve, the whole world is a bit strange for Lao Ren and Ren Ma, just because there is a monster at home that people never thought of.

In fact, Ren He's judgment is correct. At night, he roughly judged from Ren Ma's tone that Ren Ma is optimistic about Qinghe group.

In Ren He's case, it's useless for others to think highly of it. First, he doesn't need financing. Second, it's a foregone conclusion that others don't think highly of the Qinghe faction.

Ren Ma is really good, which means that he can tell the truth.

As long as the knight is not mentioned, it seems that he is safe.

Ren He continued: "in Qinghe group, the core content of the simultaneous establishment of 18 Qinghe clique subsidiary companies is to change life. How to change it? It's to make people's life more and more convenient. "

"Qinghe search can make people bid farewell to the era of portal website, Qinghe payment can make people bid farewell to the era of cash, Qinghe mall can make people enter the era of nationwide marketing, Qinghe TQ communication can make the whole Internet social connected, and Qinghe microblog can make the Internet enter the era of information explosion..."

Ren He respectively talked about the core values of the 18 branches of Qinghe, and then explained in detail his understanding of some key points in the development path of these 18 branches.

At first, Lao Ren and Ren's mother felt that this kind of blind expansion was a bit of a joke, but now it seems that Ren Heyi is really like that.

Ren Ma used to think that these things should all cost money. In the past, it seemed that everyone in the portal website was throwing money, but now Ren He told them the simplest truth in the Internet: content is king, users win.

If you have active users, you are the winner. If you don't have active users, you are the opposite.

Why the big guys in the Internet always emphasize how many users they have, even monthly active users. This is the real truth of the Internet.

Just imagine that the net celebrities with a high number of fans on microblog can earn more than 10 million yuan. The ultimate essence of the fan economy is human beings. To put it bluntly, advertisers are still looking at the number of active users of the net celebrities and how much real money they will put in.

It's just that the user's name has become "fan.".

"The Internet economy is bound to come. Now let me analyze the impact of Qinghe in my hand on my mother's commercial complex. When the online mall, an industry that does not need store rent and decoration costs, develops, its commodity prices will be much lower than those of stores, and they are all door-to-door services, This leads to more and more people giving up the idea of offline purchase. When the store business is not good, it will be inevitable for the store rent to plunge collectively, "Ren He seriously analyzed.

When he finished, he felt relieved. It was really hard for him to sneak into the company. It should be a very happy thing: he was independent, he could make money, he had the foresight that ordinary people didn't have, but he could only travel in the evening.

Ren he calmly looks at Lao Ren and Ren Ma, waiting for their reaction.

However, at this point, Ren's mother was not too touched even when she heard that the store rent would plunge. At this time, both old Ren and Ren's mother were very sure that their son was indeed the founder of the Qinghe faction. If he was lying, it was impossible for him to explain this in such detail.

The future development of the 18 Qinghe clique companies is complicated in the whole business field. No one can guarantee that Qinghe clique is right or wrong in this step. But now they have heard a more detailed and logical version from Ren He. They have determined that Qinghe clique has really played a big game for the establishment of an Internet empire! advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step!

Relying on Qinghe game to develop Qinghe TQ communication, when TQ has the largest user group in China, it does bundle operation with Qinghe mall and Qinghe payment. Qinghe mall can even appear in the built-in system of TQ at the beginning, and then split it out after forming. The bundle of Qinghe payment is reflected in game recharge and red packets.

It can even be said that the red envelope is the future trump card of Qinghe group in terms of Qinghe payment.

Lao Ren and Ren Ma are dizzy now. Can a red envelope be so wonderful? But Ren He knows that this thing is so divine.

Usually, he didn't bother to pick up a dollar on the ground. As a result, when the red envelope just came out, he was not happy to snatch five cents.

Although most people's mind of playing red envelope was faded later, red envelope did help wechat successfully bundle a large number of paying users at the beginning.

She asked the question she most wanted to ask: "how to distribute the equity of Qinghe group?"

Now Qinghe group is always standing in front of the stage with 21 leaders of Qinghe faction. They have never seen Ren He appear in front of any media, so they are considering a question: who is the real leader in Qinghe?

Ren He thought for a moment and said: "Qinghe group is controlled by 97% of shares and promised 3%, while its subordinate subsidiary companies are absolutely controlled by Qinghe group. The partnership system allows the executives of Qinghe clique to go out to own 10% - 12% of shares."

Ren He's quiet, but it's obviously different from Ren Ma's and Lao Ren's ears. They all know the concept of 97% absolute holding. That is to say, Ren He, who is sitting in front of them now, is actually the real behind the scenes helmsman of a huge family, who has never thought of making any achievements in the business field.

It's a shock to build a huge empire without showing the mountains, without showing the water, without saying a word, without telling your family. How old is Ren He? I was only 17 years old. What was Lao Ren doing when he was 17 years old? Lao Ren joined the army at the age of 16. At the age of 17, he was studying hard to prepare for the military academy. At that time, the military academy he was admitted to was just a junior college. What's Ren Ma doing when she's 17? Ren Ma joined the army at the age of 18. When she was 17, she was still in high school. Indeed, Qinghe group is nothing compared with Luohe group in Ren Ma's hands, but can the development speed of Luohe group compare with Qinghe group? Ren Ma is careful study of the Qinghe group valuation inflation rate will be so interested in this enterprise. But these are not the most important. At this time, Lao Ren and Ren Ma found that Ren He, who was sitting quietly on the opposite sofa, had a kind of upper bearing. Just now, when Ren he described the future prospects of Qinghe group in detail, he had a very clear organization, which could let Lao Ren and Ren Ma experience how big the next game of Qinghe group was. Lao Ren and Ren Ma look at each other, this is their own son?!