Yes, you want power…

Yes, you want to be famous…

Yes, you lie...

Yes, you argue that everyone lie…

Yes, you are also one of those who hates those who lie to you aren't you…

Yes, you are hungry for power but is it worth losing what's important to you for power…

Yes, being famous is a good thing but are you sure you are prepared for the pain and suffering that it might bring upon you, are you prepared to share everything of yours with everyone…

Yes, you are also one of those people who dream big but doesn't want to work enough for it…

Yes, you had enough It's about time to look back and ask for the possible and when you succeed then ask for impossible…

Yes, when you achieve something impossible it turns another possible thing…

Yes, this is how the world works…

Yes, you have to learn how to move on not stuck at the same place forever.

Yea, it's about time you stand up and take a little walk…

Ok enough with motivational words because we are returning to the main story…


After they were finished eating their breakfast Neo together with Tsubaki and Akane walked toward the main gate...

When Neo tried to go through the door it didn't open and he got hit by the clean glass door and shouted " Dad the door is not working again… " while rubbing his nose.

"Neo are you hurt anywhere… " Tsubaki quickly came to him and asked while rubbing herself to him.

"Youg master let me see where you are hurt… " Akane said while taking advantage of the opportunity and run her hand aimlessly on Neo's body.

"I am fine, let me go you two. " Neo said while separating himself from them with some efforts.

After the completion calms down Hiro looked at the door and said with a sigh "I think we should install some normal doors as well I have enough with his high technology. "

"It wasn't his fault because you are the one who said you want him to make this place automatic and he did but we are suffering from it all. " Roka said with an annoyed tone.

"How can you say it's all my fault Roka you know I did everything for everyone but nobody cares about my feelings. " Hiro said with a defeated tone.

"I am going dad the door opened automatically. " Neo said getting out of the hose.

"See the door is perfect, I knew my decision is right. " As soon as the door started working Hiro said with a proud laugh.

" …. " Roka and Shuri looked at Hiro speechlessly and that 'He is really seamless but it is good Neo is not like him at least. '


After a few minutes of walk, the 3 kids finally arrived at the primary school…

"Are they new students???  " A long red hair girl asked the short glasses girl beside behind her seat.

"Yes, I think they are new students because I have never seen them before in school. " The girl with short hair said while fixing her glasses.

"That two girls look kind of different don't you think??? " Red hair girl said with a serious tone.

"Yes, I think they possess magic or something of sorts. " Short black hair girl said looking at the 3 people entering through the gates then asked her friend "But I can't feel anything from that boy in the middle and from the looks he seems pretty close to them. "

"I wonder which class they will be in??? " the red-haired girl said looking interestingly at them.

As they were talking suddenly the bell rang…

"I will be going now you take care of yourself Sona also tells me if any of them join your class.  " The red-haired girl said while standing up.

"You too Rias. "Sona said taking out a notebook from her bag.


At the same time...

"Ow, that boy looks like a so handsome lie a tv model don't you think Kenichi. " Umiko asked looking at Neo.

"You are right Umiko and those two girls also look beautiful beside him. " Amara said with a laugh.

"what do you mean by that Amara don't you think I am beautiful??? " Umiko asked angrily because she also thought the same.

"No no no I didn't mean to say that you are the most beautiful girl in the school Umiko. " Amara said hurriedly.

"No, you are right they are almost as beautiful as that red-haired girl Rias from class 2-A. " Umiko said with a sigh.

"No Umiko don't be sad you aren't any worse than her you are even better than her in some aspect Umiko. " Kenichi said trying to cheer her up.

"Really Kenichi??? " Umiko asked with doubt.


After getting some directions they had finally arrived at the principal's office…

"May we come in sir??? " Neo asked with a smile arrived at the principal office.

"Yes come in. " Principal said putting his pen down.